Author Topic: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!  (Read 242834 times)

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #135 on: July 30, 2008, 03:05:36 am »
I was reading this thread while pregnant with some anxiety hoping breast-feeding would go well. Now Leobin is here, and he's feeding well and EBF, I am pleased to be posting on here.  (By the way it's a GREAT topic, as I really feel the urge to be god damn proud of feeding  :) without burdening all who come close   ::)  :P ). )

I am really excited and proud to be feeding a second time around, I really appreciate it much more and feel a real joy knowing that I am keeping my son going and growing him each day.
Now he sometimes tries to look at me while feeding, and tries to smile which is just adorable. 

I struggled feeding Rory past 8 months and wish I'd taken more time to seek help such as on here or through a lc.  I had mixed feelings about feeding Leobin for more than 8 months and I wish I could have gone longer with Rory. For a moment I considered expressing milk for Rory, even though she is 3 LOL!
Even though I know she is fine, healthy, smart and happy and she did fine without it. I didn't want to feel like I had robbed Rory.  But I have to say those anxieties have mostly gone out the window and the reality of feeding him is wonderous.  Come hell or high water I was going to bf Leobin, just so glad it's so far a joyous experience!

With Rory I wanted to feed until 1 or more, this time I want to go until he is 2!   :)
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #136 on: July 30, 2008, 13:19:13 pm »
Charmaine, that's how I feel (although it's not going so smoothly here) I want to get to 2 years with Mae too :D

And as for expressing milk for Rory, Sophie has breast milk pretty much every day - she prefers it to cows milk but unfortunatley I can't express enough to replace the whole 2pnts she drinks every day :P  I still try to put some aside for donation too but alas Sophie has been drinking most of the excess over the last few weeks.  DH thinks it's really icky giving Sophie EBM but I pointed out that I hope to still be nursing Mae at her age and besides, logically it makes far more sense to give my daughter human milk than it does to give her cows milk!  Aside from the chicken pox, she's not been ill at all since she's been having a bottle of EBM per day (c. 3m which is good for her lol).  Certainly worth thinking about!

Offline mum101

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #137 on: August 06, 2008, 05:32:51 am »
hi jo, that is a great idea for Sophie, as you say you planned to feed until then. 
and surely a fresher, cheaper option than buying cows milk.   :)
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

Offline rinajack

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #138 on: August 06, 2008, 06:23:42 am »
Only read this page, but I LOVE Bfing too.  Hugh is nearly 1, and he too sometimes blows raspberries, and he tries to catch my eye and laugh while still latched.

I am his total prop, not necessarily the breat, but he touches my face, my hair, by necklace anything of me, whenever he is feeding or sleepy.  He it a total Mama's boy and I love it.  I am hoping to feed til age 2.
Rina - Mum to Zara 29/3/06
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Offline mum101

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #139 on: September 20, 2008, 04:38:01 am »
I'm loving the mumma's boy I have too, I think how soon it will be he'll be fobbing me off to run outside and smash wood with DH or build a bike  :P

Leobin is nearly 5 months now, and I'm excited about solids soon.  It's funny to start thinking of and planning solids, bf is such a part of the day, I usually forget he's on while life goes on.  Cooking meals etc. for him will be fun, but not quite as easy... or special  :)
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

Offline rinajack

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #140 on: September 20, 2008, 23:58:24 pm »
Wow, 5 months already.

Hugh is nearly 13 months.  His latest BF antic is to latch on, nurse for a few sucks, then let go, roll away, sit up etc pretend he is finished - then repeat, repeat, is so funny and so frustrating at the same time.

Now, I can't let him see my breasts at all (shower, bath, dressing etc) unless I am prepared for him to BF!

People are starting to wonder when I will stop BF - for me, the end is no where in sight, I love Bf him, it is so easy, so natural, and feels so perfectly normal!
Rina - Mum to Zara 29/3/06
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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #141 on: September 21, 2008, 09:21:00 am »
Hugh sure is a character!  I wonder too when people will start wondering when I'll finish, it's a shame that it's ever even their business!!

