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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #570 on: December 22, 2005, 04:01:26 am »
Well, Asher woke early this morning.  I left him for an hour but he never went back to sleep.   :roll:  Tomorrow I'm going to try leaving the blinds closed all day (already have foil on the window!!  :lol: ).

Heather, I do put him down earlier if he wakes early.

Hazel, I'm also wondering if you're PG???

Tammy, I went through this with Asher and then we got on CA time during the trip.  I was trying everything.  Some people suggested moving bedtime back or forward in short increments for a long time (like give a 15 minute switch two weeks!) to let his body get accustomed to it.  Last thing I was messing with was making the house/him warmer in the mornings and using big night time diapers so maybe he wouldn't feel as much of the wetness?  I also tried putting a stuffed bear in there for him to play with (though this hasn't worked yet).  Maybe you could try some of those.

We're not cutting Asher's hair.  At least, not for a long while, even though it's over his ears and stuff.  We just tuck it behind his ears.  We don't know what we want to do with it yet.
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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #571 on: December 22, 2005, 06:28:46 am »
just a quick post as i am exhausted and have to get dinner ready for the girls!

Hazel - i don't know if you are or want to be PG but good luck and let us know if anythign is there...

I took olivia in to get weighed and measured for the first time in 2 months and she is so huge (i knew that but now itis so real)  she is 10 mo and weighs 10.5 kg (23 pounds) which is like 95% still and still only 50% for height which is 70.5cm (almost 28 in.)
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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #572 on: December 22, 2005, 09:37:55 am »
Oh good grief, you lot are sooo funny :lol:   If I'm PG it's a miracle!  We're not gonna start trying til at least April I don't think.  So no, I must just be tired for no particular reason.  I reread my post though and I don't blame you all for thinking I might be - it does read a bit like I'm trying to hint at something :D   This does make me excited though about when I can actually tell you that I am.  NOT FOR A WHILE YET THOUGH.

Deb - I read your post about the poopiest day ever.  So funny.  You sound like you coped well.  Good on ya.

Tammy - don't know if this will help, but it's worth mentioning.  For a while now Daniel had started waking at about 5am, chatting but then going back to sleep.  When I went to get him up at 7am he was usually wet (leaked).  We recently changed from Pampers 'baby dry' to Pampers 'active fit' nappies (better absorbency and stretch apparently) and he has since not woken up at 5am :D   He always lies on his left side and it was always his left side where his nappy leaked.  Could it be like Julie suggested that the overful nappy is waking him?  We too have made Daniel warmer (put a long sleeved bodysuit on under his jammies) and this seems to help as well.  Just some thoughts.

Julie - I am hesitant to give daniel a hair cut as well.  It looks a bit of a mess but in some ways I quite like it.  When he wakes up it sticks up all over the place.  Just so adorable, I don't think I want to chop it all off just yet :D

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #573 on: December 22, 2005, 13:39:20 pm »
So my baby is basically bald, so all of you talking about haircuts.... making me jealous!  :wink: I bet we won't have to cut Leah's hair till she's two! I did hear the same thing as Heather - if you cut it, it will grow back in thicker.
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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #574 on: December 22, 2005, 14:53:01 pm »
Tammy, I agree, Ethan's definately not getting enough sleep.  I'm thinking the bad daytime sleep is leading to early wakings.  I can't help too much as my munchkin started the day at 4:45am today, but usually she's up around 6:00am.  I find I just go with the flow and keep her naptimes at the same time so they day gets back on track.  I wonder if Ethan could be ready to move to one long afternoon nap?  Also, I wonder if he's teething?  I know if Emily's teething it doesn't matter how perfect her routine is...she just sleeps less.  Also, I go to bed at 9:30pm.

Hair cutting, dh has trimmed Emily's hair 3 times already.  She was born with lots of hair and it never fell out!  We find the best way is to put her on her tummy on our bed and then dh just uses his finger width between her head and scissors and cuts it all the same length.  (the same way he trims the dog :oops:  :D )

JulieB, we have a pull down blind and black out curtains on her windows.  Its weird but even if it's a really cloudy day and her room is extremely dark during naps she still somehow knows that it's just a nap and not nighttime.  Do you have any videos that you took at Disney?

