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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #150 on: February 07, 2007, 04:41:56 am »
SO...............i knew i shouldnt get too excited!! Last night Jakob had several bad Nws!! He resettled himself the 1st time but the others he wouldnt settle using any technique????? All i could do was go in and out,reassure him and then leave.I ended up just talkinmg to him from his door as he didnt want me to touch him or hold him.

I dont know what else to do now.He doesnt want me near him but screams for me????He would be happy enough for me to sit on his floor all night......i dont want to do that.

Luckily i got some sleep as it was my 1st day fulltime teaching today...!!!

Bath time now,time to start another night of fun!!!


Offline Zaiby

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #151 on: February 11, 2007, 13:49:38 pm »
Well, I'm back looking for answers..

last week R started to rivert back to early wakings again - I think he's overtired again or I could be wrong I don't know...
Anyway - I've been trying the 20 minunte catnap again as he certainly wouldn't even make it to a decent 1nap time (he's been waking again at 5ish)...his pm nap was then only 1.5 at the most - (when he used to do 2/2.5!)
One time I did give him some milk and he went  back to sleep, as he was fussing, but others he was just rolling around not crying so I leave him to see if he'd go back to sleep...but of course he doesn't - so we leave him as long as he'll tolerate - usually til 6:30/6:45...

Last night he had a nw at 11:30, took me 15min to resettle, woke at 4:30, I think resettled, then woke again at 5:30ish...and was quiet for awhile, but I think he was just laying there...
This was after a 2.5 hr nap (1st time since a week he took a long nap)..

Any ideas????


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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #152 on: February 11, 2007, 16:52:14 pm »
early wakings are usually a sign of overtiredness depending when you put LO to bed (as are NWs).
his NWs could be due to teething -we are having them at the MO ::).
whats your routine at the mo?could be something to do with the time and length of nap.

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #153 on: February 11, 2007, 23:40:13 pm »
We have had some improvements with Aiden overthe last couple of days - finally! After finally getting him to start going to sleep all on his own about 6 days ago he was still waking through the night and early in the morning. His naps were also 1.5 hrs or less. Yesterday he finally had a nap of 2hrs 5 min. Last night he cried out at 9:30 but settled himself. At 12:30 he woke and dh went in but only for a minute. Then he slept until 5:45! I know this doesn't sound that great to some but it has taken us 4-5 weeks to get back here.

Today he fell asleep in the car for about 20 minutes, woke when we brought him in and dh got him back down again for another 1hr 40.

How have we accomplished this? Not sure really. One - he is going down on his own with no one in his room. We tried to deal with the overtiredness with earlier naps and bedtime, but that didn't accomplish a whole lot for a while. He was still waking a lot, but for some reason was pretty gassy and I think now has some eczema on his leg. Sore teeth probably figured in there too for a while. I think he is so sensitive to when he is not feeling great (even if he is slightly constipated) and that causes him to wake often. I am determined that we will never go back to staying in the room even when things get bad (as I'm sure they will). We will definitely do WI/WO when that happens. It has taken too long to get back to hin falilng asleep on his own.

Zaiby - I would assume overtiredness and/or teething. I tried the catnap with DS but he wouldnt take one early enough.

Kirsty - how are things going?

Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #154 on: February 12, 2007, 03:37:36 am »
HI all

Well we arent really too much better yet but i havebeen getting alot of help in regards to his reflux which im sure is the biggest reason for his wakings...thanks to ryans mum ,who is an angel may i say, i have aplan to try out for the next few weeks.

The last 3 nights has seen less screaming out and less NWs.He has still woken but only cried the mantra style cry.He doesnt want or need me when he cries like this.I stand at his door and wait but so far he has resettled after a few minutes.

Im not sure how it will go but im really hoping that when his meds kick in we will see some difference!!



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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #155 on: February 12, 2007, 03:42:11 am »
I *think* we are back on track again! He keeps me on my toes lately!

Offline annas mum

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #156 on: February 12, 2007, 13:44:06 pm »
Just wanting to pop my head round the door and ask "can I join too?"!! ;)
Our Background  -  Nathan has been pretty spirited since birth, always much harder to settle for sleep than his sister ever was, and in the first few months of his life, untill he started solids, he had issues with reflux, which were not good! He started to sleep through around 7 and 1/2 months when he found his thumb, but gave that up after a couple of months. ::)

He can and does go to sleep independantly , if he is over tired often has trouble settling so I would then put on his white noise CD which thank heaven still works approx 80 % of the time. If this doesn't work its a case of cuddles, stroking his head or back until he finally relaxes.
We get usually 1 nightwaking a night , which he either resettles or more often we go in and put on his cd again. He invariably wakes up between 5- 5.30 and it is v rare that we get him back to sleep by any method. Once every 6 weeks or so he will throw us a bone and sleep from 7pm til 6am , but then go back to his usual habits the next night.
He has 1 nap a day which is usually 1 hr 30 mins , if we get a 2 hr nap in it sometimes improves thing but mostly doesn't.

