Welcome Tao and Katiebee
Tao, if you get such a late WU, I would push nap to 11.30 and leave her to sleep as long as she wants. If she's up at 1, I'd probably offer a catnap around 5, but cap at 20 mins max and do bedtime around 7.15. If she sleeps longer, 2-2.5hrs, I'd be inclined to skip the catnap and just do EBT and see how she goes
She may still generally need the two naps for a little while, but you could do one nap on days when she has a later WU and then does a decent nap. What do you think?
Here's the link on average day/night sleep needs:
Typical Amounts of Day and Night SleepKatiebee, has your LO generally been low sleep needs? That's a pretty low amount of sleep he's getting atm - is he generally happy with it? I'm just wondering if he actually needs the pm nap offered EARLIER, rather than later, if he's maybe OT already by then, especially with the short nights...but if he doesn't even fall asleep in the car, it actually doesn't sound like it. I do think it might be worth pushing the am nap later and aiming for one nap, and you can always try to AP a pm catnap if you think you need to. My LO was an EWer too, and with her I started by setting her nap no earlier than 11am, no matter what the WU...which sometimes meant a looong morning A time, but I would try to keep her quiet in her cot until at least 6. If nap is at least 2 hours, I would do bt 5 hours later - it may be pretty early, but often LOs will tack and do lovely long nights when they go to one nap, even if they never have before. Mine was doing 12-13hour nights, even though she had never done more than 11 hours, so it's worth a try
If it's a shorter nap, you can try for a catnap - and some LOs do well with a catnap every few days to start with anyway, to keep the OT at bay.
There's also a support thread for the 2-1 transition on the Sleeping for Toddlers thread, where you'll find more mamas with slightly older babies:
Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 5Charjanemom, I would probably do bottle (and perhaps snack, if you do snacks) before nap and then a late lunch. My LO was happy with lunch after nap when nap was that early (we had already dropped to three feeds though, so didn't then have to fit in another milk feed before dinner!). When our nap moved to 11.30, I did lunch at 11.