Oh rubbish, rubbish, rubbish
After a good night last night of 10.45, wu 5.40, he only did a one hour nap today at 11.00 and despite my best efforts on singing fell asleep for 5 mins on way home. Now been screaming for 1.15 hours. ,-(
Not helped by water leak which means no water in house, so no bath routine. Have tried resetting, but tbh just doesn't seem tired, cos of cn, even though he must be shattered in reality
Gave him cereal before bed, formula bottle and ibuprofen.
Kara, Thanks for info on gs and formula that's good to know.
Quick update. Finally fell asleep at 9 o'clock, so apart from a 5 min cn at 6 that's a 9 hour A time. He only got screamy when we put him in crib or tried to get him to lie down. Was quite happy if allowed to crawl around, look out the window etc. Oh heck, wish us luck for tonight!