Well, I'm counting tonight as a success, even if I didn't really "get with the program"
Last night, DD finally fell asleep at 640, and was restless (I pinky-ed her at 800 and 900) and nursed her 140-200, and at 500-510.
She woke for the day at 710. I had planned on trying to switch to one nap, and not start PUPD until she was established (which I know could take weeks). But you were right in that when I put her down to nap at 11:10, she woke again at 1140, and I couldn't extend.
She looked tired during lunch so, I took her back up at 120 to try for another nap, and put her in the crib. She basically rolled around, pulled up to stand and played in her crib with the room lights off and sound machine on... quietly and calmly until 200. I didn't try to pinky or nurse her. At 200, she didn't look close to falling asleep, so I took her downstairs. She played, had a snack at 300, and we tried for another nap at 330. She eventually fell asleep with pinky 350-440.
Had dinner at 600, and bath at 700. Was in the crib at 730 and I let her roll around for a while, until she got a little fussy, and I was prepared to pinky her again. She took it for about 5 minutes, and then rolled away. Hugged her bear for a while, did a bit of whining and buried her head in the mattress. And fell asleep. Without actually having my pinky in her mouth for the last 5 minutes or so before drifting off at 800 And without crying at all. I'm saying prayers of thanks for small successes. I know this "doesn't count" as she did take my pinky, but this gives me a lot of encouragement to keep trying.
I'll do my best to not rush in tonight if she wakes, and see if she can get herself back to sleep.
And tomorrow, I'll try for two naps again. Just not sure how much morning A time to give her, as we had been doing 3.5-4.
So glad that DH is being so patient with me and my indecisiveness and stressing over DD's sleep. And really glad that I listened to my mommy instincts as I found a new tooth popped through overnight last night.