Oh Paula, i'm afraid I dont have much to suggest but just wanted to give you some massive hugs, as believe it or not we're in the same boat!!!
J has been refusing his PM nap for about a week now
I have tried....
- Pushing his morning nap back as late as possible and letting him sleep as long as he wants, then a catnap in the car late afternoon: he wont sleep more than either 45 mins or 1hr 10mins in the morning, no matter what time I put him down
On these days he's had a longer AM nao he has flat out refused a PM nap, meaning he's been having 5/6/7hr A times and early bt's.
- Pushing his morning nap back still, but limiting it to 45mins (its usually an hour that I wake him after anyway)....then putting him down for his pm nap after 3 hours A time...
*1st day it worked fine, went straight to sleep for the pm nap but only slept for 1hr 10 mins.
*2nd day went straight to sleep after 3.5hrs (stretched him due to short nap prev day) A time but woke after 45 mins OT.
*3rd day 3hrs 20mins A time slept for 1hr 20 mins
*today, 3hrs 10mins A time woke after 45 mins obviously OT, crying/rubbing eyes etc.
PLUS, he has started waking after 45 mins form the AM nap by himself. I can onoly think that he is OT as we get 45min naps from that too.
So I too am at a loss, I seem to have tried all sorts and nothings working! Also having nw's/ew's, luckily nw's are usually before 10pm but it can take up to 2 hrs for him to go back to sleep. He is SOOO OT. He is teething so I have given him Medised at bedtime the past 2 nights and he's sttn no wakings, but I cant give it to him forever and I know tonight will be awful as he's only had 1.5hrs today.
Sorry I cant be of more help, just wanted you to know you're not alone! Have you tried limiting the first nap to 45 mins yet?