Hi all, by popular demand, please use this thread to support one another.
Please have a read of this before continuing.
How to use this Support thread
(most of this 'entry' is borrowed from the "Birth Club Rules of the Road" and modified - Thx to the Site Admin Team for composing it)
Many of our members have found it beneficial to talk with other parents who have Multiple Babies. The support thread is intended to be a place to discuss with, help and support fellow parents who are dealing with similar milestones, trials and tribulations. It is wonderful to have that company and a shoulder to lean on. In order to keep the thread open and inviting to all parents, the thread will continually be locked after 30 pages and restarted.
We do request that the topic is kept to issues surrounding raising twins or they multiple babies. Please use the appropriate birth clubs for more general chatter.
The role of the moderators is to review the support thread to ensure content is appropriate for the site, provide support to members, and help guide members to the main EASY board or other forum boards for additional help when issues arise that would benefit from their own thread & "airtime". Examples might be sleeping or settling problems with their babies. On the EASY main board and in other forums members often receive larger ranges of answers and support and other members benefit from hearing about others' problems and how they were solved, without having to wade through lots of pages of daily "chit-chat".
A gentle reminder may be posted by a moderator to encourage you to post on the main EASY board or another forum board if they feel your question could be better answered by the larger community. We urge you to follow through and post elsewhere, as you will see more support and advice from more experienced members. Please feel free to post a link in this thread so that others can chime in with support as well. If you choose to leave your post here, it will likely be split from the thread and moved to the appropriate forum by a moderator.
We also hope that you share your experiences throughout the community. Even if you are a new parent, you can offer support and hugs to another. We all started out as the new parent on the boards without the experience. We all learn from each other and your advice and support is valuable to us all. Please do not feel like you do not know enough information to post or that your input is not valuable - we are all parents who want the best for our babies, and we all have something unique to add to the boards.
** Please note, any posts saying M@arked or "saving your spot for later" will be deleted. Please take the time to write a few sentences or make a note to come back later to post.
Happy chatting!