Hopefully she'll be a little more drowsy? Otherwise maybe hold through the jolts would suit her better?
OK, check me on my nap extension technique, cause I feel like I must be doing something wrong.
OCCASIONALLY, she wakes up at the 45 minute mark with her eyes still closed, making unhappy noises. In these cases, I can usually shush-pat and she'll go back to sleep. I usually keep shush-patting for a good 10-20 minutes, not sure if it's necessary but better safe than sorry.
However, more often, she wakes up at the 45 minute mark with her eyes OPEN. It's quite sudden. One minute she's still and sleeping, then she stirs slightly, then eyes open and quite alert - not really any jolting to hold. It's different from when she was a newborn and would sort of wake up very slowly, dozing off and on. Anyway, when she wakes up AWAKE like this, shush-patting does nothing, BUT if I pick her up and rock or bounce her, she goes back to sleep. However, most of the time she won't STAY asleep, even if I keep shush-patting or rocking/bouncing. I'm willing to keep doing it until she gets to deep sleep, but she just... won't. She wakes up. What does this mean? Since she *does* fall asleep, it seems like she might want more sleep. But she won't stay asleep, so is she just not tired enough?
TODAY was an interesting case. Her first two naps were only 40 minutes each. Her third nap, though...
She woke at 45m as usual, eyes open; I tried and failed to get her to sleep again. Gave up and figured we'd start our next EAS, so I took her potty and fed her. But then she still seemed kinda cranky so I figured I'd try to put her down again... and she went! I did hold her into deep sleep. So then I decided to take a nap too. She (and I) woke up after about an hour of this second nap segment. I decided NOT to extend this one, since I didn't want to steal from night sleep, but she fell asleep on E and would not wake up even when I took her out of her sleep sack and put her down not-so-gently. She slept another 50 minutes.
With these slightly-over-45 minute segments... the extra time really isn't doing much for her, right? I assume it's light sleep and not very restorative. So even though her total time was >3 hours, she really only had 3 cycles in there, I think. But are consecutive sleep cycles different from ones with breaks in between?
We put her down at 7:45 for BT but she woke up after 40 minutes. SIGH. I think she just will not do a 12 hour day. She does get *tired* at the 12h... it's just always a nap. We're not doing anything super exciting/overstimulating in the evenings, I don't think... just sort of rolling around on the play mat and slobbering on things. I don't understand why she won't SLEEP until so late =\