Shannon, I've given up on getting the mustard seeds, sometimes we get a bit thicker mustard consistency but linkeed to less freq feeding. Honeslty I have so much milk that I can't pay much attention to the thickness. I just worry if Isee the egg white, strings, or globs of mucus the tell take sign of the gut irritation. Kais poos are slimy alot, he has a thickener before every feed so that's probably why, the slime is not mucus, so how could it be bad?
Lizzie: LOL on the 'sneak peek'

Sorry she's just so windy! Do you think her tummy is sore too? Is it sore to touch? Do the poos make a noise when they comeout? re they bubbling? I am just wondering if she has a fermented gut, like when she has lactose overload. is she takign on alot of air when she feeds? Of course that Is a prime culprit for wind? Is she always burping now after a feed? Its not getting stuck in teh tummy is it?
I guess if you still have the egg white and strings then the gut is still sore, so the wind prob won't disappear.
The best thing I did recently is put K on lactease drops (3 drops on spoon before every feed) just to rule out lactose overload, as we were getting green poos at 1am with farts. It turned the poos back to yellow and no more fart sessions

And it just made him extra comfortable right after a feed. I am going to stick with them until the feeding frequency gets less with intro to solids etc. So now we have thickener and drops before every feed

If shes taking small feeds all you can do is offer again from the same side t at different intervals. The mtohercraft nurse I see suggested 10 and 20 mins after.