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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #480 on: December 14, 2005, 01:33:25 am »
Deborah - How exciting!!!!!!!! I didn't get into Desperate Housewives until late last season (was that the first season?) Now I am an avid watcher. Ohhh, I may have to go to the library soon.

Praying for a snow day from school tomorrow!  :lol: We're supposed to get up to a 12 inches of snow here thru the early morning and day tomorrow.  :shock: I could use a day off!  :D
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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #481 on: December 14, 2005, 01:54:09 am »
Christine-you're funny!  I remember praying for snow days.  Hardly ever got them though.  Around here, it's usually icy roads that shut down school.
For Christmas, we have gotten Kelsey FP Learning Pots and Pans, Peek-a-Blocks, an Elmo puppet book, and a giggly baby doll.  I also have one of those things where you press a key or turn a knob and something pops up, and a little keyboard type thing, but I'm reconsidered those.  She really just likes blocks and things she can bang together.  I also have a block bucket that you sort the shapes through, but I want to wait and see what the grandmothers give her.  I might hold some things back for her birthday, too.  Either way, all older toys are being put up as she seems board with them.
I'm going to try to post her Christmas pictures in the Photo Gallery tonight, but don't hold me to that.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #482 on: December 14, 2005, 01:59:29 am »
Hi Everyone!

Well, if you all saw my post in the couch you know I've been pretty frustrated...but dh is here now so things are getting a little better. ugh...little is putting it midly.  But after some posts I learned that Eirwen could actually be getting her molars, and that sounds right because she keeps jamming her fingers way back into her mouth.

Christmas Traditions- from my family we always opened 1 Christmas present on Christmas Eve.  That was always very special for us, and my mom would make a favorite family meal.  The presnet was usually something small but fun.  My dh's family is Dutch so they have what is called Santa Clause Day, which I don't think we will celebrate. In their family Christmas Eve was the bigger celebration as Christmas Day was spent low key with family and church.  Although I agree with not going too overboard my family was kind of on the low income side of things, and Christmas was the one time in the year we got "stuff" esp new stuff :D .  Plus I think there is something totally fun about opening lots of gifts, all the paper around you.  My parents always surprised us with "Santa gifts" and it was fun to have them make a pile around my brother and I as kids.  So she's getting lots of stuff this year :wink: I couldn't help myself. :oops:   Also- as she gets older I think we will do charity like a giving tree, and she will get to pick out the present for the other child, which will be her age.  I want her to learn that Christmas is for giving as well as getting. :D  Since her bday is so close she probably won't be getting too much stuff then :wink:  Oh, and we also do the ornament thing (we actually started it when dh and I had our first Christmas together), it will be so fun to pick an ornament for Eirwen's first Christmas!!!!
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #483 on: December 14, 2005, 02:12:34 am »
Branwen-I second the Angel Tree gift giving.  I plan to do that and serve at a shelter or somewhere similar when our children are older.  Hope you are OK.  I'm going to go read your other post.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline Leah's Mom

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #484 on: December 14, 2005, 02:16:27 am »
Branwen - I just read your post on the couch. It made me cry, literally. It's also my time of month, so I cry easily!  :wink: You are such a caring mother. Wow!!! You got a lot of GREAT advice and please know that we are here for you! Thru the good times and the bad. I love your ideas on giving at Christmas time when Eirwen gets older. I too didn't get alot when I was younger for Christmas. But it was so much fun to get that one special gift!!!!! Of course I may not be buying Leah much for Christmas this year, but that is also becuase she already has it all.  :oops: I buy WAY too much for her!

Heather - I bought Leah the roll-arounds from fisher price the other day (see! why do I buy so much before Christmas?!?!?!  :oops: ) She loves them. We roll them around the house and she chases them. The pots and pans sound cool. I may have to check them out.

Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!! I have to get off here. I have loads of lesson plans to prepare and papers to go through for school. I better have a snow day tomorrow or I'm screwed!!!!!!!!!! :shock:
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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #485 on: December 14, 2005, 08:39:51 am »
Hi everyone,

I have been having a really hard time last 4 days or so - i guess i am coming down off of doing so well for a week or 2 and now i am a bit low  :evil:  I was stressing out, crying, frustrated with olivia's needing help to get to sleep again (we are now past 3 weeks i think - she still needs help at least 1 x day and yesterday refused to nap at all after she took 1st nap so was up from 11am - 7:15 pm!!) i had a better day finally today (still nowhere near last week) but was still really short with the girls and stressing out.  i hate the fact that i saw what it could be like if i was "normal" and now i am back to my stupid PPD ways  :evil:  i cannot believe Olivia will be 10 months old in 5 days i am still dealing with this battle! i am missing/ruining her whole first year and i will regret it for the rest of my life (i am sitting here in tears now... so will come back later to talk ablout the holidays  :D ) i am on my own tonight and after managing to get both girls bathed and in bed olivia is still struggling to get to sleep after 45 min  :shock: and my lovely emotional eating self is taking over and i hear chocolate calling my name  :cry:
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #486 on: December 14, 2005, 11:56:03 am »
Aaah, I just wrote a huge post and lost it all!

Deb - I am so sorry you are having a hard time.  We all have ups and downs and we are here to support each other.  You are a great mom - first and second children always have different babyhoods (as well as different personalities  :wink: ) and there is still so much to look forward to.  There are loads of things I wanted to do with Ciara that I haven't, but hey, we do our best. 

I posted in nightwakings but no insights yet...  Branwen thanks so much for your suggestions, I am trying to make naps later as they have crept forward.  We have had 2 nights of 12 hrs straight but not getting my hopes up yet.... I also posted to you in the Couch.  I hope things are getting better for you.  What a big upheaval you have all undergone.  Will be great to meet up next year - and start our own CO fan club  :wink:

I like the Dutch Sinterklaas/Santa Claus tradition of Dec 6 for kids gifts etc and then actual Christmas itself separate.  We didn't do it though!  Dh wants Christmas to be all about excitement and lots of presents and I think it shoudln't be too much about 'things', especially as my mum goes way overboard with presents for Ciara all year round!  So far we are getting her a drum like this one: and a coat for when she starts toddling. I love the idea of choosing a gift for another child, we'll definitely look into that.  My mum and grandmother are coming to Holland for Christmas, as my aunt, uncle, cousins live here too.  I'm getting them this kind of thing:

I started a jusspress site: but some of the dates are wrong b/c they weren't all from a digital camera.  Anyway you can picture us now!

Take care all, Kate

Offline klt

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #487 on: December 14, 2005, 11:58:03 am »
PS Deb, I am in awe of you putting two los to bed on your own when I can be wiped out by just one!  Please don't be hard on yourself

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #488 on: December 14, 2005, 15:05:54 pm »
Christine - Good luck with the snow day.  Is it the Leap Frog table with all the musical instrument type things?  Maya has one with different stuff on each side, a few piano keys, a trumpety thing, buttons and levers, etc.  It is her absolute favorite toy right now.  And last season was the first season of DH.  Turns out I only missed one episode - I must have caught the the others in reruns.  I spent the rest of the evening curled up with a book someone here recommended - The Post-Pregnancy Handbook.  I so wish I had had it right after Maya was born!

To answer your other question, between Christmas and her birthday, Maya is getting a stacker toy, some peekaboo blocks, several books, and a small stuffed Elmo if I can find one.  However, though she'll get to open everything on Christmas or her birthday, we are going to ration out the new stuff one toy at a time so at least for a while I'll have new stuff in reserve for the days when nothing seems to make her happy.

Branwen - I read your post.  You are such a good mom!  You are in tune to what your baby needs, and we all have those moments.  Regarding the molars, someone the other day told me that the long skinny teething biscuits are good when they're cutting molars as they can jam them way back and rub them against their gums.  I have been giving Maya pretzel rods with no salt.

In my family, we also do the ornament a year thing.  I have a collection with at least one for every Christmas.  My mom even kept a list.  I am looking forward to picking one out for Maya.  I made the mistake, though, of telling MIL about it, and she bought out the Hallmark store.  Maya will have 10 or 12 for her first Christmas.

Debra - You are not ruining Olivia's first year - all she will remember is having a mom who took care of all of her needs.  Hang in there.

