huge {{{{{hugs}}}}} Nicole.
I know exactly how you feel. I feel like I'm constantly feeling like you do right now, every time I have it figured out it changes. And it doesn't just kind of change. It changes a lot.
Didn't yesterday's naps go well?? Did you try those same A times?? I just have a feeling that 3.5 hours is too much for Erika. But I might be wrong. I think Abi is the only LO right now who is doing that much A time for the second nap right now.
Paula - thanks for asking. Now that I lowered the A times things went really well today. He did the long A time before bed fine. He got pretty cranky around 6, so I took him to bed, and he was having none of it. So I took JenK's advice and just brought him back out. But him down at 7 and he was asleep independently no problem within 10 min. So he did 2:30-7.
Oh Nicole - I've been meaning to mention to you. I gave JenK and Jean this advice and it worked really well for both of them. I have found that when ever Lyle wakes from naps at 4 or after we have a really difficult bedtime. Even when I try to move bedtime up to adjust he just doesn't seem to do well. Even if he wakes at 3:45 bedtime seems to go fine. I think he just needs that longer A time. For him it seems that he doesn't even need a specific A time, he's been doing ok with even longer A times, it just can't be too short. Of course this doesn't always work out as planned. It's really weird but about two weeks ago, he woke at 4 and he still seemed so tired, yawning and yawning... fussing. He seemed like he needed to go to bed at 7, and he fussed and fussed, gave me a hard time. So I think he's body is just ready to go to bed at 7, so he has to have that A time. So they both Limited their first naps, we haven't had any success with that. So the shorter A time between first and second nap is helping us with that.
Do you see a way that you could maybe tweak your routine so that she seems ready to go to bed at 7. How do you think she will cope if you cut her second nap? How much have you tried cutting the first nap?