Deb, somehow we were lucky and Emilys allergist and dermatologist appointment are in January :D  :D .  Yesterday I tried Oilatum bath additive for the first time, not sure if it helped but she didn't react to it either.

Us, Emily's walking is improving but still no progress on falling properly, crawling or pulling up :?  :? .  In fact she's spends barely anytime on her tummy anymore cause she's so good at sitting and leaning forward without falling.  We're also into early wakings...can you believe we started the day at 4:45am!!! :twisted:  :x   I went in four times from then till 5:30 and she wouldn't stop crying/groaning.  I really don't know how she stays awake till nap time at 9:00am.  But the best is to go with the flow cause she has no night wakings and still usually takes a good 3hrs of day naps.

Schae, I guess your still moving into your new house?

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #575 on: December 22, 2005, 14:57:50 pm »
Tarri here is a pic of Hannah's Little Tykes walker. I got it at TRU when there was a buy $20 worth of LT stuff get the wlker free. I bet it's cheapest at good 'ol Walmart though.

Gotta run..... it's almost naptime :)

Offline Tammy: Ethan & Kaden's Mom

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #576 on: December 22, 2005, 16:23:56 pm »
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions regarding the super early 5 am wakeups!  And because I posted that yesterday, he slept straight thru until 7 am this morning!   :D

As for his diaper - it has never leaked, and while it is full, it's no more full than it was before the wakeups started.

Playthings in his crib - he already has Teddy (self-explanatory) and George (a stuffed monkey), and an extra pacifier.  His favorite game once he is awake (and after naps too) is to throw everything over the side and stare at it.   :roll:

Naptimes - well, the naptimes have gotten better this past week.  He has been taking 1.5 hour nap in the am, and about a 1 hour nap in the pm.  So I can't *currently* complain about that!  I don't think he's ready for one nap yet, as he gets very cranky in the morning for his nap. 

So, I'm just going to try and stick with our routine as best I can.  I know there's no *magical* solution, and I do appreciate all your comments.  Helps me think of things I may or may not have tried.  I've had some people tell me that their lo's did this around this age for no apparent reason, and then after a month or so, went back to sleeping in later.  Since this has been happening for at least 2 to 3 weeks now, I'm hoping maybe the end is in site!   :wink:   I can hope right?!?

Hair cutting - Ethan has hair, but not enough to even remotely warrant a haircut!  I'm glad for that though, cause he's in constant motion, so I don't know how a haircut would even work right now!

Tarri - I think before you know it, Emily will be crawling and falling all over the place!  Ethan just lets go of stuff and plunk, down on his butt.  He's getting better at learning how to fall instead of just plunking down on his head or something.  He's trying to let go of stuff and get his balance now, it's so cute to watch him rock back and forth before falling!

Hazel - I knew when you mentioned that you were tired, everyone was going to immediately thing "SHE'S PREGNANT!"  But I've been tired too, I think it's just the running around with the holidays, etc.  And I'm DEFINITELY not PG!

Julieb - I'm glad you had a good time at Disneyland.  You're much braver than I - I would simply DREAD taking Ethan there at his age.  When he's older, that's another story!   :)

Well, I know I won't have time to post again before Christmas, so I want to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Holidays!   :D

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #577 on: December 22, 2005, 16:40:47 pm »
Quote from: Tammy: Ethan's Mom
His favorite game once he is awake (and after naps too) is to throw everything over the side and stare at it.   :roll:

 :lol:   :lol:  :lol: Leah too! Must be the age. Except she does this with her pacifiers when I first put her down for a nap. Then she will call for me and look at them on the floor and point and smile.  :roll: They are so funny at this age!  :D
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Offline branwen

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #578 on: December 22, 2005, 17:43:48 pm »
Hi everyone,

I'm sorry I've been quiet lately.  Things haven't been so good and I didn't want to whine endlessly.  We have all been sick which was pretty scary.  103 temps for all of us last week.  It was awful.  I wasn't doing well, my dh finally shows up, gets us all sick and then I'm taking care of two babies while trying to survive myself.  Was up with Eirwen until 1am some nights but she is doing much better now.  We are trying to get all unpacked because our Christmas gathering is here.  I don't want to take Eirwen on the drive up to my parents house as much fun as that would be I think she is still recovering (chest rattles poor baby must watch closely).

