I am glad you took a break from worrying today
If he does a short night again, you could tentatively plan to push the nap out by 15mins. Keep it at 45mins. Not too many changes at the same time cos then you wouldn't know what worked and what did not. I say tentatively plan because, it could change depending on how he is tomorrow as well. I mean, if he is falling over and is a danger to himself, then just let the poor boy sleep 😛 but plan enough so that you won't lie awake at 1am worrying. I used to do that a lot
or lie awake in the mornings just looking at the video monitor expecting him to early wake 😀
It could be another plan too. But just pick a plan and know that whether it is the right or wrong plan, you would finish it knowing what worked and what doesn't. So don't worry too much about picking the absolute right one. It really is a process of elimination. Some moms know their LOs really well and gets it right really fast. I take forever as I always pick the wrong plan. By the time I get it right, it only lasts a few weeks as my boy is ready to change his sleep needs and routine and I go bonkers all over again. Lol!
So breathe mommy, you are not alone