Anna DS has never ever slept in our bed with us - not through want of trying on our part when he was smaller and bot sleeping!
He just could not settle there with us.
What does she do if you don't go in straight away? We had all sorts of problems because Ben's mantra cry went from a kind of moan when he was smaller to a much louder and more distressing (for me) cry. But actually he didn't WANT me there 'messing' with him. In the end I would have to go in to him when he first woke and reassure him with a hand and a few words and then stand halfway between his bed and the door. If I left, he got more upset, if I was too close to him he wanted out.
He STILL doesn't sleep through the night, but at 3 and a half it doesn't really disturb us any more. He wakes up, goes to the toilet and goes back to lie in bed for goodness know how long until he fall asleep again. I know that he comes into really light sleep and anything can wake him. He WANTS to be asleep but it takes him an age to go back off again. Actually, I'm the same.