Author Topic: 7 month old waking 30-45 minutes after being put down for night- ut or ot?  (Read 21177 times)

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Hi hon... sorry it took a while to reply.

When she wakes after 30-35min, you can't get her back to sleep at all?  If she's waking decently happy, have you tried to just leave her?

Do you think her pm nap should be closer to 3 hrs30 too even if she short naps? 
You could try it.  It seems really long, my DD and DS weren't able to do 3.5hr after a 30min nap until they were closer to 18mo, but all LOs are different.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 13:26:31 pm by katie80 »

Offline Sjbc1019

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I don't usually try to put her back to sleep.  I let her hang in her crib for awhile or until she cries.  Lately she has been waking up a lttle fussy for a few minutes then happy chilling in crib.  For am nap we have been doing around 3.5 hours.  She is going down peaceful and puts herself to sleep usually within 5 minutes.  Yesterday she 1 hour after 3 hrs24 awake.  Today she was  awake for 3 hrs 33 and she slept for 33 minutes.  Yesterday we tried to put her down before we knew she was tired because of timing.  We tried to put her down at 3 hrs30 but she cried and screamed so we shush patted and she fell asleep at 3hrs50 and slept for about 22-23 minutes.  We tried to put her down earlier because she has been doing 3.5 hrs at the end of the day and her bedtime would have been after 8.  In the end we put her down for the night at 7:42, 3hrs35 mins and we knew she was a bit overtired.  She woke after 44 minutes then took 10 mins of fussing and put herself back to sleep but woke 2 more times during the night and woke at 6:15 when she normally sleeps until 7am.

Today, she did a 33 min nap and for the 2nd nap I watch sleepy cues and thought if she can stay up 3.5 hrs at end of night with short naps maybe she can stay up that long for pm nap.  She went down pretty peaceful, a little fussing but put herself to sleep in 5 mins but woke 24/25 mins later.  I went in and tried to nurse her back to sleep as I would have fed her after the np but thought she might be tired but she was happy and smiling and wide awake.  Her pm nap she went down at 3 hrs30.

So her last nap today was at 2:20.  We kept her up until almost 6 which she seemed tired but not completely overtired.  She put herself to sleep in just a few minutes with little fussing.  She woke after 34 minutes and i went in to nurse her back to sleep as she only nursed dor a couple of minutes before bed.  she was awake when i put her back down.  In a situation like this where she short naps- do we try for catnap and put her to bed way later or keep her up a little longer than she should be to do an earlier bedtime having to combat overtired.  We did the latter since she woke at 6:15 this am and had less than an hour of sleep but we are never sure what is the best thing.  Especially since it seems she can have a long awake time after short naps.  2:20 for the last nap though is so early- we call it no mans land when she wakes at times like that because its either put her to bed early but maybe overtired or late and do catnap.  Anything before 6pm bedtime seems too earlier- what do you think?

We have tried short awake times after sort am naps (2.53hrs) but they produce same results.  We have also tried short awake from short pm nap to bedtime (2 hrs-3hrs) which had her waking after one cycle  or when I would nurse as the final step of routine she nursed briefly them wanted to play until after 3 hr awake.

I will continue the 3.5 for the am and am still trying to figure out pm naps.  Have tried 3 hrs and 3 hr30 and the nap times are not that different.

Offline katie80

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Anything before 6pm bedtime seems too earlier- what do you think?
Yeah, I never really went before 6pm (maybe 5:45 a couple times, but 6 was usually my cutoff). I guess I usually favor doing the shorter day rather than another catnap, even if she is a bit OT at BT. It looks to me like 3.5hr after the short nap is too much if she's waking around the 22-25min mark. If stick with closer to 3hr.

Do you think it's a problem of her transitioning at all? Has she mostly done 30ish min naps in her life? I'm asking because there doesn't seem to be a lot of connection in A times, so I'm wondering if there's a different issue. Would it be worth it to you to try to resettle her for a good week or so to see if you can get her sleeping longer?  She goes down independently at the start, right? Is she possibly overstimulated, is it too light in her room, will she sleep a longer nap if APd (like in the stroller, carrier, or car)?

