Author Topic: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8  (Read 87956 times)

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #240 on: June 11, 2013, 04:53:48 am »
B: muesli w banana
S: rambutan, milk
L: stir-fried tofu and veges on rice
S: sugar free carrot, apple and sultana cake; rooibos tea
D: fish curry, rice, chappati, green beans and carrots w garlic. Longon. Cup of milk.

Offline Canadian_Mom

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #241 on: July 18, 2013, 14:52:49 pm »
Going to jump on to see if I can keep things going, and help myself see if I can get a better overall pic of what I am feeding my little man! He is unable to have milk, soy, oatmeal, eggs, and peanuts with varying reactions so there are still often times that he doesn't eat the exact same as the rest of the family but slowly changing that (despite my intense dislike for cooking and baking).  As well he is still getting 2 bottles of Neocate formula/day
So yesterday:
B: rice crispies with rice milk, pear and banana chunks
L: steamed cauliflower, bread (only a couple of bites of steamed carrots then tossed them on the floor)
S: rice cracker
D: bean burger, bread, steamed carrots and corn

Offline Canadian_Mom

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #242 on: July 19, 2013, 15:25:13 pm »
B: pancakes and pear chunks
L: bread with hummus, steamed cauliflower and peas
S: strawberry and blueberries
D: refused chilli (first time having it), so then given a piece of bread and some shreddies

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #243 on: July 20, 2013, 16:20:16 pm »
B: Shreddies followed by some of my croissant
S: Refused
L: Scrambled eggs on bagel (apple refused)
S: Refused
D: Sausage, roasted sweet potato and peas followed by custard

Not the healthiest day!
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #244 on: July 22, 2013, 04:26:38 am »
we have been OOT and my poor DD ate a bunch of junk. makes me feel so awful! she also loves french fries which i dont' give to her she steals them and my MIL will give them to her grrr.  my DD is not liking meat much these days. she rarely will eat chicken and never ground beef. i can  get her to eat a sandwich with meat though?

anyway, we just got back so i have no groceries. she will prob get oatmeal tomorrow morning. she loves feeding herself with a fork  or spoon these days as well.

does anyone feed their LOs green beans? (fresh, not canned) i can not get them cooked enough that she can eat them. she stuff several in her mouth and i will be pulling them out 30 minutes later. she also loves raw carrots but can't chew them obviously! (she is just getting her molars in). i thought i could try to slice them very thin?

she loves all fruit, esp blueberries but it is harder to get veggies in. she does love peas and lima beans (assuming legume, not a veggie!). 

i always forget about your blog LT!

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #245 on: July 22, 2013, 06:02:10 am »
Yesterday was

B: soft boiled egg, salami, toast. Fruit, can't remember what.
S: half apple, cracker
L: bowl of noodles with egg, prawn and seaweed. Two pieces of sushi.
S: Offered coconut and banana, don't think she ate any though.
D: Falafel wrap w hummus, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Banana custard tart (refined sugar free)

Heather, my LO used to eat green beans - she would have at that age. Ok, so sometimes it was just sucking all the goodness out of them, but she did generally swallow some too. We're going through an on-off phase with vegies atm - sometimes she will eat them, sometimes she'll go several days refusing any. She won't usually touch salad BUT will in a wrap, I have discovered - so long as it's very well wrapped so nothing is falling out! Have you tried grating the carrot? Raw carrot is a complete no-go here unless grated...and in a wrap.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #246 on: July 22, 2013, 19:58:05 pm »
Have had a bit of cold over here so don't know if it is that but he didn't really eat much the last few days. Just a couple of bite of this or that. Yesterday was a little more normal.
B: pancakes, banana
L: steamed broccoli, bread with hummus
S: puffed wheat, strawberries
D: bean burgers, mixed veggies

Not the healthiest day!
Your day sounds just fine by my standards, lol ;)

Neither of my LOs have never really eaten green beans. I think it is maybe how I offer them?? It isn't a vegetable that we have often as part of our meals though, and I never had them often as a child so yet another reason?  As for carrots what I will do for DS2 is steam them and offer the leftovers cold the next day. They are great for when we have park picnics! DS1 never liked carrots (the only purée he would refuse as a baby!) so not much help there!

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #247 on: July 22, 2013, 21:08:25 pm »
i will try grated again and also cold steamed carrots - good idea!


breakfast: i gave her a blueberry muffin from the store while we were shopping - awful i know. didn't have time to  give her breakfast this am as we woke late and had an appt early this am
lunch: flat bread pizza (ww flat bread, cheese, a little pizza sauce)
dinner: gnocchi with squash and ? (new recipe, haven't made it yet!)

Offline Papaya

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #248 on: July 23, 2013, 13:15:52 pm »
B: Porridge with cashews, coconut and raisins
S: Half banana; mini muffin
L: Slice of sausage, onion and capsicum pizza; piece of sweetcorn
S: Coconut water; didn't want anything to eat
D: Stir-fry chicken and veg with rice (she ate the carrot and cauliflower). Custard tart. Watermelon.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #249 on: July 25, 2013, 19:15:05 pm »
breakfast: greek yogurt, honey, fruit, 1/2 frozen whole grain waffle
lunch: half a turkey/cheese sandwich; sweet potato chips, 1/2 banana
dinner: (will be) pork chops, broccoli, and ?

Offline Emami

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #250 on: July 26, 2013, 00:32:13 am »
B: scrambled egg, strawberries
L: 2 sausages, cauliflower mash
D: slow cooker beef and broccoli

I don't give snacks unless dd specifically asks b/c it sometimes makes her picky for meals, but today she seemed extra hungry so she also had a yoghurt, some applesauce and some cherry tomatoes

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #251 on: July 26, 2013, 02:31:16 am »
DD eats a ton here lately. like more than my 6.5 year old DS! i do give snacks, esp after her nap, bc she can not wait until my DH gets home for dinner. sometimes what we are having is not very toddler friendly so it ends up working out OK

Offline Papaya

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #252 on: July 28, 2013, 01:46:38 am »
B: soft boiled egg, toast, jackfruit
S: cashew nuts
L: veg fried rice with fish, pappad
S: apple
D: make-your own pizza, so not sure what she had on hers - definitely loads of olives! Cucumber sticks.

Offline Emami

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #253 on: July 28, 2013, 02:00:53 am »
Do other people's LOs do ok with repetition or do they like variety?  DD basically had the same lunch and dinner as yesterday (same meat but different fruit/veg) just because I still had some that needed eating.  She doesn't mind having the same thing 2 days running (but also willingly tries most new foods), but I have noticed sometimes she gets fixed on a certain food and then refuses it.  For a while she was crazy about avocado and I gave her one pretty much every day since it's so healthy.  Now she won't touch them, I think it was overkill!

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #254 on: July 28, 2013, 17:07:58 pm »
i don't like repeating much myself so we rarely have something more than 2 days in a row!

breakfast: PBJ on WW, orange slices & blueberries
snack: cheerios & milk
lunch: TBD
dinner: TBD