thanks Beth!
I just pumped after they fed-they both bob off after 30minutes and I assumed they just got tired-turns out they are emptying the breast as I pumped practically nothing! I was quite surprised as they don't suck that vigourously! So they bf but then take practically a whole feed in formula or pumped milk...the little guzzlers.
I do have a thread going on in BF, I'm not sure there's much else I can do to increase my supply... I don't think they're getting even half their need from me at the moment
Right now there's no real A in our Easy, the E takes so long it's basically ESES unless they're taking a long time to settle..
I think I can't bring myself to wake L if M wakes first, she's such a good sleeper I don't want to upset that..
Anyway, don't want to turn this into a BF thread
I just need to hang in there!