Sending hugs to you, girl. Sleep training and night weaning are really rough on the heart (and body), I know. You have the right idea, though, I think it WILL be better for her in the long run if she knows how to fall asleep on her own and stay asleep on her own. Don't beat yourself up for waiting to sleep train until now. You've done the best you can and are continuing to do so. Also, for what it's worth, I didn't teach independent sleep until 9/10 months and although in some ways it was harder because Kira had such a strong nurse-to-sleep association, in some ways it was easier for me because I felt like she understood what was going on better at 10 months. I mean, at 4 or 5 months I remember her being so much more helpless and I felt like she needed my reassurance much more back then than at 10 months. So in a way it was easier for me to sit next to her while she cried at 10 months than it might have been at 4 months. Not sure if that made any sense to you. Just a way to look on the bright side of things.
Be consistent and things WILL get better, I promise. I know this is easier said than done, especially when it's 3am and it's your third time awake for an hour listening to your baby beg you to pick her up and nurse her. I'm glad you got DH to help, it makes all the difference.
I think we cut down to 3 BM feedings a day at around 10 or 11 months, and it kind of coincided with her starting to eat more solids.But those were tiny feedings (3 oz each) because I can't pump more than that. Kira was slow to warm up to solids, too. Refused most solids til about 10 months, and it wasn't until I night weaned her that she really started to eat solids properly.
Keep us posted on how you get along. Sleep training is incredibly hard, and I know I could never have done it without all the support from this site. There are so many incredible, amazing women with good advice here - be sure to check out the Sleep board for info on PD if you haven't already. I'll be happy to give you my input, too, but I'm not as confident with the whole sleep thing as some others here. (Kira has yet to sleep through a whole night.)