Author Topic: 7.5 mo long NW  (Read 12684 times)

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2013, 17:02:38 pm »
Thank you Bec I appreciate it. I wrote a whole post and my little beast turned off notebook with her leg...
Sorry for the late update - yesterday was one of those days - DD was very hard to deal with, internet connection was dead ....

Night before last night - I am not sure what was the real cause of her behaviour. No signs of teething; she was very edgy whole day yesterday, even the bathing ended very fast because she was so irritated (usually she loves it and she could stay in the bath tub forever).

Thank you for the link. Maybe I did overstimulate my breasts with little pumping. I am trying to help her with accepting solids adding little of milk in.
I am not giving her ibuprofen and actually none from remedies, sometimes chamomilla (homeopathy). In my country they do not give ibuprofen to babies and women who are BF - just paracetamol. I do have a gel for teeth but I did not see any signs on gums so I did not apply it.

Yesterday our EASY was messy first A time 2.5 hr (I did APOP wanting she would catch at least some sleep for the 1st nap) S 40 min, A time 3 hr , S 1.08 hr, A time 3.5 hr, BT 6.51 pm

Night was great!! I do not remember such a night  :): BF 10.12 pm, 2.43 am - no wakings in between, I did burp her and almost completely woke her up at the first feeding (I was prepared to pay for it  ;D).
WU 6.27 
A 3.25 hr (this 5 min to 3.5 hr is so critical  ;D)
S 9.53 - 10.50 am (57 min)
A 3 hr
S 1.57 - 3.43 pm (1.46 hr)
A planned 3 hr
BT planned for 6.42 pm  ;D
will see how it will go and how the night will look like.
Thank you very much!

Offline becj86

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2013, 19:20:53 pm »
Yay for a good night. Sometimes it is worth waking them a little further to burp them so they can then sleep more solidly.

FX for tonight for you.

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #47 on: January 24, 2013, 04:38:04 am »
Thank you Bec but we are again awake  :'(
so BT was 6.58 pm, BF 0.30 am (burped  :)) and then 3.11 am she started to move head from one side to another and woke (no signs of winds or any kind of discomfort or I can not figure it out  :'(), I resettled with paci, she tried to sleep, then I lay down in her crib (partially of course  ;D) she slept till 4.09 am. Then I decided to feed, she was hungry, ate longer, burped I hold her in my arms wanting she would sleep... no way.. I returned her to the crib, she just turned on tummy and did push ups like turtle  ;D looking around in the good mood, looking at me and I knew it is over... We were laying in the dark she played with the paci and then she became bored and started to complain I turned on notebook and have my coffee. She is holding me for the hand and playing with lovey... we are awake already over an hour ...

Thank you for an advise for the mattress (I realized that I wrote about that in teh first post that was erased) - I do have it in that position since she was born - they told me about that in the hospital.

Offline becj86

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2013, 22:53:50 pm »
How are your A times and naps going? Thinking she may be less OT now and maybe that long happy NW was undertired...

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2013, 06:51:38 am »
Thank you Bec.
A time is again messy and not consistent- yesterday she was so tired (me too I could hardly function) and edgy the whole day (from the previous NW) but I am sure that something is going on but can not figure it out what. I feel bad to bother you here each day and night because I can not keep A time exactly no matter how obsessively I am paying attention on that  :-[
In general in the morning she can not be awake 3.5 hr, maximum 3.25 hr. Since she is in the bad mood and tired I could not push it  :-[
Yesterday morning (after been awake from 4.22-5.51 am) she was so nervous and tired, she just wanted to be carried. I tried to keep her awake but then she became very nervous started to cry and I let her sleep. Here are A time and naps from the last 2 days:

WED WU 6.28 am      THUR WU 6.47 am
       A 3.25 hr                  A 3.11 hr
       S 56 min                   S 2 hr
       A 3.07 hr                  A 3.19 hr
       S 1.46 hr                  S 28 min
       A 3.15                     A 3.18 hr
       BT 6.58 pm               BT 7.04 pm

Yesterday 2 hr after BT she woke up crying, screaming (9 pm) and it looked  bad (I suspect on teething but no signs on gums). It took me one hour to calm her down, poor thing, she would try to sleep then cry. I gave her drops for colic, she has amber necklace (some people recommended it). At the end I put her in bed with me. She really needed me because she was coming so close and wanting to be hold (usually if everything is ok and we co-sleep she would sleep like she is alone in the bed not coming close  ;D). She woke up at 1.30 am to eat (last time she ate was around 6 pm  :o). After 4 am she started to become little restless, moving head from side to side (typical around that time), again coming close to me  but still slept till 6 am when we started the day.
I will continue trying to make A time consistent, hopefully today will go easier. I plan to buy some drops for colic (that disperse air bubbles) and give them during night feeding.   

edit: this morning she fell a sleep after 3 hr, very nervous, very tired
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 08:07:28 am by tweetie »

Offline becj86

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2013, 08:57:04 am »
Since she is in the bad mood and tired I could not push it  
This is not something to be embarrassed about - just tells us that she's not coping with the longer A times. Now its for us to figure out why and if its something we can help with, do that and if its something you just have to ride out (like teething, or developmental leap), then at least you know that.

