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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #195 on: December 08, 2008, 08:51:43 am »
Hi - I'm new to this tread, my DD Tessa is 6 months tomorrow and I've been working since she was 3, pumping for me turns to be very effective, though teaching DD the bottle was a bit of a nightmare, but worked finally. I managed to get flexible hours out of my boss, so I miss only 2 feeds, and BF in the morning, and then 5:30, 7:30 pm and 4:00 am.
(she actually used to STTN when she was 4 for about 3 weeks, but that's it, now she's up any time between 2 & 5 am. I can't also make her nurse for longer than 3 min, so when BF only (like weekends), she's snacking and I'm not sure how I could extend it (she takes 200ml from the bottle which is my full pump from 2 breasts, and she's never more than one breast if BF). Any tips?

To Tristan's mum - hugs I know its hard, I actually need to start travelling shortly and I'm terrified to leave my LO, she still has NFs and separation anxiety is to kick in shortly, but all I have to say - let's be realistic, apart from nice boss/nasty boss factor, ANY boss wants 150% if you, and so does your LO. Probably she/other girls feel it's unfair you get flexibility as it was your choice to have kids, that's what I used to feel before having Tessa. What helps me is being absolutely clear to myself about the choices. I used to do 12 hours at work, I'm a manager myself, I worked until 3 days before giving birth, and I struck a deal with my boss that I come back 3 months earlier BUT he would give me flexible hours, and I promised he would never feel that. So I'm doing 10-4:30, AND 8 - 11 pm everyday from home. It's hard but DD is worth it, and my career is worth it. I had to cut on fun/hobbies/going out etc though, it's all about choice: sometimes I can't pump because of the meeting, I'd pump in the toilet in 10 min during the coffee breaks, I'd cut on lunchbreaks and work nights if I need to. You can demand your boss to be accommodating, but you can only make her WANT to be accommodating only if you are such a star that she'd be terrified to lose you. :-\ It's not fair but it's not a fair world anyway ;) I think coming clear with your boss about your priorities always helps, at least you both know where you stand...

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #196 on: December 08, 2008, 12:05:13 pm »
Hi Olkan,

Welcome to the boards and thanks for the vote of confidence.

I have tried coming clear with her unfortunately her ears were blocked or something as she simply wasn't interested. But as they say... No worries, I have spoken with HR regarding the issue as its borderline discrimination because if its done to one individual then it must be across the organization... and consistency enforced.


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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #197 on: December 08, 2008, 12:18:25 pm »

Am so glad you spoke to HR I think that was th eright way to do - I think it is totally unfair to discriminate against you because you have a child. Your priorities have changed and maybe she does not like it.
I work really hard when I am within working hours to achieve what needs done during the day so I can be at home with my kids - realistically you now have two jobs . If she cut you some slack and was nice to you she would probably benefit from you wanting to be at work and working hard. Sometimes I think managers have problems striking a good work/ home life ethic. It is proving to be one of the biggest problems in the workplace that companies are actually paying consultants to put procedures in place so people have the right balance to ensure happiness and pro-active workers.

I hope she eases up on you xxx
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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #198 on: December 08, 2008, 17:53:59 pm »
Thanks hun! xxoo
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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #199 on: December 08, 2008, 22:24:32 pm »
Is anyone familiar with the legal requirements for employers in the UK?  I am unfortunately having to return to work in February when my lo will be 6 months old.  At the moment I am bf her and although I am slowly introducing some baby rice and fruit/veg  she is still taking more milk than ever.  I work in a very cramped office with one toilet for the whole floor and 1 conference room for the whole company!  I am really worried about where I will be able to pump and even store the milk!  I am one of 3 women in a company of nearly 40 and the first ever to have a baby so they are not really used to looking out for bf mums!  Any advice?  Thanks...
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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #200 on: December 09, 2008, 07:48:15 am »
TristansMom, I am so sorry to hear of your rough situation at work.  That would feel so unfair and thank goodness HR have taken your side on this.  Everyone has a right to be a parent and not have to work horrendous hours!!!  I used to work those sort of hours before having kids but since having them, I just flat out refuse to do it and I am so thankful I have had such wonderful, understanding bosses (all men of course with their own families). I really hope she eases up on you with some pressure from HR and that it becomes far less stressful for you - it is already hard enough working, pumping and trying to be a good mother  :-*

Olga, your situation sounds like mine did a few months ago.  I first went back to work when she was 6 months and she used to be up for a few feeds a night.  Thankfully about a week after I started working she started waking only once a night for food.  I also have to travel for work - usually am away 1 or 2 nights every 2-3 weeks.  DH would give her a bottle for her NW and she would eat about 200mls.  Then one night when I was away (about 4 weeks ago) she just sttn for the first time ever.  After that I decided that she wasn't hungry anymore so I stopped feeding her when she woke.  I would just give her a cuddle and put her back down and she'd go right back to sleep.  It only took less than a week and she started sttn!!!  Unfortunately it hasn't really helped my milk though becuase since I stopped that night feed, my output at work has dropped considerably.  Anyway, to get back to your situation - do you think your dd is getting distracted?  My dd usually eats really fast when BF'd too so maybe your dd is taking all she needs during that 3 mins from the 1 breast.  If you want to get her to take the other side as well, maybe slowly start increasing the time inbetween feeding her - e.g. by 15 mins and she will hopefully start taking the second side (that is what I had to do with my dd as well since she was a big snacker). 