Having lots o' family problems :roll: Maybe this is why I left :wink: I think I will post something on the couch board later about everything.  I could use some perspective and also support of course!  I seem to need a lot of that lately.

 :arrow: Eirwen's awake time is still on the short side.  She sleeps 12 to 13 hrs at night and takes 2, 2 hr naps.  So total is 16-17 hrs.

 :arrow: Eirwen has beautiful hair but it is so light that she looks bald from a distance.  There isn't much to trim and besides it is all curling up like mine in the back.  They are adorable little ringlets.

 :arrow:   I have been reading up on all your many pages.  I still feel like Eirwen is very "slow" for some things.  In some ways all of your little ones sound so much older than her.  She is just starting to place weight on her feet.  She still does not crawl "properly" but can get around the room quite quickly, sometimes she gets to all 4's but then goes splat on the belly :wink:  Still no pulling up or anything. She babbles a lot but doesn't call for me or dh specifically.  I do hope these things will come in time.  I am expecting her at this point to walk very late.

 :arrow: For Eirwen's slowness in gross motor she seems quite talented in fine skills.  She impressed me by taking the mallet on the xylophone yesterday and hitting the notes with it.  I was very shocked.  We also have this activity block that has a magnetic circle that eventually they are supposed to spin it around with it's little stick.  Well, she figured this out on her own as well yesterday and this morning she went over to it as was trying to spin the circle with the stick again.  Crazy girl!  Also she now loves her finger foods but how she eats them is so crazy cute- she loves a half of piece of wheat bread and she takes it and breaks off tiny little pieces and then places them in her mouth.  She also does this with the little puffs too, she breaks off the corners and places the pieces in her mouth.  I am very impressed by these things.  She also seems to know words very well.  She knows "boobie" "kitty" "papa" "diaper" and "ducky".  Her recognition is kind of astounding to me.

Well, I miss you guys! 
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

Daniel's mummy

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #579 on: December 22, 2005, 18:24:04 pm »
Branwen, Eirwen sounds very similar to Daniel with regards mobility etc...  Try not to worry about it.  I have little worries every now and then but I know it will all come together in time.  I took Daniel to be weighed and measured today  (26lb 13oz (are we catching up with Matty yet?) and 75 cm)  All the health visitor could go on about was whether or not he could crawl 'properly', walk, pull up etc.. She kept telling me not to worry at which point I felt like saying 'well I wasn't until you made me feel like he's backward :? !!!'  Daniel, too is very good at fine motor stuff and astounds me with how long he spends sometimes just investigating different objects.  I guess this just means they're not so interested yet in getting about.  All they need to keep them happy is a new and interesting object to explore. 
So sorry to hear yo've all been so ill.  You poor things.  Let's hope you all recover fully and can now enjoy being a family in your new home.  Yay.

Happy Daniel news - he is now learning to put his toys away.  He has always loved emptying the toybox but never been able to let go of things to put them back again.  This morning he did it for the first time.  (Just in time to put all his new Christmas toys away each time he finishes with them :D )  So sweet because he claps after each toy has been put away.

Must dash.  Dinner is on the table :D

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #580 on: December 22, 2005, 19:35:38 pm »
Hazel- that is so adorable about putting the toys away.  How have you been teaching him that?  Eirwen too loves pulling everything out, and especially enjoys watching me put it away!
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #581 on: December 22, 2005, 22:53:54 pm »
Branwen - I haven't really been teaching him at all.  I read somewhere that they have to actually learn how to let go of an object voluntarily.  I guess I just noticed this morning that he was dropping toys in to the basket, so I cheered and clapped.  He did it again and I cheered and clapped (Bet we all know this routine so well :lol: )  It definitely coincides with him learning to throw.  He only started that in the last few days.  Picks something up and then flings it across the room.  Oh to be a child again and find so much enjoyment in simple things like this...

We just got our 2nd safety gate up this evening.  The house is starting to feel more and more like a prison :wink:   But as long as it keeps the little man safe.

Sleep well everyone (actually you're probably all waking up).  Which reminds me, what is the time difference between where you are and the UK?  I often wonder but never get round to finding out!

