Author Topic: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four  (Read 58909 times)

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #375 on: February 18, 2010, 06:36:52 am »
Wow I'd have liked Alice's food yesterday.  YUM!!

It wasn't bad at all was it  ;) We had the same dinner of pancakes followed by pancakes and have to admit I was quite pleased with myself as I'd made them  ;D

B:  Toast (without jam as she wanted to carry the jam over to the shelf and then  shouted 'catch' and threw it at me while I was holding milk and butter so I didn't 'catch' and it smashed all over the floor!)

Sorry - but PMSL at your LO shouting catch to you with the jam!!!

Yesterday was a very poor eating day for Alice - esp after the last couple, she was obviously living off what she'd stored up the last couple of days . . .
OR it has something to do with PT which we're doing at the moment and am worried that it's stressing her out  :-\ But that's something else I need to post about.

B: cereal medley (shreddies, mini-shredded wheat, fruit muesli) with milk, diluted OJ
S: none - we were at music group and had early lunch
L: cheese on toast - was going to give her some fruit / flapjack / whatever when we got home but A was having a meltdown (poss OT cos that's all I could think of!) so put her down for nap - and had to wake her nearly 3 hours later  :o
S: none again - went to meet friends, offered her savoury flapjack on the way but she refused - think she was still annoyed at being woken up!
D: (at friends' house) savoury mince, mashed pots, broccoli - ate a few mouthfuls of each, soya yoghurt, water

Had another meltdown when we got home  :P

S: "funfetti" MIL's neighbor mixed all the last of her cerals together and DD was in LOVE

Have never hear of 'funfetti' - but it's sounds just like what I like to call my 'cereal medley'. I LOVE cereal and can never decide which one I want so most days I put 2 or 3 in a bowl and have the lot - voila! Cereal Medly a la Berni - aka Funfetti in the States  ;)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 20:57:03 pm by mumofalice »

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #376 on: February 18, 2010, 16:53:52 pm »
Lucas has become quite the fussy eater so its hard to get things in him but yesterday wasnt too bad...well for him that is...

B-a big bowl of rice crispies and a pear
S-cup of pear juice and about 12 grapes
L-crackers and an apple with a cup of milk
S-1/2 tub of yogurt and a chocolate milkshake(this is a homemade version i make with eggs,milk and a little choco syrup...the only way i can get eggs into him)
S-peas,corn and broccoli and maybe 3 spoons of potato,cup of milk and a homemade oatmeal cookie

We always offer whatever meat we are having but he wont eat meat....he used to but now he refuses.Of course he will eat hog dogs but that doesnt count as meat  lol.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #377 on: February 20, 2010, 00:54:18 am »
We're getting into a food rut here. Chandler seems to only want one of these meals. She's refusing any vegetable that isn't sweet, like a pea. I won't list all the vegetables that DIDN'T cross her lips. I'll just post the week's meal assortment:

Stouffer's mac and cheese with green peas; orange slices
Stouffer's spinach souffle with green peas; grapes
Teryaki tofu with brown rice and sugar snap peas; banana
uncured hot dog and sweet potato fries with ketchup; grapes
meat lasagna or ravioli and any fruit available for dessert

You can see the pattern: anything hot, savory, fattening, and salty with a token sweet-ish veg and fruit for dessert.

A general disaster all-round. Refuses almost everything we offer (usually veg burger or some kind of sandwich), then asks for a cereal bar, cheese, cookies, or crackers a few hours later when it's snack time.  :::sigh:::

Some kind of non-sugary cereal and fruit
Homemade pancakes and veggie sausage
Mom to Chandler McCrea born April 2, 2008


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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #378 on: February 20, 2010, 14:12:20 pm »
Hi, hope you dont mind if I join in here. DS is 18mo and this is what his usual day consists of - food wise -

cup of milk when he wakes up (sometimes drinks it, sometimes doesnt touch it!)
breakfast - rice crispies and milk or toast and fruit and water
snack (at nursery) - some sort of cereal or bagel and cream cheese or toast and fruit and water
lunch (at nursery) - always 2 courses, either starter (soup) and main (veggie lasagne, spag bol, fish pie etc) or main and pudding (yoghurt, fruit etc) and water
snack (at nursery) - crackers and cheese or toast or birthday cake if it one of the childrens birthdays and water
dinner - cheese sandwich or spagetti and toast or fishfingers and beans or leftovers from prev night and a yoghurt and sugar-free diluting juice.
cup of milk before bed which he nearly always drinks. :)

DS usually finishes everything that he is given and is very independant in wanting to feed himself always. He is getting very good at getting the spoon in his mouth before the food falls off :D

Just some advice needed - should ask nursery to offer him some milk during the day? im not sure if he is gettin enough?