I wonder if these naps are inconsistent due to some level of discomfort - have a read of this: Reflux 101 - General reflux information It may not be, but I just wonder if you've been doing all the natural things to take the edge off and some of the edgy behaviour during her A time and so of the sleep disturbance could be related to mild silent reflux or something...

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2013, 19:16:31 pm »
Thank you very much Bec. That is the reason why I am getting frustrated - when I see her and do not know what is the reason and can not help her.
Regarding reflux - when she was little baby  :) I suspected she probably had it. However I never took her to paed to make diagnosis from one reason - in my country they do not treat it, it is consider baby will overgrow it (I am talking about mild type). She could not burp (it took us long time) and she was very frustrated when I would put her against my chest to burp, she would spitting-up very often, she hated tummy time. To make the situation more complexed - in addition to my strong let down I could never remove her from the breast in order to release that first miniwash  ;D, or to burp her during sucking and continue to feed her. I tried many times but she was screaming and did not let my nipple and I could not do anything (she is very inpatient from the first day  ;D). Another thing she was lazy to suck so after let down stopped she would stop to eat. I did breast compression and offered her two breasts... As you could see two of us had fun  ;D but everything stopped when she got older - I think around 3.5 months and I thought we overgrew that. When you wrote about the milk supply and I read the text on the link you posted it reminded me on those days.
However in the last few months she did not show any signs of mild reflux (if it was in the past) - regular burping, no spitting - up.. What I could notice lately that she burps 4-5 times after feeding (completed) but then it happens also an hour after or even later. I connected that with lots of movements on the floor, rolling ... From developmental milestone I notice behaviour that is connected with the wonder week you gave me the link. In addition she is practicing a lot on the floor - she still does not sit up.
I hope that teething is  the reason why she is so nervous, tired, screaming in the night -similar behaviour I have seen when she got first two teeth. Today I looked carefully into her mouth but nothing is swollen. O I forgot to mention that we also gave her homeopathy remedy chamomilla (day before yesterday and yesterday evening).

Maybe all these things together cause that... I really do not know...

Regarding EASY - today she woke up from am nap crying and very disturbed (my mother was there I was gone) and her diaper leaked. After pm nap she was in much better mood. I put her early in bed and I hope she will not start her EASY tomorrow at 5 am  :)

WU 6.02 am
A 3 hr
S 9-9.57 am (57 min)
A 3.14 hr
S 1.11-2.47 pm (1.35 hr)
A 3.20 hr
BT 6.07 pm

What I noticed when we changed A time as suggested that I do not have anymore situations at evening that she is hyper and can not go to sleep.Still she can not go down exactly after 3 hr for BT but I think that it is a big progress.

Offline becj86

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2013, 21:44:39 pm »
However I never took her to paed to make diagnosis from one reason - in my country they do not treat it, it is consider baby will overgrow it
Ok, I think you've said this before :-[ Understand.

If she does have mild reflux still, the teething could be causing a flare up of that, as well as the pain in her mouth. The behaviours you're describing do seem like pain to me, but what that pain is, I cannot tell.
but then it happens also an hour after or even later.
This makes me think there could still be some mild reflux. Also the restlessness in the early hours of the morning - 4-5am... DS didn't have reflux and he did spit up quite a bit when he was getting about on the floor on his tummy figuring out how to sit and crawl...just that his tummy was full and being squashed.

I do not have anymore situations at evening that she is hyper and can not go to sleep.Still she can not go down exactly after 3 hr for BT but I think that it is a big progress.
This is good progress :)

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2013, 06:51:50 am »
Thank you very much Bec.
In addition the progress without being hyper when she goes to the BT I forgot to write you that yesterday was the first time she fell a sleep at 6.07 pm - it has never happened before (since she is older), no matter how long awake she was 6 pm was "too early" for her to fall a sleep. That is the reason I said that super EBT never worked for us.
I also noticed that she would be sleepy (except depending on her A time) at the time point at which she usually goes to sleep. I think that could be also one of the reason why she sometimes (not these days, these days are different) can not cope with regular A time IYKWIM?   

This night was great  :). She did wake 2 hr after BT - I resettled very fast, ate 9.54 pm, wake 00.50 am I resettled, 1.28 am - I decided to feed, she was hungry.
At 5.37 am I heard she pooped  ;D, so I changed her, tried to return her to sleep (rocking 30 min  ::)), gave up and started the day at 6.28 am. So here are two things I would ask you for your help:

1. as far as I know she will not sleep 12 hr during night. If her BT would be 6 pm because of her EASY from that day she would wake earlier (like today 5.37 am) so how to manage with A time that she would not be OT when she goes to bed but still postponed her BT to let say at 6.30 pm? Otherwise her EASY will shift too early (like today)
2. Since I was rocking her till 6.30 am - she did not sleep but she was trying to sleep but did not work - could I count that as half A time or I would count regular A time from WU at 5.37 am?
Thanks a lot

Offline becj86

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2013, 09:16:16 am »
A 13hr day is pretty reasonable at this age... Which gives you an 11 hr night - if she then sleeps longer over night, your wakeup time gets later.