Finally, I have a question.  It occurred to me last night that I know all of your names and all of your kids' names, but I do not know all of your husbands' names.  They are uniformly dh.  My husband's name is Andres, and here is a photo of us at the beach at Thanksgiving.
#3 EDD 07/18/09
B 04/14/07 (ds)
M 01/13/05 (dd)

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #489 on: December 14, 2005, 20:12:52 pm »
Branwen and Deb, HUUUUUGGGGSSSS!  You are both awesome moms! :D  :D


Offline branwen

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #490 on: December 14, 2005, 22:06:16 pm »
Hi everyone!

Thanks for all your support posting to me on the other thread! 

Deb- I just sent you an email at babywhisperer address

Here are pictures of my dh- Everard otherwise known as Emon to me or muffin.  :wink:
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #491 on: December 15, 2005, 00:32:14 am »
Debra, please don't cry.  It must be really hard looking after two lo's :(  :( .

Why don't you post us Olivia's current routine?  It seems odd that she needs sooo much help getting to sleep sometimes.  Maybe a little tweaking would make a difference :D .

And, gosh, if chocolate makes you feel better once in awhile, go for it! :D

And you are so not ruining Olivia's first year.  It's just the depression talking.

Has your support group ended?  Could that be the cause of the downturn?  Maybe your doctor could help you find an ongoing group.

Also, are you going thru a repeating pattern of a period of depression followed by a period of happiness?  If so, I'd talk to your doctor about it cause there's different treatments for these kind of symptoms that is important.

Hope I haven't overstepped, just trying to help, Tarri

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #492 on: December 15, 2005, 01:13:25 am »
thanks Tarri and Branwen (i replied to your email)

Tarri - it is not her routine it is her mobility - same as when she was rollin over and then crawling, except those times it took about 2 weeks of messing up her naps.  this time it is taking longer (the more active she gets the worse  it is) she is standing in the cot, calling out, moving around, sitting up and clapping... she just cannot relax and be immobile. she moves all day long pulling up on things and moving from toy to toy...  some days are fine and others worse.   yesterday she put herself down for both naps no problem and then bedtime (maybe because i put her down early so could do alex next) took her 2 PDs and 45 min of self settling (chatter, babbling...) so maybe she was not tired yet as it was 30-40 min early  :roll:

she is doing so well though- she is waving hello and goodbye, she actually says "uh-oh" when she drops things from high chair (because alex was always saying oops - uh oh) or hums it.; stood unaided and clapped today... so she is just developig before my eyes and it intereferes with her naps (just the getting down - once she is settled she is fine) no nightwakings (except the other night at 10:30 woke screaming and we gave her teething relief as this is another issue)
my group ended last thursday and the crash started by Saturday mornign so who knows... i am waiting until our residency is finallized and hoping to find someone i can afford for therapy but around here they cost $90-150 per hour  :shock:  with little to no rebates. and as much as i woudl love to see someone it is too costly right now.
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #493 on: December 15, 2005, 04:17:14 am »
Boy, I've missed you all!  :D

We're back from disneyland and I've been so very sick.  I was getting over my cold, but started a bad cough and fever on the way home.  Still had both 3 days later!  The fever just broke yesterday.  :?
Disneyland was interesting.  Asher's favorite part was the ground -- all the various textures to walk on.  He also enjoyed the masked characters, carousel and Haunted Mansion Holiday.  Otherwise, Disneyland seemed to be a cruel form of torture of sleep deprivation and confinement in the eyes of a baby who just doesn't understand the concept of lines and isn't big enough to walk by himself.   :roll:  I felt so guilty most of the time.  :oops: 

It could have been much worse though and Asher did amazingly well considering.  He slept really well in the hotel room.  We made a cozy little tent around his pack n play and put him in the closet area by taking the sliding doors off (maid service prolly thought we were nuts).  I giggled to myself and thought of Jaime and Luke in the bathroom!  :lol: 

But if nothing else, it was worth getting Asher on to California time, which means he's still on it here!  He's slept in the past four days!  Woohoo!!  :D   And his night wakings have seemed to disappear.  Maybe he's still recovering, but I'll take it!!  :D  :D  :D

 :?: But now that he's sleeping until 8, not sure what to do with the naps.  They seem so late.  For those with late-sleeping babies, what time are your naps at?
Anyway, we're told he'll like it much better next year when he's 22 months.