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Part of the reason we have been doing the 3.5 after short am nap is to buy us more time (since her naps are 30 mins or so if we can hold her off 30 mins we can do a 6pm bedtime and only have her awake 3.5 hrs at the end of the day rather than 4 hours.  also- she does not show sleepy signs at 3 hrs.  We have tried putting her down at 3 hrs and it produce about 30 min naps as well.  Finally, she really seems to go down well and independently at the end of the day at around 3 hrs30.  We have tried lots of variations of 2-3.5 hrs awake at last stretch and she goes down the best at around 3hrs15/30.

The last several days we have been putting her down at 3 hrs30 and it takes her less than 5 mins with little fussing to put herself to sleep.  I read books and walk around the house with her at around 3hrs15 then do routine.  It's pretty peaceful putting her down.  For pm nap we have been doing 3hrs30 again mainly to compensate for her short naps so we can do bedtime at 6 rather than 5:30.  She goes down well for this to.  She wakes from nap with a little fussing for a couple of minutes then hangs out and plays in crib.  Once we get her she is happy and playful.  She does not seem sleepy.  I have tried the last couple of days to nurse her back to sleep after she wakes up from pm nap and keep room dark and sound machines on but she is wide awake and wanting to play.  I put her down at 3 hrs once this week and got a 30 some minute nap.

She has been putting herself to sleep at night and it is peaceful and takes 10 mins or less.  this is great as we use to nurse to sleep.  also for the most part she is able to do a decent 3-4 hour stretch after being put down when she use to always wake up after 30-40 minutes then need shush pat to go to sleep so i feel like the longer awake has helped with night even though she is still waking multiple times.  She had been waking twice a night (use to be once but after vacay we are trying to get back on track).  She is teething (three upper just broke through for the most part and another one is about to) and so last night she woke up 4 times- a couple of time after 45 mins then her longest stretch was 3 1/2 hrs).  I definitely think her teeth are bothering her.  Maybe this is effecting naps too?  She also has just learned in the last weeks to get on all fours and is trying to crawl and can now pull herself up.  Even though she is waking more since we are putting her down so early she is still getting for the most part 10.5-11 hours.  She did use to wake at 7am and lately has been waking at 6-6:15am.

With the awake, I feel like how well so goes down for naps should be considered and maybe she is short napping due to teething?  I want to try 3 hrs for pm nap but not sure how to handle the rest of the day if she wakes after 30 mins.  Example from yesterday- wakes from am nap at 10:40, nap 3 hrs later at 1:40, wakes 30 mins later taking us to 2:10.  She woke at 6:15am so when would we put her down for bed?

Thanks for your help. 

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Sorry- forgot to answer a few questions.  She has always had issues with naps I think if we get awake time right she sleeps well- 1 hr15 mins is two cycles for her.  I know she can sleep long- she's not just a short mapper unless this is a phase.  We have had a lot of trouble figuring out her awake time but think we are in the ballpark now.  She seems to be able to transition for naps.  It is crazy but she will be asleep then suddenly she just pops up and wants to play.  Not drowsy or anything- usually happy except this last couple of weeks where she wakes fussing a little for a few mins then is happy.  She has been like this since she was little.

Her room is dark- black out shades and we have sound machines going.  I try to have 15 mins of more chill activity before naps and have pretty much kept the same routine for a long time.

Eve if I hold her now she will likely only sleep 30 mins or so.  She has only ever slept 30-35 mins in car or stroller so we only try to use them if we need her to catnap.

I am thinking these short naps are developmental or teething.....  She is going down good so I feel like we are putting her down at the right time- the naps are just short!

Offline katie80

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It sure is possible the naps are short due to developmental reasons and/or teething.  Have you tried giving any meds before naps or BT?

