Hi Hon,
I haven't read the whole thread but wanted to give some support as I know where you are coming from. DS Sam was a fantastic eater when he was younger and people used to marvel at how much he would put away
Anyway when this changed I went into panic mode and became a conveyor belt of food offerings (it's so easy to fall into) and I did that for quite some time for fear of him being hungry. Then I knew something had to give. He is a really good weight and a sturdy little man so I took action. He always eats a good breakfast and hasn't eaten anything much at lunch time for a long time so (this may sound terrible) I cut his 'sit down lunch' out
he has rice cakes/crackers with a little bit of cheese/a piece of fruit..basically something light and then I don't allow him anything between the hours of 3 and 5pm. Then he is hungry at dinner time and he eats his meal
I was allowing him to graze through the afternoon so he wasn't hungry enough for his dinner before and I am happy now that he has 2 good meals a day. I stopped offering more than one savoury choice if he doesn't eat his meal then that's that. It was quite amusing when he started to realise there was nothing else coming..I would say 'Are you finished then Sam?' and he would look shocked and say 'No Mammy' and start to eat (most of the time) He started to eat his old favourites but he still doesn't have a huge appetite, however I figure if he says he's full then encouraging him to eat more is encouraging over eating which can't be good KWIM
I also cut out sugar to a great extend, even the healthy stuff like his beloved dried fruit, because without a doubt those calories were filling him up. Now if he eats a decent amount of his proper meal then he gets 'A treat' when he's done and he has 'caught on' to this now.
WRT new foods: I put something that he hasn't tried before into one of the little compartments on his plate, and usually he will take it off the plate and put it on the table or his tray, which is fine as long at it doesn't go on the floor
however on occasion he will try something and o ::)once or twice eaten something new but sometimes after being offered it a dozen times.
Strangely enough he has tried most new foods whilst in the kitchen with me when I've been cooking..this week I ate a piece of raw carrot when making soup and he asked for some
then he ate 3 pieces and 2 pieces of raw turnip
I think this is because it was a totally non pressured situation. WRT the latter, when I put Sam's food down for him now I don't enter into any discussion, if he whines I ignore him and walk away and it's when I'm gone that he will start to eat it..go figure
. If I encourage him in the slightest it is the fastest way to it ending up on the floor.
I hope something amongst this rant can be helpful to you LOL
And if not just know you are not alone in this problem, there are thousands of us out there
. And BTW I think his variety of foods look pretty good to me, I think there are many out there who will be envious
Do you give him a multivitamin with omega 3
I do with Sam, it really takes the pressure off to know he is getting what he needs regardless of whether they've had a good day or bad.