Sorry to read of your not so flash day out
S: 8.37am; asleep 8.52am - 9.28am
UT nap - not surprising with the short A time
* lay quietly 9.28-9.38am before crying
If you're going to resettle, do it when she's still quiet - its much easier than once she's upset. Trust me, it won't always be required but it will help her get more sleep and then be better at resettling herself due to not having competing OT and UT in her system.
* pat trying to resettle from 9.40-10.00am
Really good call to stop here, hats off to you for your perseverance, seriously!
S: 11.16am; asleep 11.26am-1.30pm (woke happy laying quietly)
Awesome nap
This is after 2:25 A time following a short nap. That's a lot at this age but could be a sign that she's a high A time, long nap kind of girl. I'd like to see a more consistent attempt at A times of 1:45ish before jumping this far though, as it may have been a crash nap, from the OT accumulation so lets not read too much into it right now.
S: 2.48pm; asleep 3.05-3.35pm* pat trying to resettle from 3.40-4.00pm
Could overstimulation have been a factor here? Just wondering as otherwise it seems like OT length which is odd given the long nap and short A time.
Then the end of the day was a bit of a write off
Ok, so I think your A times a wee bit haphazard here and that's making it tricky for all concerned. Also, with that in and out of bed with little more than an hour between through the afternoon, its so hard to tell if the protesting is just "why am I here again" or "I'm tired" or what, yk? Partly witching hour, too, I'm guessing...
Alrighty, what I'm going to suggest is watching the clock, then watching DD - When she wakes, note the time and then work out 1:45 from then. Watch the clock til 10min before that time, then start watching DD for cues. If she is grizzly or upset before then, change activity - more likely boredom, discomfort or some other upset rather than tiredness. If she doesn't show any cues, put her down for a nap at 1:50 A time (so you're watching for cues for 15min in the window when they're most likely to come, least likely to be anything else and sill giving her an age-appropriate opportunity to sleep). If she short naps, reduce A time by 15min, so start watching for cues at 1:20 from when you stopped resettle attempt and PD at 1:35 from then. Is this doable?