Well, I thought I would update...
We had a few days that went really well. She even drank 3 oz from her sippy one morning before breakfast. But after 3 good days, she completely turned cold towards it and would just throw it and start crying! I don't know why, other than I think she is getting a tooth bc of how fussy she has been. So, I opted to give it a days rest so she didn't develop negative feelings towards her cup. This afternoon I filled her cup with water on our way out to town and gave it to her while we shopped, and miraculously she drank from it like it was no big deal! So tomorrow morning I will try offering the milk in her sippy before meals and bottle times again.
Also, can anyone relate to this?... DD pretty much won't have ANYTHING to do with her sippy while she's sitting in her high chair. Once I sit her in it, she expects food and will either push the cup out of the way of throw it down. SO, the way I have been getting her to drink milk from it (on the 3 good days we had) was to sit in the living room floor with her. She'll either climb in my lap to drink or sit right beside me. Is this normal or just her personality? DH thinks maybe she's just like me, bc I don't drink either during my meals. ( I know, he tells me I'm weird, haha!) Just wondering if anyone could relate to that.
Robin, that's great that your DD has taken so well to her new sippy cup! Hope things continue to go well for you!