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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #105 on: June 30, 2014, 19:06:57 pm »
Constant feeding and nappy changing Kayra.... I wish I could say it ends but I still feel like all I do is change dirty bums all day ::)

Yes I'm back at work.  My boys are basically going to one nap.  They've been doing it on and off for a while but I figure it'll be easier for DH for now.  We'll see what happens, but we can get them to bed early as we'll both be around to do bedtime.  It does mean they're falling straight asleep at bt which is so nice for a change!

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #106 on: June 30, 2014, 20:14:33 pm »
Kayra, I ised to feel like that about the feeding. Can you get your mum and dad to take them for an hour or 2 every evening so you can go and have a bath and relax on your own with no one touching you? I used to go crazy to be just left in peace! My DH and mum used to put them in slings or take them for a walk just so I could have some time to feel like I owned my own skin again!!

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #107 on: July 01, 2014, 09:42:46 am »
I dont mind the nappies si much-yet! My parents do the bottles sometimes but dd has got awful about settling and constantly wants to be at the breast! Its getting annoying tbh..i dont know when her feed begins or ends, she isnt napping properly either. My mum had her in bed with her half the night, me the other half, i've got her on me akl tge time unless im feeding or settling ds it seems. Shes also taken to a strong cry. I dont think its reflux, she doesn't vomit etc,cant tell if she does have some kind of a problem or if its just a phase...
Whats it like to be back at work laura? Ds1 went to one nap @18mths, hope your transition goes well!

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #108 on: July 01, 2014, 13:03:24 pm »
Oh kayra, they are still so teeny tiny. Go easy on yourself. I think it's v normal for her to want to be snuggled up with you and the breast is so comforting for her. Around this time I used to start limiting feeds to half an hour or so and then immediately putting them in the pushchair/bouncer/sling and entertaining like mad so they had something else to think about. And I know it's tough but enjoy her snuggly loveliness - I had z in bed with me last night as I was too tired to settle her and she was just crawling all over the place!!

Offline kayra

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #109 on: July 04, 2014, 07:37:33 am »
I know lily you're right, ds1 would never snugglenin bed with us, to him it meant play time, only thisnpast year when he was ill did he actually sleep when he got in bed with us! However the other night when dd was with me neithernofnus slept well, we've discovered that she also like to sleep on her tummy... Any other position and she wakes up... Maybe when the weathers cooler and we can swaddle again they might sleep more on their backs but thats a couple of months away and being bigger i dont think thy ey will like the idea... Ds1 was a tummy sleeper too, i wish i could let them sleep that way without feeling guilty... Ds especially settles so nicely on his tummy. The only time hes fine on his backis when he first goes down for his night sleep, hes super dosey and after te df. Otherwise he needs tummy and dummy! It really helps to not have to faff with him for ages...

How is everyone?

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #110 on: July 04, 2014, 09:02:08 am »
Have just had the most awful night - girls have streaming colds so up every hour to give meds, blow noses, cuddle. Ended up just sleeping on the floor in their room holding their little hands as they were beside themselves! Actually had to get C up and cuddle her to sleep again at about 9 as she just wouldn't settle. It's odd because they weren't too bad in the day and went to sleep really easily at bedtime...but then awake all night!

Poor little souls. Thank goodness for the magic medicine!!!

Beth, how are you girls doing? And Laura, tell us about work!!!!

Kayra, mine are tummy sleepers now and I was too scared to let them when they were tiny. No advice really but feeling your pain!!