Thanks, Kelly. xx
Kelly, mum of two amazing boys 2008 and 2012

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #379 on: February 20, 2010, 19:19:14 pm »
Have never hear of 'funfetti' - but it's sounds just like what I like to call my 'cereal medley'. I LOVE cereal and can never decide which one I want so most days I put 2 or 3 in a bowl and have the lot - voila! Cereal Medly a la Berni - aka Funfetti in the States  Wink

I had never heard of "funfetti" either! This lady just chose that name for it hehehe. Cereal medley is a good one as well :)

Ashley-We're in a food rut. At least Chandler is eating dinners. Ava just wants "ola gars" ie: granola bars. I have the fruit filled kind...but nothing organic/sugar free etc. Just the ones *I* would buy for myself so that's what she's eating. I'm sure they're not too healthy overall. Although better than some things.

Kelly-I think a lot of LOs at that age (same as DD) drop to about 2 cups a day...depending on the amount of oz. in the cups. Here is a link for ages and milk amounts..which says min. 12 oz and max of 20. and to discourage too much milk consumption b/c nutrients should be gotten primarily from food.    It also mentions that the oz. include cheese/yogurt etc. I've also read that if your LO flat out refused any milk but had a well balanced diet at this point they would be fine but that b/c it's an easy/good source of calcium etc. that's why we encourage milk but it's not the end of the world if they don't like milk as there are other ways to get what you need with other foods. Hope that helps!

So far today we have had:

B-granola bar and diluted juice (out of milk!) hasn't been too hungry in the morning recently.
S-banana, cheese crackers--at the store
L-chicken nuggets w/ ketchup and milk

When she wakes up I will likely give her yogurt and maybe some crackers.
We will be out for dinner visiting so not sure what will be offered. I'll bring her milk.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #380 on: February 20, 2010, 19:26:45 pm »
Well, I've been working all week again and DH was in charge, so I can guess that most days were junk!

So far today:

B- soy milk & cheerios
S- skipped, had early lunch
L- applesauce, banana, slice of bread dipped first in applesuace and then in ketchup! (Her new fav condiment)

Supper will be ribs and homemade fries!

I think I may have screwed her guts up though, I tempted fate and fed her some mac & cheese on thursday to see what would happen and that night she had a NW, she has had a snotty nose, red cheeks and a super EW this am (she has not had a NW or EW for anything other than food reactions since she was 7 months old!!!) I have cold though, so it could also be that she is coming down with one too...

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #381 on: February 20, 2010, 19:28:11 pm »
I had never heard of "funfetti" either! This lady just chose that name for it hehehe. Cereal medley is a good one as well :)

I thought 'funfetti' was a proper name LOL - glad that you approve of my not-so-creatively named cereal medley  ;)

Today has been okay - though the cheese obsession continues LOL

B: 2 x home-made pancakes with banana & pear, diluted OJ
S: 'samples' at farmers market - bread with pesto, cheese, fruit cake
L: home-made cabbage & bean soup with fresh bread & selection of cheeses (cheddar, maasdam, smoked stilton!), small pot of peaches in juice
S: humzinger fruit bar, water
D: we had fish & chips with my folks - so A had a bit of fish, chips & mushy peas on her plate with ketchup, small pot of custard, water

At home: organic biscuit and hot chocolate

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #382 on: February 20, 2010, 20:03:24 pm »
We had a day worth posting  ;D

B - shreddies, toast
S - bit of sausage sandwich at farmers market
L - cream cheese sandwich, humzinger bar
S - cherry cake  ::)
D - potato wedges, bread, leek and potato soup, yoghurt and mango pieces

Milk before bed.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #383 on: February 20, 2010, 20:34:49 pm »
I can't keep up - some days Ben wants to eat me out of house and home and others (most of them tbh) he eats like a bird!

