Please translate for me , I am really need help now.I don't know how to keep consistent, for wu and BT, WU is time he wake naturally?急需帮助,这几天情况很糟糕,我好像没有弄明白怎么 保持一致性来发现问题
给他的活动时间从3到3.5个小时的话,是从他自己自然醒开始算,还是从一个大致设定的时间算?第二个小觉从第一觉醒后算吗?晚上睡觉时间从第二觉醒后3到3.5个小时吗?It's getting worse, I must doing something wrong, my poor baby, maybe I am not consistent, should I let him sleep as he want after a poor night?
from Tuesday, we regigned from 20mins short nap routine since he suddenly cried out loud from noon nap for two days.
I just flowll a classic routine too see what happened or you can give some suggestions.
but on the first day, I got a longest NW for one and half hour, then following days were also bad, mutiple NW, some short, some long, and Ew with NW.
BT;19;00, asleep at 19:09 (he kept be conscious till BT, and yawns around 18:40 after last bottle of formula )
NW : 4:00~5:30
During this one and half hour, he Chatted, seems happy, then quite, roll over, no cry. I had thougt he would be asleep soon when he was quiet, so I don’t want to disturb him, but soon he roll over or chat. At 5:30, he was asleep finally.
WU: 6:30
S:10:20~11.50 wake up
S:15:00~15:30, wake up ,he was tired at 14:30
22:35 Cried and asleep one hour later
Wake at 3:00,4:00,5:00, finally wake up at 5:35
S:13:30~15:00 (I wake him to protect BT, but he was so tired at 18:00 when had formula, asleep at 18:20
Wu :5.20(NW AT 3:00, 4:00,each 20mins)
It seems if l let him sleep as much as he wanted, we fallen into a circle , day nap compensated poor night sleep?
How should I start a beginning now?
despite the poor sleep, DS's mood is OK.