Thanks Marsha. Hope you got that nap you needed and your toddler isn't testing you too much.
I have started giving water at each meal. I had a Tommee Tippee 4 month cup but she just chewed the teet/spout part and never actually drank water. I've started using a Doidy cup and she loves it but I have to really hold the cup for her at this stage. When I'm out I take a regular bottle with. I'm going to get one of the cups you mentioned too as she could start to use that on her own. I didn't know they could have tap water at 6 months. That's handy to know. Today the poops were much looser and I wonder if the hard poo was a part of the constipation. She loves bananas so really don't know if that was causing a problem or it had been lack of water.
I have wondered if she was having a growth spurt or preparing for one. I think the routine mess up has contributed a lot to her NWs. She's spirited and really needs her sleep but doesn't sleep well out and about. I've had a lot of pressure to 'not let Lola dictate what I do' and go out and see people. At home I get her to have both naps at home more than half a week to keep her on her routine. Down here she's been getting so OT, needing early bedtimes and kind of only having a limited BT feed. She also doesn't feed well out in public. At home I have to BF her in a dark bedroom as she gets so distracted otherwise. Sorry, getting a bit off topic... Tonight she's woken twice since BT and fed, so could be a GS.
I do need to get into the habit of giving her what we're eating, or at least what we had the night before. I find lunches more tricky. I started at 5 and a half months so I just felt like I should be adding/varying what I give but maybe she's fine with what she's getting. As for those old fashioned views about giving cereal, I've been trying to come up with the right response but don't really know what to say. I had thought to say that if LO is hungry and needs the nutrition that milk provides, being filled up with cereal may stop her hunger but won't provide her with the all round nutrition she needs. Is that accurate?
Did you give white or brown bread at this stage? One final question, how long after a BF would you give solids at this stage. I've been doing it about an hour from the start of BF to start of solids. As it's quite a long process (DD will keep eating for ages and ages, returning repeatedly to whatever is on her tray), I wondered whether I should start it sooner than an hour, especially the dinner feed.
Sorry again for such a long mail. x