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #111 on: July 04, 2014, 11:09:23 am »
Hi ladies
Both girls are doing much better thanks! And sleeping well again... I am always sooooo grateful for a full nights sleep when it happens again after a period of disruption as I'm usually convinvpced that it's never going to happen again! But it does! I'm really learning that it does :)
Hugs, lily, for the streaming colds and all night cuddles, meds, drinks, feeds (what ever it takes, right!).
And kayra, yes, I relate.. You finally find a position they like tot sleep in and you can't sleep because you're worrying too much. We had P in with us a few times when she was really refluxy and neither of us slept a wink for worrying. And now both girls associate our bed with awake time so there is no hope of them sleeping with us. And this is a good thing I guess.
Yes Laura how are you? How is work going? Am sending you hugs for this transition however it's going because it's a big thing :)

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #112 on: July 04, 2014, 17:20:23 pm »
Great to hear from you beth, glad to hear the girls are doing better.
Lily sorry to hear they're ill, is it often that they're ill at the same time? Hope everyone is better asap.
Bedtime again, on their backs for now, we'll see what the night brings....

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #113 on: August 14, 2014, 18:49:55 pm »
We're all to busy to post on this thread!!!

We're down to one nap but I'm just trying to work out whether to ditch the nf or just let them sort it out eventually.  I don't think it's a prop...

They're both crawling and standing and a little cruising.  It's tough!

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #114 on: August 14, 2014, 22:18:11 pm »
Yay Laura! Hello!!!

We are on 2 naps still but first is becoming a CN. But we have EW at 5 or so every night... :-\

Mine are nearly nearly walking. It's so cute!!

How is work? Guess you are off on summer holidays. And how are the nights? And when is the one nap??


Offline kayra

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #115 on: August 16, 2014, 07:27:52 am »
Hi laura!! Are they getting ibto everyhing or is the independence a relief?
Sorry to hear about the ew liz, yuck.

We're doin ok,bsck at home and solo!!! I miss my parents company i must confess, it makes the constant feeding, settling more of a chore. I will get used to it i dare say but its a bit boring at present, i probably need to make some plans to get out etc. Dd is difficult about naps now, constantly needs resettling :( ds is better overall but dds better at night, so there you go!!

Our angel Victor 06.11.10  We miss you, but look forward to the day we will see you again my love 1Cor. 15
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Offline Katejk

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #116 on: August 29, 2014, 11:43:22 am »
Hello,I have a 2 year old and 3 month old twins. Life is hardwork at the moment. I'm hoping once I can get the twins to nap regularly in a proper routine I'll start to enjoy them more! They sleep very well at night. Down for 6.30 df at 10.30 then 4oz at 3.30/4.30. Then up at 6ish. Morning nap is at 8ish then after that my day goes wrong! One will nap an hour the other 30 minutes.

How can I get into a routine with them or am I trying the impossible. Do you set times for each nap and just push them to them in the hope they soon catch on!


Offline kayra

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #117 on: August 29, 2014, 12:15:21 pm »
Welcome! Wow you do have your hands full! Our twins are simillar in age, mine were born may 17th. Are they identical or fraternal?
I'd say that an 8 oclock nap is probably lat for  6 wake up, i'd have thought 7:30 at the latest.. I generally try to calculate A times,so every day is diferent ::) and it doesnt always work ::) i generally aim for 1hr15min or so. set naps are appealing in a sense but i think mine would just get ntoo ot at this stage and i dont really need them to be at set times so we're just going wit the flow :P

Our angel Victor 06.11.10  We miss you, but look forward to the day we will see you again my love 1Cor. 15
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Offline Katejk

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #118 on: August 29, 2014, 19:20:20 pm »
They are fraternal. I tried 1hr 15/30 awake time but they just cried and cried they settle much better at 1 hr 45 ish. I hate not being in a routine. 

The twins were born at 37 +3. Would you correct there age to 13 weeks instead of 16 weeks? Does that make sense? x

Offline babybarr

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Re: Sleep and EASY support for twins and multiples
« Reply #119 on: August 29, 2014, 20:44:53 pm »
Welcome!  TBH I wouldn't bust a gut to get them on the same routine atm.  It really is quite an impossible task.  I had one up one down for ages!!

I agree with Kayra though, definitely need to put them down earlier.