I have not been on these boards in so long! A is now 16 months. We have been at this 2:1 transition since he was around 9 months, and I think we are finally getting to the end - yay.
He is really just about ready for one nap, I would say 75% of our days are 1 nap days. But we are REALLY struggling with an undertired/overtired cycle, and timing of these naps.
He has been waking consistently at 6 or earlier the past few weeks, no matter what time he goes to bed. I think he slept until 7 once or twice. Also on one nap days, his naps have only just started getting longer than 2 hours, which is all making me more confused.
Our one nap days look like this:
W: 6
S: I was doing 12, and he would sleep until 2. Any earlier and he would wake before 2 and be overtired by 630. Now that his nap is stretching out, he has been going in closer to 1130.
W: 2/230
BT: 615
A has always needed very early bedtimes. But even though he is exhausted by 615, it is often taking him an hour or more to fall asleep (I'm guessing OT), and he still wakes up very early the next day.
I was doing a 2 nap day here and there to catch up on sleep. But now when he takes any sort of nap in the morning, even 20 minutes, he cannot take a second nap until very late in the day. If he naps from 930-950, he will not be tired again until like 230 or 3. I cannot let his sleep more then 30 minutes if he goes down that late. He then ends up either OT or UT at bedtime.
I am so confused. I think he is ready for 1 nap, but I don't see how he can get enough sleep currently. Yesterday he slept from 1215-245. We put him to bed at 630, and he did not fall asleep until close to 8. He was up at 6 this morning.
What am I doing wrong?
ETA: I just wanted to add that most of the times when he is awake in his crib and not falling asleep, he is talking/yelling happily/playing. We are thankfully not dealing with hours of crying, but whether OT or UT he just will not fall asleep.