It is crazy but she will be asleep then suddenly she just pops up and wants to play.  Not drowsy or anything-
I've heard that this is a good indicator of overstimulation, but it sounds like you're doing the right things in terms of some quiet A time before sleeps.  You might want to drop the book reading before naps, as that can be quite stimulating at this age, but if you've had good naps with that before it may not be an issue.  Have you tried just leaving her for a good 30-45min to see if she will eventually fall back to sleep or does she end up getting upset enought that you need to get her?

I want to try 3 hrs for pm nap but not sure how to handle the rest of the day if she wakes after 30 mins.  Example from yesterday- wakes from am nap at 10:40, nap 3 hrs later at 1:40, wakes 30 mins later taking us to 2:10.  She woke at 6:15am so when would we put her down for bed?
Yeah, that's tough.  I'd probably put her down at 6pm in that example, or try to squeeze in another CN around 4:30pm and do a 7pm BT.  But, my kids always went down for bed on a short A time after CNs, so that may not work for you. :-\

Offline Sjbc1019

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Our LO is now waking 3-4 times a night (sometimes after 30-40 mins after being put down).  I do think some of it is teething but think it probably has to do with ot or ut as well.  I just cannot figure out the awake.  The last several days I have tried 3hrs40ish and she definitely has longer naps.  One day 1hr5 mins and yesterday 38 mins but I think I put her down too soon as she fell asleep more around 3hrs35 mins. She is going down well for naps with usually a little fussing but puts herself to sleep in under 10 mins at most.  She wakes usually with a little fussing for a minute or two then gets happy and roams around in crib.  I let her stay in crib until she starts fussing again.  I have tried leaving her after naps and in the past she would cry and put herself to sleep.  Sometimes it would take up to 20 mins and others just a few.  These days she doesn't seem to be able to do that.

Today she was crying out around 6 and my husband went in around 6:10 to try to shush pat and it looked like she was sleeping although she kept crying out and trying to get comfortable.  Anyhow, we picked her up around 6:30 then for the day but I do not know when she really woke as she was crying and moving around for awhile.  I used the first time of 6ish as my gauge and put her down and she put herself to sleep at around 3hrs40.  However, I don't know if she was only up for 3hrs and some if she really slept until 6:15-6:30.  She fussed for a min or two, had some yawns and seemed tired.  She slept for 45 mins and woke up happy and chilling in crib.  No crying. Should we keep the 3hrs40-45?  We did3 hrs30 for awhile and it kept producing short naps.

The other question is about the next awake time for her 2nd nap the bedtime.  She seems to be able to stay up for over 3 hrs (3hrs-3hrs15) and sometime we get decent naps and other times short naps.  At bedtime she will sleep for a couple of hours and make the transition and other days wakes up after30-40 mins screaming and needing shush pat.  It can take her 20 mins or so to settle her- she seems angry.  Is she ot or ut?  She has been doing 2-3 hr stretches- killer!  We do nursing and shush pat depending on situation.  Could she be ut going robed?  She has been fussing/crying for 5-10 mins then falls asleep.


Offline katie80

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Are you giving meds at BT at all or during the night to see if they help?  It sounds like it sure could be teething.

If 3h40-45min is giving you better naps, then of course you can stay there.  I'm going to see if I can get another pair of eyes on this for you, because honestly I'm feeling stumped.  I know when you first posted you were doing a 4hr first A time and maybe that's really where she should be.  It seems really long and I think she was OT overall at that point, but maybe we just need to figure out the second half of the day better, idk. :-\

At bedtime she will sleep for a couple of hours and make the transition and other days wakes up after30-40 mins screaming and needing shush pat.  It can take her 20 mins or so to settle her- she seems angry.  Is she ot or ut?  She has been doing 2-3 hr stretches- killer!  We do nursing and shush pat depending on situation.  Could she be ut going robed? 
It sounds like OT to me.  I really don't think she's UT going to bed... she's had a lot of A time throughout the day and not a long, restorative nap.  I wonder if maybe she's a backward 2-3-4 schedule type.  Meaning 4hr first A, 3hr second A, 2hr to bed... I know I've seen another LO on here like that before.  What do you think?

