I spoke to the caregivers when I dropped DD2 off a few minutes ago. I told them that I want them to try extending her naps. And I told I'll go back to see how they go. They kept looking at me as "What will it change if you come? We got it..."
Anyway, I've said that I'll go, then I'll go... For my sanity, that I've done everything I could do to have her adapted, but I agree, KM, they should sleep better as soon as they get used to the new environment, it's just that I am anxious about it, and it's been 3 days, and I won't have any other opportunity to be there in the middle of the day as I'll be at work, so the time is now.
The interesting is, she's been taking a bottle of my milk (6 Oz)
This is a lot to me, I thought she would be taking 4-5 Oz! When I pick her up and come back home, I feed her and then again around 2 hours later, at BT, so I think this is helping her tank up as she's not waking in the MOTN for a feed. She's been EW, instead. Yesterday it was 5:30 am and this morning 5:15 am. I wonder if she could be less tired by BT, she could have a full feed and STTN making until 6 am, at least.
Well, let's see how we go.
KM - I had made my mind that I would feed DD2 in the MOTN, as she was having 1 NF at around 1 or 2 am, but like you, I would be a zoombie at work. Maybe EBT would help, but until I have everything prepared for next morning (baby and toddler bags ready), I can't sleep.