Hi Leslie
boy your a worry wort
M is doing great, really trully fantastic
JMO but I would nap her at 12pm then have her in bed 4.5-5hrs after wake up from nap. I would say catnaps after 5pm is just too much sleep too late in day for her to settle at bedtime.
DEFINITLY stay out of her room at bedtime, ONLY do WI/WO from now unless of course she is ill or something. They are sooooo clever at this age, she doesn't want to be left alone, particularly if not all that tired and she knows just how to make sure she doesn't get left alone. Believe me, I have really bought the T shirt on this one, screaming bloody murder is totally different cry to 'Mummy I'm so scared please help me' crying.
But really you have done soooo well, I'm so very pleased for you. Remember I said at some point all post 2-1T mums just stop stressing for their own sanity, its your turn, relax you've cracked it
IBS finally gone away
so I'm feeling human again. On the teeth front Lily is teething really hard at present. I thought we where going to finally get some new teeth, but what actually seems to be happening is her top canines are bumping up just like bottom ones (they have been ready for 6m now) and so far still no new teeth