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We have been giving her infant Motrin before bed and in the middle of the night.  I think she might be getting more than 4 upper teeth- I see some white swelling at 2 other spots!

I have been going crazy with this so after looking at old post and such I do think. She is ot for bedtime and naps.  Today she went for nap 1 at 3hrs45 mins which produced a 38 min nap.  She woke quiet and happy and chilled in crib for 15 mins or so until I got her to feed her.  I know waking happy and chilling in crib is usually ut but I have been told it could be ot and I am thinking she might be that.  I also decided that even if she doesn't have sleepy signs, I will put her down at around 3 hrs for 2nd nap if she short naps.  I think she may have been ot because she would go down at 3 hrs15/20like yesterday and it gave a 28 min nap.  Today she went down after her 38 min am nap at 2 hrs 50 and so far she has been sleeping 41 minutes so we will see.

Last night we revamped our routine and put her down at 2 hrs30 min rather than 3 hrs or later which is when we thought she showed sleepy signs.  She put herself to sleep in just a few minutes with little fussing and made it thought the first cycle so that was good- no wake-up after 30-40 minutes.  However, she woke after 1 1/2 hours.  We shush patted to sleep.  She slept for another 1 1/2 hrs and woke again and I nursed back.  She slept almost a 4 hr stretch then and woke and I nursed again.  She woke when I put her in crib, fussed for a few minutes then chilled out in crib and put herself to sleep about 15 minutes later.  I am. Using way more than normal just because she is teething and because she needs sleep and I know she can fall back asleep quickly rather than shush pat for 20-40 minutes.  I am prepared to handle this prop after teething.

I thought her night would be better because we put her down earlier and hopefully not too ot.  I can't tell though if it is teeth or ot.  She definitely wants to be held more at night.

Anyhow, I am going to cut back on all awake for the week to test it.  I am getting nervous that we are repeating the issue we had earlier when we thought she could stay up for 4 hrs.  I am going to put down for am nap around 3hrs30-40, pm nap if short nap at 3hrs and bedtime if short nap at 2.5 hrs.  We are desperate so willing to try anything- what do you think?

Thanks for your help.

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I think that's worth a shot and it is more age-appropriate. I also think it's good that she didn't wake 30-40min after BT. I just don't see much of a pattern in her A times and naps, so it's really hard to tell what's right (and I know that's how you're feeling too). :-\

It's also really tough when she's teething so heavily, because that can definitely throw things off. My DS got 6 teeth from 7.5-10mo and it was rough. I also had a bit of a nursing prop from that, but it was easily dealt with afterward, so I wouldn't worry about that.

(((Hugs))) hon, you're doing a great job with her!

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Hi there!

I read a few of your posts and I hope you don't mind I am joining in with me thoughts :).

It seems to me like you are relying too much on her sleepy cues (which are not reliable at this age anymore with most babies) and jumping around A times too much trying to figure out the right one. That's fair enough ;) but if you give one A 3h, then the next day you jump to 3.5h, then the next day to 2.5h 'cause none gave you good naps - you will not see a pattern and you are actually confusing your LO like that. You need to give her a chance to set her body clock.
She is around 8m, right? So to do that I would have all her A time at 3h, which is the lowest at her age. I would do it like this:
10-11:30 nap (can also be 2h)
11:30-14:30 A
14:30-16 nap (can also be 2h)
18:30-19 BT
The 2.5h A time before BT seemed to work well for you then I'd try and stick with that if possible.
If she will not nap for 1.5h for her nap I would try and stretch it by whatever works for you now (either ST or props). Personally I think that she is too old for Shush-pat and most babies this age find Shush-pat stimulating, but if it works for you then continue with that. If not then I would use PU/PD.
You try and settle back to sleep for 40min and if it doesn't work then you take her out of the room and start your A time, probably shorter than 3h 'cause she didn't sleep enough.
You do that for 4-5 days and then if you still get short naps you gradually start increasing her A time - first to 3:10h, then after 4-5 days you go up to 3:20h and so on. You stop increasing A times when on the 4th-5th day you start to get restorative naps - 1.5-2h long.
That's the only way I can think of that you can find out her right A times. I know that it's like starting from scratch but it's methodical, yk? You give her enough time to get used to each A time during those 4-5 days, preventing her from getting OT and then moving on.
What do you think?

