Marti, I'm going to translate Gejun's replies.
She wrote:
The last few days there didn't seem to be any long NWs, that's why I would like to continue to try this routine. Even if he isn't LSN, i think the methods mentioned in the book to help LSN kids to restore sleep will be able to help my LO, so I want to continue to try. About WU, I want to verify the time in order to prevent sleep in due to NW. If he can only sleep 11hours, till 6am, due to NW, would 6-6:30 still be considered sleep in? When he has a good routine, i think it is ok to be not so rigid, but now following this routine, don't I need to stick with a fixed time to avoid sleep in? It is because I found out that if he sleeps till 6:30, he will refuse the afternoon 20 mins nap. If he wakes at 6, he usually will not refuse that nap. Please check with Marti.
My lo is an independent sleeper, no dummy or any other comfort item, room is dark, when he wakes in the night, he almost doesn't cry. Sometimes he cries once and then goes back to sleep. he doesn't need anything from me. if he wakes for a long time, i try to comfort him or feed him, still he will not go back to sleep soon, he might even get unhappy. How should I respond? I am worried that if I over react, it will disturb him.
From 5.5 months, he stopped night feeds and STTN for 11 hours. No night feeds since then. In the morning, he plays in his bed and not cries for people.
He eats a lot. Day time he takes 800ml milk and quite a bit of solids.
(Marti pls check the Eat amount on Gejun's original post)
I don't know how much solids to feed him, especially in the afternoon, feed until he stops eating? He usually doesn't refuse, seems like he will take everything offered to him. Sometimes when I feel that it is quite a bit, so I stop, he doesn't seem to want more, do I need to feed more? Day time nap short wake up, can it be caused by hunger?
Another of Marti's question: night or day sleep, I put him down, when there is no crying, night time it takes 3-8 mins, and day time he is usually very tired and falls asleep very quickly. sometimes takes about 10 mins, not crying, is that not tired enough? if he cannot fall asleep within 2 mins, is that a problem?
If NW is long, what should I do to resettle him? I don't seem to have any ways to help except to wait till he falls asleep himself, as he doesn't cry and i feel that he wants to go back to sleep.
(the following is the next post)
Furthermore, when carrying out a routine, what should I do usually? Put down at the set time? or put down a few minutes before to let him fall asleep? Is it true that when we do set bedtime, after 1-2 weeks transition, he will then fall asleep very quickly? Otherwise, how can you tell exactly how long he sleeps? Unless I wait in his room? ESpecially this can affect the time for the next nap. If he falls asleep within 2 mins, then I can set an alarm to wake him, when he gets used to it, will he wake up himself? I want to know what Marti would do. She seemed to have wake her LO up for first nap, or is this the usual way?
(That's all from the two posts)