Today -
B - Readybrek, about 1/2 a pear (breakthrough here as he has been refusing all fruit - even the revered blueberries!!)
S - malted milk biscuit in car, 2 cubes of cheese at market
L - in car - 1/2 pear, 3/4 pack corn snacks, yog coated raisins, rice cake, then at home had some more cubed cheese and sliced chicken
S - raisin and puffed rice cereal bar
D - sweet potato and lentil curry with carrots and peas, blueberry and apple jar pudding thing!

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #384 on: February 21, 2010, 18:50:36 pm »
I can't keep up - some days Ben wants to eat me out of house and home and others (most of them tbh) he eats like a bird!

I *think* most toddlers are the same - I reckon they build up a stash (like hamsters!) and then live off it for a couple of days - just gives us Mums something else to stress about LOL

Today has been another okay day:
B: boiled egg and toast, asked for pear - ate a bite or two and then signed finished  ::), juice - refused milk
S: sesame snap
L: great-gran's home-made tomato soup with rice, half a cheese & hummus sandwich, couple of mouthfuls of pineapple rice pudding thing, water
S: pack of yoghurt coated fruit flakes
D: platter with hummus on crackers, various cheese cubes (as yesterday), olives, tomato and cucumber - ate ALL the cheese (of course  ::)), most of the olives, bit of tomato, tiny bit of cucumber, scraped the hummus off the crackers, youghurt with 'grains', biscuit and hot choc

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #385 on: February 25, 2010, 06:56:26 am »
Haven't posted for a few days - but this thread has been quiet . . . am keeping fingers & toes crossed it's NOT because all the LOs aren't eating and just because we (as very busy Mums) haven't had time to post  ;)


At home:
B: jam on toast, pear, diluted OJ

At my Mum's
S: pack of organix snack, slice of savoury flapjack (with cheese & courgette / zucchini), water
L: baked beans on toast, small pot of custard, water

At home:
S: pack of yoghurt coated fruit flakes, juice
D: few mouthfuls of sausage risotto, little yoghurt, satsuma, juice - hot chocolate and a biscuit

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #386 on: February 25, 2010, 13:57:14 pm »
HAven't posted for a while, been preoccupied.

B: boiled egg and toast, some of his brother's egg, MSPI eggnog
MT: strawberries, MSPI eggnog
L: leftover beef noodles (picked out and threw away all the zucchini), apple berry fruit puree, the filling from his Dad's beef and veg pasty
AT: watermelon
D: chicken wings (including some stolen from his brother's plate), broccoli, MSPI eggnog

Seems like if we want to get him to eat something we tell him it's his brothers!

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #387 on: February 25, 2010, 15:45:28 pm »
We've had a pretty rubbish week eating but to be honest its more than I am sick morning,noon and night and everything make me feel nauseous so poor Maeve hasn't had the greatest variety.  Getting back on track though!


B: Toast with jam
S/L:  Big bowl cereal (asked for it), cheese cubes, humzinger.  Offered her a biscuit and she took a bite and said 'i don't like it' so I ate it for her.
S:  Yogurts

After her nap she'll have a snack, probably cream cheese sandwich and raisins and we're heading out for dinner so prob  pizza or pasta and garlic bread.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #388 on: February 25, 2010, 18:10:16 pm »
Today has been a good day for us!!

B-weetabix and honey,half a banana
s-chinese food.(noodles,rice,sweet and sour chicken and prawn crackers)they were tasting food at toddler grp with it being chinese new year...she loved it!!
L-2 cheese and broccoli mini quiches (from the jennie maizels book...anyone else got this??...these are a huge hit!)cherry tomatoes,the other half a banana
S-chocolate buttons :-[ i was having my hair cut so good distraction!
D-smoked haddock pasta bake with peppers,mushrooms,and courgettes,2 small yoghurts and a plum!!!!


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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #389 on: February 25, 2010, 19:08:46 pm »
Sadly , Berni, in our case it's been a matter of nothing being eaten so nothing to report. Hmph.  We are trying to find the balance between saying "if you don't want your dinner that's fine but there's nothing else" and in determining if he's just being difficult or if he REALLY doesn't like it. If it's something he doesn't like, I'm not going to let him walk away hungry, but at the same time, need to encourage him to try things and what not -- finding it hard to feel out the right way to approach it all, kwim?

So the past week it's been a lot of bread and fruit and nothing for dinner. :(