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #582 on: December 23, 2005, 00:28:06 am »
Quote from: Daniel's mummy
Which reminds me, what is the time difference between where you are and the UK?  I often wonder but never get round to finding out!

well, here on the East Coast we're about 5 hours behind you.  so if it's 10pm where you are, it's 5pm where i (and Deborah) am.

Heather is one hour behind us, and Tammy too i think (not sure about Christine), and Branwen is 1 hour behind them.  julieb i'm not sure about, cause her state's on its own time  :wink:  and i know nothing about canadian time (sorry tarri!  :lol: )

branwen, good to see you!  although sorry you've been having such a rotten week.  i think you're right about Eirwen - she's taking her time on her gross motor skills, but she's fantastic with her fine motor skills.  jaina was like that - i am still amazed at the dexterity she has with her fingers.

happy luke thing - this week, he's started "sharing" his toys.  now, one of his favorites is to toss/hand you a toy & have you throw it back to him  too cute!!! 

have a great night everyone, and if i don't make it back again, merry christmas!  all of our parents are descending on us tomorrow.   :shock:  making lasagna tonight.... mmmm....  8)
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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #583 on: December 23, 2005, 01:30:52 am »
I should know better by now that just because I don't get an email, it doesn't mean no one is posting.

Christine - We never thought we'd still be using the pacifier now.  Our plan was to wean her off of it when she got used to sleeping with the helmet.  With all the helmet probs, that has not happened.  And it seems every time we make some progress in her not needing at all the time to go to sleep, we go somewhere for the weekend or family visits, we have a dreadful time, and she is more dependent upon it than ever.  That said, it stays in the crib, and we're trying to get away from popping it in her mouth.  We try to set it within her reach, so she can get it is she wants it.  If she's is a good mood and not overtired, sometimes we don't offer it to her at all. 

JulieB - Maya gets ~11.5hrs at night, and 2-2.5hrs during the day.  I actually just posted about the balance of daytime and nighttime sleep on the general sleep board.  In the last two months her sleep needs have dropped dramatically.  We haven't had great naps of late, though, so I don't know that I can offer any advice.

Tammy - It definitely sounds like he's not getting enough sleep.  I know it sounds counterintuitive, but have you tried putting him down a little earlier?  That said, Maya went through a phase of 5am wake-ups at around 8mos.  What finally broke the cycle was a night of really screwed up sleep when we stayed at my aunt's for the night (without having planned to stay, so we had nothing with us, and she slept on the floor).

Maya has an extra pacifier in the crib too.  She alternates testing them out until she decides which one she wants for that nap.  It's too funny.  I think I threw her for a loop tonight when I gave her one silicone and one latex.

Branwen - I don't think Eirwen is slow.  Maya finally just started crawling today, and she doesn't pull up on anything.  She is just starting to take steps when holding our hands, but not very well.  It will be awhile before she walks.

Happy Maya news - She's crawling!  And she said duck.  Dh has been practicing that with her forever.  She's said it a couple times now, and Monday when we were shopping for Christmas ornaments she saw a little rubber duck ornament, pointed, and said duck.  I was so proud.  I bought it, and it is her official first Christmas ornament.
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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #584 on: December 23, 2005, 02:11:02 am »
Hazel-it appears I started something for you  :oops: .  Sorry, but it was all in fun.  So neat that Daniel can put toys away.  Kelsey's still just pulling them out as fast as possible and throwing them over her shoulder.  At least I can keep her put for awhile by throwing them back in for her to continue pulling them out!

Tarri-your haircutting story had me laughing.  Too funny.

Joanne-is that push behind walker stable enough so that it doesn't roll forward and pull baby down?  I know that MIL is getting one for Kelsey, but that worries me; that she'll lean and it will go flying and she'll be down on her face.  Very cute pics, btw!

Branwen-so sorry to hear of the illness.  High temps are a scary thing.  Please find comfort in our support and HUGS to you.  I know that deep down you know this, but Eirwen is fine.  She is a brilliant little girl and she's beautiful and healthy. 

Jaime-I thought TN was in the same time zone as you?  Shows how much I know.  That's cute about Luke sharing.  Only time Kelsey "shares" is when she crams her paci up my nose  :roll: .

Deborah-congrats to Maya on the crawling!  You'll both be getting your exercise now!  I had the same thought about not getting the emails for new posts.
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