Anyone get a lot of Nws from OT?I'm trying to decide if F's wakings are just molar and ot related or if there is something more. She woke almost every 40-60mins last night...2nd night of that.
YES YES YES! Yea we get a lot of NW's. Usually in the early part of the night, from BT up to 10/11pm & then again around 4am onwards. If we get NW's in the early hours then it is usually followed by EW. And its definitely down to OT. For us though, we don't usually go in to him & he cries out & resettles on his own. I think if you carry on with WI/WO then that should help with the NW's. Might not stop them, but should encourage her to fall asleep on her own which at least means its less disturbing for you.
I am doing 5hrs A too - so hang in there with me!!! I'd say just stick at it, do EBT throughout, especially if nap is short. If WU is early & nap starts at 11am ish, even if she naps a solid 2hrs, still do a reasonably EBT as she will get OT if you push straight to a 7pm BT. It will take time for her naps & nights to lengthen, and once this happens, then you can work on shifting her day later if you need to. And remember it may take several weeks for things to fall into place. We are now 3 weeks in with the 5hr A time & we are still getting some shorter naps & mid nap WU's & NW's. But I'm living in hope it'll all settle down soon.