He's turned into a picky eater since the trip though.  Maybe it's his stuffy nose.  Things he used to like he suddenly doesn't anymore.  It leaves me at a loss at what to feed him.  And whatever he decides he doesn't like, he tosses off the high chair.  He won't even just leave it be, he has to have it GONE!  It's driving me a little nuts (Deb, I think I feel some of your pain now!  :lol: ).  Not sure how to handle this behavior because he's only 10.5 months, but he's clearly not experiementing, he's defiantly launching his food despite being told "no."

Tarri, maybe you could help Emily's arm strength by letting her pull herself up on your hands or sit up from a laying position, again holding your hands?  Honestly, we didn't really practice the walking with Asher since he was still so young.  And a friend of mine had the same problem with her DD wanting to walk all over the house with help and it was breaking her back.  So I made it a point NOT to start that with Asher.  :wink:   He just started letting go between the furniture sooner and sooner as he was cruising around the room.  Then I put a couple things in the middle of the room to encourage him to go across and take longer strides.  He never seemed very interested in walking to me or DH!  :lol:  :roll:  And for the falling, I guess I just let him fall!  :lol:  :oops:   We have carpet and it never seemed to phase him.  Ever since he started scooting, he's been bumping him head, landing head first, taking dives, etc, like the BOY he is! 

Christine, we're using the last of the #3 diapers this week (bought way too many).  We've been in #4 at night for a while because Asher started to leak.

Tammy, I just tried black beans with Asher this morning and he liked them.  Good source of iron and very gummable.
For snacks, I just give rice puffs or rice cakes and water right now (minimal mess).  By time he wakes, it's meal time again anyway, so I just give him those to hold him off while I prepare the meal.

Branwen, we're BFing till 1 year and then introducing whole milk.  Once I'm confident in the milk and his intake, I'll start dropping one feed a week, I guess.  Though it's weird, Asher suddenly seems so aware of BFing lately and seems to really like it now that we're down to 3 full feeds.  Makes me wonder if he'll have a hard time now?

Oi, this is going to be a long, ongoing post, so maybe I'll break it up....
DS 1/31/05 (spirited/textbook but a touchy sleeper)
DD 10/15/10 (textbook/angel/spirited)

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Jan/Feb 05 chat - Thread #3
« Reply #494 on: December 15, 2005, 05:22:02 am »
Whew!  #2 post.  I attached a photo of Asher's "pack n play tent" for your amusement!

Baby #2, we want them 3-4 years apart.  We're only having 2.  I want to minimize the time I'm PG during the summer so we will start trying in July after Asher's 2nd bday and hope to have baby by the following May.  Our main motivations for 3-4 years is the many many friends we have living in chaos!  :lol:   Plus, I really want to have the time to enjoy Asher right now, just like I want to enjoy #2 as well.  I think the three of us will be better equipped for that if Asher is older.  It goes by too fast as it is, I don't want it to be a complete blur.  :wink:

Tarri, Fisher Price also makes a walk behind toy in their brilliant basics line.  Asher STILL loves to push his around.

We have many Christmas traditions since me & DH are Christmas freaks.  Disneyland each December is one of them.  We always buy a photo ornament and put one of the trip's photos in there for the tree.  Then we host a White Elephant Christmas Party (this Sunday) for our family and close friends.  Christmas Eve is spent with DH's family opening presents (their tradition, now ours).  We host Christmas Day dinner (lunch this year, for Asher) for both sides of the family (they all get along great).  We will also go to ZooLights this year (christmas light display at the zoo).  We also do little things like get a chocolate advent calendar, special ornaments, decorate everything in sight...  :lol:

We've bought some various things for Asher but we're not sure what's gonna be for his bday yet.  A few things we got at the second hand store as well.  FP Stand Up Ball Blast, FP peekablock hippo, FP peekablock wagon (we have no peekablocks, but we're now obsessed after hearing all of you talk about them!), little tykes my first truck, playskool ball popper thingy.  There are still more things we'd like to get him (or hope the family does, like the FP Incrediblock).  He's in great need of new age-appropriate toys for 1-2 years.

Deb, hugs to you.  Liv sounds like Asher in the moving, moving, moving department!  The big key seems to let him get the ants out of his pants during A time so he'll settle down to sleep.  Could she need longer A times?  What about longer wind downs to help her make that transition to nap time?
DS 1/31/05 (spirited/textbook but a touchy sleeper)
DD 10/15/10 (textbook/angel/spirited)