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Thanks for the extra set of eyes.  I def timely think she is way overtired by the end of the day and that is why is is doing manly 3-4 hour stretches!

Yesterday I put her down for first nap at around 3 hrs30 and it took a few minutes but she put herself to sleep.  She woke at around 35-40 mins during transition but put herself back to sleep.  In total she slept 1hr4 mins.  With the sleep not being seamless transition I think she was overtired but not too overtired that she completely woke and couldn't go back to sleep.

So, today I have decided to try putting her down at 3 hrs10 with hopes of her falling asleep by 3 hrs 15.  I think 3 hrs is too short for her.  She played and crawled around in the crib for about 5 mins and started crying/fussing and finally fell asleep on her own at around 3 hrs23.  I think she was a bit undertired when I put her down.  Anyhow,she slept 45 mins started pulling herself up in crib and fussing a little.  I will let her chill for for 15 mins (1 hr total in crib) unless she starts really crying.  If she does 45 min naps what time do I put her down for the pm nap?

Last night was bad- she has a 20 min pm nap.  We put her down after 3 hrs25(after 1 hr 4 min nap) and she played for about 5 mins then crying.  We let her try to sort herself out for 10 mins total then went in to pick up and shush pat.  She finally fell asleep at 3 hrs 3 hrs45 mins.  We thought she was ut going down then got ot in the 20 mins it took her to settle.  But now thinking she could have been. Ot the whole time?  Our LO has short sleep cycles so 1 hr15 is two cycles for her.  We thought having an hour nap she might be able to handle full activity and she didn't show sleepy signs (I know they are not reliable!)

We put her to bed at 2 hrs45 and I am pretty sure she was way ot at this point looking back.  She is throwing us off because there was a period of time where it seemed she wanted a long awake even if she short napped in the pm so we are nervous to put her down too early.  However- I know now that a 8 1/2 month old cannot make it 2hrs45 after a 20 min nap and at the end of the day.  What time do you think would have been the appropriate time to put her down then?  She woke happy from am nap and screaming from pm nap.  The ore question is that she woke at 7:50 yesterday so we didn't know how it would effect her if we put her down after 10.5 or 11 hours of sleep.

At nightshe has been waking 3 times a night.  She screams when my husband picks her up to try to soothe and shush pat her.  He will try to shush for awhile and it will take her forever to get back to sleep.  i feel like sleep is very important and for the most part after nursing she seems to be able to go down.  As soon as she gets in my arms she calms then I have been feeding her- dealing with that prop after this issue!  I have been dealing with her crying as soon as I put her down, I have tried putting my hand on her but she seems to get energized when she has a visual of me.  She smiles and coos and gets all excited en ed when I don't pick her up.  How do I handle this?

We want to try pu/pd but don't know when to start.  3 teeth just broke through this past week and it looks like she has another 1-2 in the works.  Is it best to wait or try to handle now.  Tis teething, excessive waking has been going on for 3 weeks and I am afraid she is getting used to being held, nursed, and me coming to her when she cries but I know sleep training is not recommended during teething and milestones ( she just started crawling and pulling herself up).  Also she. We do pu/pd how do we do it?  When she flips to her back and just smiles and pants at me what do I do.  Just stand there u til she really cries, calm her then put her back down?  And how does pu/pd work if we don't even know if we are putting her robed at the right time?  Can you do it if she goes to bed ut or ot?  I feel like we can't start sleep training until we know when to even put her to bed!  It's beyond frustrating.

Thanks for your help!

Offline katie80

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If she does 45 min naps what time do I put her down for the pm nap?
I'd go for somewhere between 2h30m-3h. The other day you said she feel asleep around 2h50min after a shorter morning nap.  How did that nap go?

