Oh Bec, I'm terribly sorry for your loss. Absolutely no need to apologize.
I pushed the A times considerably to 2hr45 up to 3hrs again after advice on another thread and all that I was left with was a short napping (1hr15min MAX but mostly 30ish mins), overtired mess of a baby. We're sitting at around 2hrs20min into bed to bring total A to around 2.5hrs. Except for bedtime. Hubby's been putting Audrey into bed at the 2hr mark and she'd been drifting off quietly and within 10 minutes. Last night we pushed to 2.5hrs and she struggled a bit, whinging/moaning and taking a little over 20 minutes. Looked and sounded much like how she settled this morning but only after 2hrs20 minutes where she's woken crying after 30 minutes.
She's waking once in the night which I know is normal but she's not taking a big feed (anywhere from 90-180ml, major differences each night). Should I try and cut this feed out do you think? Perhaps this would adjust her appetite during the day which is ZILCH, with or without solids.
Tuesday 22/3
WU: 6.50, fell back asleep until 7.40. Hubby accidentally woke her.
E: 180ml
E: solids, a few tsp of apple and BLW (toast crust and a piece of orange)
Nap 1: 10.00; 10.05-12.13
E: 100ml (took over an hour).
S: 2.38; 2.45-3.19.
S: 4.24-5.07
^^sleepy sound cries in my arms.
BT: 7.15; 7.27
NF: 2.40 (180ml)
S: 3.00-7.10
Wednesday 23/3
WU: 7.10
Nap: 9.33; 9.38-11.08
Nap 2: 1.32; 1.37-3.48
BT: 6.27; 6.47 asleep after whinging and moaning.
NF: 2.25; 2.35.
S: 2.45-6.55
Thursday 24/3
WU: 6.55
Nap 1: 9.25, 9.30-10.00. Woke crying and is now lying there awake, chatting and crying.