Anyway, had better run as I am at work.  I am downing the fenugreek and blessed thistle to try to increase my output.  Does anyone else use these and has it worked?  My work scheduled has slowed down at lot now so I can go back to pumping twice a day now and hopefully spend longer pumping too.  That might all help.  I have been so busy I have only been pumping once a day at lunch-time and as I am away a lot - it sometimes ends up being in a toilet cubicle, so I do it quickly. 

Finally, ElizabethsMummy, sorry I can't help as I live in Australia, but good luck with your situation.  Let us know what happens.  I hope your employer finds an appropriate place for you! 

Better run,


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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #201 on: December 09, 2008, 15:41:08 pm »
Kerrie, I had luck with fenugreek & know of others that had luck with the combo.  I was going to suggest finding time for another pump, since you've weaned the night feeds, but you're already looking to do that.  So just {{hugs}} & a hearty "well done!" from me.  :)

Offline olkan

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #202 on: December 09, 2008, 21:46:51 pm »
Hi Kerrie,

Thanks for the tips - she's basically on a 4 hour routine during the day with the bottle, takes 200ml each time - so when on weekends I breastfeed, she finishes quickly, fights to be put back to the breast, and then hungry in 2 hours - I can last her 4, but then she wakes more for a feed at night. I try to feed her in a quiet place without distractions - she's the same at night, hardly ever takes the 2nd breast, and I know it's hardly ever more than 100-140 g. As these had been only weekends so far, that was ok, but I have a month ahead at home with her, and just not sure whether she'd properly eat to keep the routine on. The issue is she would fight a nap if she's hungry - well I guess if worse comes to worst, I will countinue pumping and giving bottle twice a day. For some reason pumping works better for my milk supply then BF.
Did your LO take the bottle ok at night? I had one night lately where I pumped before going to sleep as normal, and she happened to wake up 15 min after, and couldn't get much off the breast - so she went into 30 min angry screaming, refused the bottle and just raged, and then woke up screaming for 2 nights and wouldn't settle, and there is nothing else I could think of happenned that upset her that much apart from not getting the milk from the breast...
I also don't seem to have developed lots of ways to calm her down at night apart from nursing unfortunately, so I bet she;s not really hungry, that's more of a habitual waking, as she used to STTN at 4 months, but then stopped.

When you travel, do you pump as well including during the nights?

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #203 on: December 09, 2008, 23:55:08 pm »
Hi Ladies,

Welcome to the newbies!
Although it's almost Christmas and we should be slowing down, things have been so tough lately that I hardly have time to come here and keep up with you all!  :P

When DD was born I aimed to achieve 6 months of exclusively BF. I did it. Then I challenged myself again to reach 9 months... Now she's 9 months and a week old and I'm still BF'ing her. When at daycare she's still having a bottle with my milk and since I still have around 300 Oz of frozen milk, I think DD will have my milk until she turns 1 year old.  ;D

I have to confess that my output had decreased considerably. I'm pumping only at night (dream pump) and get only 3 Oz (90ml), enough to mix with frozen milk.

TristansMom - hope things eases up on you. I think your boss and the other girls will regret for being unfair with you.

Olga - are you sure Tessa is not teething? Maybe she's suffering from the pain and it has interferred in her sleeping pattern. DD used to STTN since she was 4 mo, and started to have NW when she had GS at 5 and 6 mo. After that, she only had NW due to teething.

Kerrie - WOW... You're brave. I have no energy to pump twice a day when at work. Actually, due to the nipple bleb (which hasn't healed up so far), I had to quit BF'ing DD at lunchtime even on weekends in attempt to make my body understands her feeding routine, so no pumping sessions during the day.  :-\

Elizabeth's mummy - Sorry, I can't help as I live in Brazil. Hope you find a suitable place to pump. This was one of the reasons I had to quit pumping at work. It was quite embarassing leaving the room with my pump because every man in the room knew what I was going to do. And the others who didn't, always asked me if I was going home... :P

Do you know if the milk supply dips when the periods start?