But now thinking she could have been. Ot the whole time? 
Yes, that would be my guess.

However- I know now that a 8 1/2 month old cannot make it 2hrs45 after a 20 min nap and at the end of the day.  What time do you think would have been the appropriate time to put her down then?  She woke happy from am nap and screaming from pm nap.  The ore question is that she woke at 7:50 yesterday so we didn't know how it would effect her if we put her down after 10.5 or 11 hours of sleep.
I would say no more than 2.5hr, but I would have done everything I could to extend that 20min nap as that just puts you in a pickle.  It's actually quite normal to put a LO down after only 10.5-11hr of daytime when the naps are so short during the day.  I always think of a later wake-up like that as a head start, because a shorter day is actually easier to do, then.  And often, LOs will end up making up for the lost day time sleep when they are put down earlier for the night.

I have been dealing with her crying as soon as I put her down, I have tried putting my hand on her but she seems to get energized when she has a visual of me.  She smiles and coos and gets all excited en wee*ed when I don't pick her up.  How do I handle this?
Is this after you feed her? TBH, if you're ending up feeding her at each of the NWs anyway, I'd just do it and not have your DH try to get her back to sleep first.  This will hopefully mean she doesn't wake as fully and more easily falls back to sleep.  If she's smiling and cooing, I'd just take your hand off her and maybe take a step back and disengage (try not to look at her in the eyes, etc). When she gets mad, then try to settle her in the crib, pick her up if needed, but then put her back down and try to settle her in the crib again.

Also she. We do pu/pd how do we do it?  When she flips to her back and just smiles and pants at me what do I do.  Just stand there u til she really cries, calm her then put her back down?  And how does pu/pd work if we don't even know if we are putting her robed at the right time?  Can you do it if she goes to bed ut or ot? 
It's up to you if you are ready to start now or not.  Theres no point in starting if you don't feel like you can carry it through.  When you say 1-2 teeth more in the works, do you mean about to cut or you can see them under the gum or just swollen?  For PUPD at this age, you don't pick up and wait til she's calm to put back down.  You will pick up when needed (so not if she's just babbling and cooing at you, then I'd step back like I mentioned above), say your sleep phrase and then put right back down and attempt to settle her in the crib.  You don't have to have a perfect EASY for PUPD, in fact rarely anyone does.  But, she's already going to sleep independently for naps and BT, no?  So, really you'd only be doing PUPD to extend naps and/or at NWs.  So, if she wakes UT and is not crying, you just leave her.  You can try PUPD when she starts to cry, but if it doesn't work after 20-30min, get her up and do A time.  If she's OT, she may fight PUPD the first few times, but eventually should learn to go back to sleep with that little bit of help.  Here are the guidelines for PUPD for each age: How to PU/PD (inc age adaptations)

I hope that helps... will be interested to hear ISA's opinion as well.  Please let us know what other questions you have.