Now, I can't let him see my breasts at all (shower, bath, dressing etc) unless I am prepared for him to BF!

mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

Offline rinajack

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #142 on: September 21, 2008, 11:49:49 am »
Many times, it isn't so much that they wonder out loud, but when I am invited for drinks or something, or say I have to be home to BF Hugh, they look surprised, and then you can see the wondering in their faces iykwim.

Yes, he is a character!  Just now I wanted to put him to bed (late he is sick and his last nap ended at 7pm) he wouldn't come to me when I offered BF.  Eventually, I just showed him my breasts, and he crawled straight over with a HUGE grin on his face LOL.
Rina - Mum to Zara 29/3/06
                     Hugh 26/8/07
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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #143 on: September 21, 2008, 13:56:30 pm »
Eventually, I just showed him my breasts, and he crawled straight over with a HUGE grin on his face LOL.

That is the sweetest thing!

I'm beginning to get some of that with Mae.  When we bath together, she'll play and be giggling and then she'll catch a glimpse and her expression will become all serious and she'll stare.  I'll turn her around to continue playing and the same thing happens over and over.  It has me in hysterics!

She's just started the "grab and plunge" too which I've heard others talk about but have never bf for that long before Mae.  It's so darn cute!

I too just absolutely love nursing Mae.  I can't imagine not having a nursing relationship with her anymore and despite all the comments I'm getting (I've warned my nearest and dearest that I do NOT intend to stop at the magical 1 year mark!), I'm really hoping that she doesn't self wean too early!

It's funny because we've had a programme aired over here recently called "other people's breast milk" and it was very popular - most people watched out of morbid curiosity lol!  It did touch on extended nursing and as such this discussion has come up loads at mother and toddler groups lately.  I just sit and listen to the "OMG that's so digusting" and "ew, did you see that mother still nursing her 4yo" and think to myself "I'm gonna get some people talking about me soon..."  Maybe this is a topic for a new post lol!

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #144 on: September 21, 2008, 15:46:09 pm »
Yesterday while bf Jem unlatched and gave me the biggest smile and then latched on again...i laughed so now it is his little game. Soooo cute.
I love bf ;D
Kirsty x

Offline mum101

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #145 on: September 21, 2008, 23:52:03 pm »
Yesterday while bf Jem unlatched and gave me the biggest smile and then latched on again...i laughed so now it is his little game. Soooo cute.
I love bf ;D

I love that too!  Often if I start talking to someone else, he stops, and stares at me until I look down, then he throws me a huge grin and pops back on.  *just checking you know I'm here and being soooo good*

He can stay on for ages too, long after the milk ends, just hanging around   :P I hope that's a good sign for long-term feeding. Rory, at the same age, was a handful to feed.
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #146 on: February 16, 2009, 21:16:41 pm »
i really love that im BF for a completely different reason...well in addition to all of the above!:) I had a breast reduction and thought I  wouldnt be able to BF at all....i thought i would give it a shot but really didnt want to get my hopes up!........but lo and behold after three weeks of BF from either side then feeding my DD whatever i could pump...then topping her up with formula and THEN pumping for 10 minutes (it was exhausting!!) DD started rejecting the formula and only wanted to nurse!!!.........truely amazing! She is Thank G-d putting on weight and a very happy content little girl!

BF is such a pleasure i wouldnt change it for sterilizing bottles for nothing in the world!:)

so all of you out there who think BFAR (breast feeding after a reduction) is impossible im living proof it can be done and is definitely worth a shot!:)

Offline mum101

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #147 on: February 18, 2009, 01:28:40 am »
Hi mommy of BT, that is great news.  ;D

mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

Offline Jocasta

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #148 on: February 19, 2009, 14:29:48 pm »
Mae now says "mama muk" for feeding.  I've heard people say things like "when they're old enough to ask for it, they're too old" but tbh, I think it's the cutest thing! 

She normally only has one side but the last few days I've been really poorly and DH has brought her to me in bed to nurse.  She'll drain one side and then play for a bit.  She's then been climbing over and helping herself to the other side.  She keeps having a little suckle and then coming off and saying "num num", grinnin the biggest cheesey grin and then having some more.  It just completely melts my heart!

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Re: Why I am so happy to be breastfeeding!
« Reply #149 on: February 19, 2009, 19:26:05 pm »
That's lovely, Jo!