How long is it acceptable to him in bed for in the am? This morning I didn't get him out until 7 so a whole hour - mainly because I'm suffering from severe back pain and couldn't actually move when I heard him wake up!
To be honest I do agree with Sara that this was actually a really good day. You say he must have been OT, but you did get a really good night, with no OT NWs so really the complaint is that it is too early for you. I do sympathise with this as I'm not a morning person either. I have a couple of suggestions:
1. Accept the earlier mornings. Try and change your own body clock by going to bed earlier and learning to live with it. He may just be an earlier morning kind of person; or
2. Leave him in bed until you're ready to get up. When E went through a patch of 5.30WUs without crying I left her to it and although I couldn't properly sleep as I could hear her I did doze in and out and physically my body was still resting.
I can't choose for you which is the right one. It is for you to work out what works best for your family.
Now the next thing I have to say is a bit off topic and I hope you will take it in the caring way I mean this, but I am more concerned about you really than your DS's sleep. I have had a look back over the pages of this thread and to be honest if my DD had slept as well as your DS during those months of her life I would probably be happy. I think I have said it to you before sweetie, but at some point as parents we do need to accept that our children are people and we only have limited control over what they choose to do, and this includes how much sleep they are getting. Your lovely boy is very clearly not in need of more sleep than he is getting at the moment.
So, my thoughts then turn to how you are coping with it. I hope you don't see this in any way as critical as this is not how I mean it. When DD was tiny I suffered with some fairly major anxiety and I recognise similar feelings in your posts. Do you feel ok? I have asked before is there is anywhere you can get more support, and I mean practically and emotionally, but I can see my question on this was not answered. Do you think perhaps speaking to someone might help with your anxiety around DS's sleep?
I am happy to continue to support you here with queries about sleep, but I do feel you would benefit from some in real life support with coping with the lack of control that we parents have over our loveable but frustrating LOs.
What do you think sweetie?
Many many (((((hugs)))))