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Yesterday I put her down for first nap at around 3 hrs30 and it took a few minutes but she put herself to sleep.
So, today I have decided to try putting her down at 3 hrs10 with hopes of her falling asleep by 3 hrs 15.
That's what I meant by jumping between A times. If you want to get to her exact A time, the one that gives you a full nap, then you'd really need to stick to an A time for 3-4 days and only then increase it again.
I would say no more than 2.5hr
I agree. 2.5h A time before BT has worked well for you, I will not offer any longer A than that.
She screams when my husband picks her up to try to soothe and shush pat her.  He will try to shush for awhile and it will take her forever to get back to sleep.
That's what I meant in my previous post - she is probably too old for Shush-pat and it's just stimulating her. It also sounds to me like there is some pattern there that daddy tries to settle but LO knows that after a while mommy will come with some nice milk so I'll just cry 'cause I anyway get it. Like Katie said, if you are anyway going to feed then I would feed straight when she wakes up at her NW because there is really no point in letting a baby cry so much and wake so much in the middle of the night if you are anyway going to feed her eventually. This is in no way a failure or a bad things, many parents choose to feed at all NW or most of them because the baby goes back to sleep easier like that and choose to focus more on the day routine.
But if you want to start and wean the NF, if you want to try and extend naps, if you want her to learn how to fall back asleep in the middle of the night independently then I would give PU/PD a serious try.
My DS was already pulling himself standing in the cot at this age so we had no pick up at all anymore. I would just lay him down again and again, no eye contact like Katie mentioned and using your sleepy phase again and again. The first few nights can be difficult, but IMO it's worth it - everybody start to sleep better :).
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Another rough night.  We put her down at 2hrs55 mins after her pm nap of 40 mins.  I think she was likely overtired but she was able to put herself to sleep in 5 mins pretty peacefully.  We had a longer awake because her pm nap ended at 3:05 so we were dealing with putting her down at 5:30-5:45 and it seems too early.  She woke after 26 mins, shush patted back to sleep, woke again 3 hrs later, nursed then tried putting down a lot but she kept crying and pulling herself up to find me.  It took over an hour to finally get her down.  She woke again after 3 hrs30 which I nursed for 10 mins and she went back to sleep for 2 1/2 hrs but the last couple of hours she would cry out in sleep continuously- not just once or twice.  She was asleep so I didn't go to her.  She woke at 6:50.  In all, 4 now- killer!

I moved the awake from 3hrs30 to 3hrs/10-15 and plan to keep it at that for the week.  Yesterday i put down at 3 hrs10 and it took 13 mins to fall asleep and she slept 45 mins.  Today I put down at3 hrs15 and it took less than 10 mins to fall asleep and she slep for xxxxxxxxxxxx.  I will try this for the week to see what kind of results come up.

Yesterday after her 45 min nap I put down at2 hrs55 and she played a bit then fussed for a total of 10 mins then woke after 40 mins.  She was fussing and roaming around crib- as soon as I turn on the light she is a happy girl.  I know it is crazy but I felt she was undertired for that nap but obviously I am having trouble reading her.  Her naps yesterday would indicate ut, right with the 45 and 40 min nap?  She fussed a little but as soon as I get her she is happy so I feel like the fussing is more because she wants to see me because she is happy then.  She fell asleep yesterday at 3 hrs22 and today at 3 hrs23- could that time be her sleepy time?

I assume all the nw are overtired?  I do think she is going through separation anxiety- she flips over as soon as I put her down and crawls to the ottom of the crib and pulls up to peer over the bumper.  I tried to stand over her last night during a nw after I nursed her and put my hand on her but she was again happy and smiling.  I have tried two nights to put her down and leave the room but she just cries and cries.  For the most part when I pick her up she will be sleeping or calm in my arms but then wide awake when I put her down.

My husband and I decided to do pu/pd starting this weekend.  We are still trying to figure out how to do it.  She puts herself to sleep for naps and bedtime but it is e excessive nw we need help with.  When she wakes crying we will pick her up quick and put her down and say our sleepy phrase then leave or stay there?  Also, when you say resettle her if she starts fussing once you put her down and before she is screaming, do you mean shush pat or something in her crib u til she is asleep?  We have tried putting hand on tummy, holding hand, etc but patting on but/side seems to work best but I am not sure when we stop that.  Is our goal to put her to sleep or just to calm her.  Also- we only pick up if she is really crying, right?  Or is it a constant pu/pd with sleepy phrase?

Regarding the question about trying to resettle if she takes a very short nap.  I have done that by trying to nurse and she is wide awake.  I keep lights off and sound machines on but she is wide awake- and this is the pm nap.  If I try to pick her up and shush pat she smiles and is squirmy in my arms.  I usually just leave her in the crib (an hour so if she naps 30 mins try to leave for another 30 unless she is crying).  She use to fall back asleep if she was ot back in the day but it has been awhile since she did that. Also- the teething question- 2 uppercut through and it looks like another one is about to cut through the gums.  She has white on her gums in 2 other spots.

Really appreciate your help.  She went from waking once a night for a 10 min feed to waking up 3-4 times and staying up for upwards to an hour or more during the night!