Hi Jen, I really sympathise with you. I was in the same boat just over a year ago. I had been expressing for 4 months at work and gradually it wore me down. I was sad to give up feeding dd, but it was a bit of a relief not to have to express at work anymore (especially since I travelled so often and had such little time to express during the day). I hope you get through it okay, you have done a wonderful thing feeding him for so long already. I had to start supplementing my dd with a bit of formula around 9 months because she was always so hungy - it seemed to fill her tummy and she started sttn when I did that (which was fantastic since I was exhausted getting up to both her and ds since he wasn't sttn then either, and working full-time). Even though I kept up my expressing full-time at work and feeding dd whenever I was with her, my milk had dropped dramatically and like you, she wasn't feeding for long from me by the end either. I did as you mentioned and pumped less at each pump session for a few days. I had such little milk left though, it only took a few days, then I stopped completely and I was fine, it was all over and done with! Best of luck with it, let us know how it goes for you....