Hi all,
I'm currently weaning my DD from breast to bottle feeding, and have suddenly realised that I feel incredibly guilty. I've always been extremely fortunate to have found BF very straightforward and so have EBF for just over five months.
I always had six months as a final benchmark for BF, but thought I'd see how it all turned out. However it went so well that now that before i know it, that time is nearly here. When my LO turned five months, I started swapping a breastfeed for a bottle every few days, and now only the first and last feeds of the day are breast and the middle two bottle.
For the first few days, my supply seemed to dwindle accordingly, but yesterday and today I've been really engorged and painful. I'm sure my hormones must be doing backflips too, which isn't helping, but I've realised I feel guilty for trying to put my baby onto a bottle when she's prefectly happy on the breast. I feel like I'm doing bad by her for forcing her off me, just because I've decided it's time and now not convenient.
I do feel like it's the right time in my mind, and am happy with the amount of time I've managed to feed her. I also feel excited to be introducing the bottle to her, as it means she's growing and becoming more independent. However, I do at the same time feel a saddness about it all, and I've now realised that I feel incredibly guilty and selfish to draw a line under this wonderful experience that is so good for her, just because I decided it's time.
It didn't help today that my DD woke up earlier today, and when she became hungry she started crying and I was no longer able to feed her immediately. Well, I actually think it was harder because I WAS able to feed her and stop her crying, but I was choosing not too. There I was almost bursting with milk and choosing to let my DD cry while I made up a bottle
Anyway, not sure what anyone can say to help, but I really just needed to get that out. Thanks for listening! xxx