Hi Ladies =),
It's been a while since I've been on but I'm proud to announce that my little Sophie is officially 1 year old =). We had her party yesterday and we managed to get through the day with one nap, a huge allergic reaction to shrimp that someone had, a house full of family and guests and a whole lot of OT and OS before BT. Haha. Thanks for helping my little girl get to this point...I DEFINITELY know that I would not be here happy and sane without your support.
On to more fun things. I don't know if it's because she is officially one now but things have gone wacky again. We tried the 2 nap thing a month ago, then had tons of pm nap refusal despite the 30 minute a.m. nap, then tried one nap for a while, became extremely OT over several days, and then went back to the two naps which worked all last week. We had her on 30 minutes a.m. 3.5-4 hours A time in between and then 1.5 hour p.m. nap. The past few days, she has been taking FOREVER to go down. Here's what our recent schedule has looked like:
5:30/6:00 Wake
9:40-10:10 Nap (wake her up to preserve p.m. nap)
1:50/2:00 (this is when we put her down for her p.m. nap and it will take her 45 minutes to an hour to finally go down, sometimes. Lately, after an hour she is still standing and laying, standing and laying, and whining the entire time until she is finally fed up and lets out a loud cry after an hour of trying. So I go in and get her if she isn't napping by now)
6:00 BT (goes down easily)
Also, might want to mention that we recently did WI/WO for a week and it really worked for BT but she is going through horrible SA during the day, extremely clingy so I'm wondering if this is what's making nap time so hard, or maybe I need to tweak into more A?
Thanks for taking a look at my schedule =).