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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #204 on: December 10, 2008, 15:39:58 pm »
Hi, Lidia!  Yes, production can dip for a few days when your period comes back.  It should bounce back, though, so it'll be a few days of decreased production & then more or less back to normal.  Good for you going this long!  (And I'm pretty jealous of that stash.  ;)  WOW!  :o)

Offline olkan

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #205 on: December 10, 2008, 19:03:59 pm »
Hi Lidia,

Nice to meet you!
Well, if she was teething she'd have had some teeth out over the 2 months, wouldn't she? ;D
She does chew on everything, but no teeth yet, and NW are every day since 5th month... Oh well, as long as it's once a night I'm cool with it.

Good to know the frozen milk is of use - I've got about 15 litres (!!!), just recently had to throw away some, no space in the freezer, actually recently reverted to 2 pumps a day + DF pump to decrease it, as I had about 400ml extra a day, now it's about 200 ml extra. The only issue she tends to like my milk from the bottle better than BF, so always struggle for her to eat properly when BF. Hopefully the supply doesn't go drastically down after 6 months,  I read a few moms here were saying it happenned.

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #206 on: December 15, 2008, 03:06:35 am »
Lidia - I'm also jealous of that stash of yours!!!  WOW.  I wish I had that much, then there would definitely be no mixing BM with formula for Holly....  I also get a decrease in my milk output when I get my period back, but I have found both time, it isn't temporary for me  :'(.  With Hunter I got mine back only about 8 weeks after he was born and by 12 weeks I had a huge dip and couldn't get my milk back up.  The same again this time, but it only came back about 2 months ago, which has also coincided with the dip in my milk  ::).  I also read on the Kelly Mom website that a drop in output around 9 months is perfectly normal and usually happens (doesn't help me to be able to pump enough milk though).  Anyway, I hope your nipple bleb clears up soon, have you had any advice on it?  Can you do anything for it?  It must be painful!

Olga - wow, each post, your situation sounds sooo familiar to me.  Holly was also exactly the same and no matter what, I couldn't settle her at night without giving her the breast.  I kept trying to do ssh/pat with her and she would fight me for up to 3 hours a night - so once I started working there was no way I could keep that up, so I just gave in and kept comforting her with a BF at night.  She would go through phases where she would eat a lot at night, then eat very little, it was just a comfort to her.  But then once she dropped back to eating only once a night, she would usually take a pretty solid feed.  Not both sides though, I almost never gave her both sides at night since she would usually go to sleep.  When she was hungry though, she took the bottle from DH just fine if I was away for work.  That was when I could tell how much she was actually eating.  One night he said she had eaten almost 200ml and that was huge  :o.  She doesn't even eat that through the day.  Anyway, I just let her guide it and as I said when I knew she wasn't actually hungry anymore, I decided I'd stop feeding her and see how she went and thankfully it worked and I haven't fed her at night now for the last 5 - 6 weeks.  She has been sttn the entire time.  I am so relieved, but somehow still feeling quite tired  :-\.  Anyway back to you - your dd must be using the breast as comfort if she wasn't happy with the bottle by the sounds of it.  How many times a night does she wake?  I hope she stops soon for your sake!  Hopefully she will do what Holly did and eventually just be happy with a quick cuddle instead.  I had even tried everything, including the GW plan and nothing worked for her!  She was far too stubborn....

Also, when I travel for work, I didn't do a late night pump.  I found when I pumped in the morning, I was really full and got about 8-10oz anyway, so I didn't really need to pump at night.  I didn't get that much if I pumped before bed anyway as I would have only just pumped around 7pm that night.  And there was no way that the only night I had to get a full nights sleep without being interrupted, I was going to get up to pump at midnight or 1am either  :P.....

Anyway, have taken the day off work as things aren't too good in our house.  Holly woke up with a fever this mornings and we've all had a tummy bug for the past 4 days  :'(.  Poor Holly though, she has about 3-4 teeth coming through, a bad cold for the past week and a tummy bug...  She has been sooo miserable today and she even fell asleep on the loungeroom floor cuddling a stuffed toy.  It was so cute, but I feel so bad for her.  She is back in her cot sleeping now and we spent most of the morning sleeping on our bed.  I feel a bit better after getting some more rest too - my stomach was still quite fragile this morning.  I don't feel like I have had it as bad as everyone else though thankfully too!  Had better go anyway, have some washing to bring in before Holly wakes up.  Take care everyone, talk soon.
Kerrie xoxo

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #207 on: December 15, 2008, 15:27:31 pm »
{{hugs}} Kerrie!  I hope y'all are feeling better soon.

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #208 on: December 15, 2008, 23:41:08 pm »
Thanks Candice, she still is very unwell today too.  I've booked her into the doctor later this morning just to make sure nothing more serious is wrong with her.  She couldn't stay awake for more than 20 mins all of yesterday and she still has a fever this morning and is just as tired....  I hope you are doing well anyway :)

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #209 on: December 16, 2008, 02:17:20 am »
Hope you get good news, hun.  {{hugs}}