Good plan, I'll do that.
Friday was an absolute mess with a short morning nap in the car, a long almost 3 hr catch up nap and then screamed the whole 2hr drive home. Since I have to make that drive once a week it would be nice if she could fall asleep without hassle or I'm bound to have an accident soon.
Today however after she wok and entertained herself early, the day went like this! What do you make of it! All in all it was perfect in my opinion but I can't get out of the house and drive around at 5/5.30/6 for a crappy nap that may or may not happen!
Interestingly since I offered a bit of solids at each meal today she slept properly. Probably won't happen tomorrow but I'll take I'll take it today.
NF: 10.30
NF: 4.30
WU: 6.30 or earlier laying quietly or chatting away
OOB: 7.00
E: 8.00. Breakfast. I completely skipped milk since I'm sick of fighting her and instead gave her some baby porridge and Apple (made with formula) that she smashed
S: 8.48; 8.55-10.55. OOB 11.00
E: 11.00 full bottle!
E: bit of solid for lunch
S: 1.10; 1.20-3.20
E: 3.30 full bottle
S: the most difficult sleep EVER! went out to the park and pushed her around in the pram (no luck), drove home and after a cry she fell asleep 10 mins at the absolute max from 5.45-5.55 roughly.
E: 6.15. A little rice cereal and some fruit
A: bath, massage, pj's
E: 6.50.
BT: 7.13; asleep 7.35. Quietly chatting and drifting off.
NW: 3.48. Woke happy? Then crying escalated so i fed her
WU. 6.35, chatting and happy but fell back to sleep at 6.55! Woke her at 7.20
E: 7.30, 50ml top up
S: 9.30; quiet in my arms shush/pat but cried and fussed. Slept from 9.35 but was awake when I checked the monitor at 10.20. Laying awake, no crying but has the hiccups! Amazingly she managed to fall asleep again by herself from 10.40-11.20
E: 11.30, full bottle. Some solids.
S: 1.20; 1.30-3.35 (had to wake her!)
E: 3.30, most of her bottle
S: we'll see!! Lol
Do you think I have her A time WAY off. Has she extended already or do I need to pull A time back? Hmmm, coupled with the catnap issue I'm SO confused. Perhaps she thought the additional morning sleep falling back to sleep at 7am was her first nap? I wasn't sure what to do there.
Sorry, would love your thoughts!