Not sure If I'm looking for advice or sympathy! :-\ Just wanted to be amongst those with chronic sleep deprivation who understand where I'm coming from :)


Mum to Anna 3yrs and Nathan 17months

Offline aidenmc

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #157 on: February 12, 2007, 18:15:55 pm »
Welcome Clare!

I was just going to post my frustration as it is 1:25 and Aiden was put down at 12:20 and he is squealing in his crib, wide awake! THis is after he had his first night with no wake-ups since Christmas! And it was a total of 10hrs 45 m! SO, what is going on now? HE was fussy in the car when I picked up from school although he had a great morning. He also fussed a little when dh put him down. We thought he was asleep at about 1:00, but at 1:08 I heard him. DH has been doing all the sleeps again (which is how we got back to good sleeping) and he is oiut now. I am going to leave him as long as I can but fear that if I have to go I will not get out of there again without all the patting etc. I knew it was too soon to count my blessings! I have a bad feeling that last tooth to come in is swollen.

Right now he is calling, Mama, Daddy, Baba! So sweet  ::).

Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #158 on: February 12, 2007, 19:21:24 pm »
So now it is 1:55 and he is still wide awake! What is going on?
i've been in a couple of times but he doesn't settle with me in there. Now he is screaming so i guess i will have to go back in a minute. Maybe this will help him burn off some steam! Give me strength!

...No nap today. We tried for 2hrs 15 minutes. Aargh!
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

Offline annas mum

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #159 on: February 12, 2007, 20:24:21 pm »
Hi Becky
    Thanks for the welcome - was wondering how the rest of your afternoon and settling for bedtime went after the nap skip? Nate hasn't pulled that one on us yet!  ;)
Sending Aiden ~~~~~~~~~~~~sleepy vibes~~~~~~~~~~   


Mum to Anna 2yrs 3 months and Nathan 17 months

Offline aidenmc

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #160 on: February 12, 2007, 23:07:11 pm »
Thanks for the vibes Clare! I don't think Aiden has ever done this either. He was pretty happy all afternoon, actually. A little feisty, though. He is about to be put into bed (a little earlier than normal) and I am really hoping this doesn't totally ruin his night. I am just so tired of sleep being a constant worry! I know the real solution is probably not to worry so much about it - it is so often out of our control.

We had issues with reflux too. That was pretty tough! It still flares up when he is teething (along with gas) so I careful to avoid certain food. We have been having the 1.5 hr naps or shorter for the last while - only in the past couple of days ahve they lengthened to 2 hrs (until today!). I will let you know how the night goes.

Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

Offline Zaiby

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #161 on: February 13, 2007, 17:40:00 pm »
Just have to post this - could be only a one time thing, but heck I'm in shock..

R slept almost 12 hours last night!!!!! :o :o
He has never done this on his own without waking first at 5ish and going back to sleep after some help...

His naps have been all over the place as well as wake ups, back and forth with catnap/long nap, 1 nap..etc..
I couldn't see any rhyme or reason for it...well except overtiredness...

Yesterday after 1:45 minute nap he went to bed at 6:30 asleep in 10 minutes...
I woke up and checked the clock - thinking it would be 5 something - it was 6:15 and I hadn't heard a peep all night!!! He woke at 6:30!!

I wish I could bottle what we did yesterday and duplicate it everyday. lol!
 THough 1.5hr  in the park yesterday afternoon might have helped.....


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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #162 on: February 13, 2007, 17:50:56 pm »
That's awesome Zaibun!

We did not have a great night. Woke at 12:30, 2:30 then 4:30 for the day. Screamed at naptime and hd ended up staying in the room as he fell asleep. We are sliding back downhill fast  :'(.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

Offline annas mum

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #163 on: February 13, 2007, 20:24:54 pm »
Wow Zaibun  :o brilliant!
Sorry to hear you had a bad night Becky - ours was pretty similar ::) 12.00, 3.30 5.00 and up for the day at 5.40! Hmmmmmmmmmmm

I feel an early night coming on ::)


Mum to Anna 3yrs and Nathan 17 months

Offline aidenmc

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Re: Support for Mum's of LO's 16-19months with sleep issues
« Reply #164 on: February 15, 2007, 19:09:27 pm »
Aah the joys of parenting! Last night Aiden took forever to get to sleep then woke at 10:45 screaming and would only have me. Then he woke at 4 and basically screamed for 2 hrs. I even gave him a feed (I meant to have him weaned months ago but with these teeth it is hard no to use it as a last resort). Anyway, he continued to scream after that. he finally went back to sleep from 6 to 7:45.

Now he just spent 2 whole hours getting to sleep for his nap. To be honest I am surprised he actually went to sleep. I put him in there and left, vowing not to go in unless there was screaming and he just chatted and fussed forever! Not sure what thsi will mean for tonight's sleep (he fell asleep at 2:10) but it has to be better than if he had no nap, right?
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)