I think you can probably get her first a time a little longer which should both elongate the day and encourage her to sleep longer in the morning. That morning nap is still short and she's doing fine with the 3hr15-20 a times after the first nap.

For the rest but not sleeping the in the morning, it's different for every baby. Usually you can count half of the time as sleep. See how at goes and then we can tweak from there if you find she's consistently over or under tired after that assumption has been made.

You may find a 12hr night comes when you least expect it. Logan had been sleeping  11hrs a early consistently and I ended up having to do super early bedtime at 4:30 and he slept til 7am with a resettle at 2:30. These title people keep changing!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 09:20:53 am by becj86 »

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2013, 18:53:47 pm »
Thank you Bec I will work on that.

You may find a 12hr night comes when you least expect it. Logan had been sleeping  11hrs a early consistently and I ended up having to do super early bedtime at 4:30 and he slept til 7am with a resettle at 2:30. These title people keep changing!

Vauu that was a sleep  :). I know. You can not count on them at all  ;D. I am joking but I am always saying to myself one sentence - this is just a phase.

Update: My baby is back  :). I am happy - she was today so happy and in the good mood - I hope that whatever it was it passed (I am not going to say twice  ;D).
So we officially started day at 6.28 am and I decided to watch her when she will be sleepy. First nap was 9.52-11.16 h (1.23 hr), again A time 3.24 hr  ;D - however if she will be ok tomorrow I will try to work on these 5 more minutes (or even more?). I could do it today but I was afraid of ended up with OT since she actually slept till 5.37 am, the rest was something between nap and being awake. Next nap was at 2.25 pm (at my parent's place) and A time  3.09 hr (my mother put her in bed I was gone) and nap was short 40 min (maybe I woke her because I just came back - she has such a light sleep; but also new environment for sleeping), BT 6.25 pm (A time 3.20 hr). We will see how the night will look like.

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #56 on: January 27, 2013, 07:09:30 am »
Night update:
BT 6.25 pm
W   9 pm - crying like two nights before, but after approx 10 min she burped (I put her in carrier) and in another 10 min slept (I put her
                  in my bed being afraid of her wakings and I am very tired)
      10 pm - ate
      00.30 am - resettled fast
      1.28 am (10 min rocking)
       4.12 am - silent, happy, playing. I need to admit something  :-[. I was sure I just need resettle. I looked into my application and realized no feed at 1.30  :o) (or maybe I did not write it down what is less likely, I was shocked how tired I was, and felt bed). I fed, she ate longer than usual and start to play. After a while she started rubbing her eyes so I did rocking and she slept from 5.15-7.06 am.

For now she looks in the good mood - I will try to work on that morning A time.

Offline becj86

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #57 on: January 28, 2013, 08:20:17 am »
That's a great long night. Hope she is feeling better for it. Sounds like you're still getting wakings from gas... Sometimes that does happen despite our best efforts.

You're not the only mum to have forgotten whether you fed at the last night waking! These things happen when we're sleep deprived. Am I right in thinking those long night wakings are at least happening less now?

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #58 on: January 29, 2013, 06:51:03 am »
Here I am  :). I am afraid to say loudly but YES nights are getting great. She does have some wakings for resettling what she did not have before (I do not know is that connected or not but it does not matter) but she sleeps! I am so happy, thank you very much! There is still something weird with her naps  ??? maybe she needs short naps and then early BT? I will continue with this schedule maybe they will sort out? What do you think?

So last two nights - always approx. 2 hr after BT she wakes 2x in the row but I resettled, then around 00.30 am , and somewhere around 5 or something (I do not have strength to look at the watch). When she is in good mood she is not so irritated if gas wakes her like today around 5 - I just put my hand on her and she went back to sleep. O I know it is not to talk about that here but we are stuck in sleep training with that hand (GW plan) and I will need to find the way how to remove it...

Here is EASY:
   SUN                                         MON
WU 7.07 am                              WU 6.31 am
A 3.34 hr                                    A 3.31 hr
S 10.41-11.37 am (55 min)            S 10.02 -10.55 am (55 min) (pooped, but very often is this nap 55 min)
A 2.57 min                                  A 2.58 hr
S 2.34-3.44 pm (1.09 hr)               S 1.53-2.35 pm (52 min)
A 3.14 hr                                    A 3.26 hr (little hyper)
BT 6.58 pm                                 BT 6.02 pm
BF 11.41 pm, 2.48 am                   BF 10.34 pm, 3.54 am; WU 6.36 am (today)

Just to mention that when I BF at that "critical" time for NW I do rock and hold little longer to be sure she sleeps before I return her in the crib.

edit: A time 3.32 hr and nap again 1 hr, UT?  ???
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 10:17:39 am by tweetie »

Offline becj86

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Re: 7.5 mo long NW
« Reply #59 on: January 29, 2013, 10:27:03 am »
Hmmm... It could be UT... I don't want to suggest you push her too far but I do know that DS was doing one short nap and a long nap with some pretty massive a times for 8months at this point. What do you think?