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Offline sophieandhannah

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #465 on: January 10, 2006, 20:08:47 pm »
I must have mentioned it at chat??  Anyhow, she took the kids to the grocery store and wanted to get Sophie a "treat" so she got her some baby food custard...not a big deal, just not something she has had before and not something I would probably choose to give her just because of the sugar.  I realize that she will have loads of sugar at some point but I figure at least while I "control" her food intake I like to limit her sugar so she doesn't get a taste for it (if that's possible with a mom like me).

That was it.
Thanks for asking...

Hmmm....I seem to have a lot of time to visit with you girls today...hmmm...


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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #466 on: January 10, 2006, 20:16:03 pm »
oh okay, i left chat early cause my friend was over....

oops, i'm supposed to be cleaning but i had to pop over to naps and here i am back with you girlies...
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Offline Little Bear's Mum

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #467 on: January 10, 2006, 20:33:56 pm »
ok, trying Traci's idea of having 2 windows open, see if that makes reading/typing easier..... here goes.

Karen, would love those recipes and the meal planner by Annnabel Karmel. I'm going to buy her book in Auckland, but they have to order it here and I"m not sure which one to get the Superfoods one looked good on the website. I'll give the curry a go today. Sorry I chose/told Nikki the wrong DH for you from the photos  :oops:

Daniel's 9 months old today so his birthday is 11 April 2005.

Richelle, thanks for the finger foods, look good, I'll have to try some today. I think I'll try whole milk in eggs instead of formula, maybe that's why Daniel won't eat eggs.

Just put Daniel down for his first nap and I plan on cooking up a storm for him thismorning. DH is home until 3pm today as he's night flying, so at least he can help out with Daniel if I haven't finished cooking by the end of his nap. I should have though, all going well. Hey, I might even make it down to the gym. We'll see.

Right, better go then, kitchen to clean up before I make more mess.
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline sophieandhannah

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #468 on: January 10, 2006, 21:27:38 pm »
Happy 9 months to Daniel (and Sophie tomorrow?:) ) They have the same birthday :)

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #469 on: January 10, 2006, 22:14:48 pm »
Hey, there.  Well, we've had a bugger of an afternoon over here.  Ryan took a 2 hour am nap  :roll:  since Mummy fell asleep too  :D .  Then, we ran errands and all that.  Kept him up until almost 3 hours (didn't seem tired due to long am nap) and he fought me until he had been up for over 4 hours!   :shock:   His usual is 2.5 hours between naps.   :?   I'm just sure he'll give me a 45 minute nap...which is fine, but so frustrating when you work nearly twice as long to get it.  *sigh*

Ankie, that sounds like a better night to me.  Keep it up!  Think I'll have my afternoon snack when Ryan eats his dinner (an hour before dh gets home, so we can't all eat together  :( ).  Hey, any excuse to eat, right?   :lol:

(Okay, I am a bit stressed/frazzled from the nap fight and apparently am compensating with a gazillion emoticons...sorry!)

On another bummer of a note, I think I'll have to bow out of the b-day cards/postcards, due to busy-ness and lack of cash.   :cry:   I'd feel really guilty if you all sent Ryan cards and I didn't return the favor, so no worries about us.  I know how much you all love me even without the cards.  I mean, really, who wouldn't love the person who is on here night and day spouting off like an expert?   :lol:   I love the ideas of posting pics of our houses and areas, though. 

Happy 9 months to Daniel and Sophie!  Which Sophie is it, btw?  The tickers are all messed up.  (Probably not Hannah's as she put a  :?:.  Duh!) 

So glad to hear about Lisa and the swim lesson.  How cute is that?   :)   Can't wait to hear from her soon! 

Richelle, thanks for the recipes!  I saved them right into my recipe file on the computer so I don't have to look back.  You are an amazing lady to do all that and start a business.  Color me impressed!  Can't wait to try some of them soon.   :)

Erin, so jealous of the stroller-cize.  Ours at the Y is right in the middle of Ryan's nap.  I did go back to my early am aerobics/weights for the first time in 2 weeks.  Yikes!  I'll be sore in a few hours I am sure. 

Michelle, don't be embarrassed that you don't know about the US/Cuba thing for two reasons:  1.)  You are neither American or Cuban  2.)  I don't even know the deal that well.  I think it's due to their Communist government.  We really get a bug up our butts about that one.   :wink:

Well, we've gotten to the 40 minute mark, ladies.  Keep all your parts crossed!!!
Lots of love and hugs and hoping you don't think I am the evil party pooper due to the card drop-out!   :D

Offline sophieandhannah

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #470 on: January 10, 2006, 22:22:57 pm »
It is actually my SOphie btw...saying HBD to my own kids :) :oops:

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #471 on: January 10, 2006, 22:59:17 pm »
Michelle:  I keep meaning to say that I am a half hour flight from Cuba and before Sophie that was the 'weekend' place, I call it the lake  :wink: !  Sorry, maybe it is a Saskatchewan thing to go to the lake on the weekend but that is my joke amd I am sticking to it!  Anywho - we will be soooo close but sooo far!!

Happy 9 months to Sophie and Daniel!

<img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie First Birthday tickers" />

<img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers" />


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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #472 on: January 11, 2006, 00:12:59 am »
Hey girls!  We're back into routine today with DH back at work...I've been a bit BWed out, so good to have other things to keep me busy (not that I don't love you all, but you know  :wink: ).

Well Miss D seems to think getting up at 5.15am is now the go!  And it's getting darker now in the mornings, so much less appealing.  Nathan had another rough night, I can't figure this kid out.  :? 

As much as I would love to receive cards from you all, I'd feel really bad not doing it in return and unfortunately it will be really costly for me and we're on a bit of a tight budget.  :(  I'm keen to share pics of the house or whatever else - you know; the lounge, where we all sit and have a coffee or wine together!  Not to mention the lovely view off my deck out to the hills.  :wink: 

Thanks for that finger food attachment, will have to check that out later.

Has anyone tried baked beans?  I've been doing them with Danielle and she loves them. 

Ummm, what else....oh yeah, Danielle's 2nd tooth is about to cut, all very exciting....someone was asking about Nathan and oats and what the deal is with him?  Sorry, I can't view back too far and I'm on slow dial up: He has coeliac disease which isn't actually an allergy, it's a genetic auto-immune disease - so it gets called an intolerance, but really it means he needs to be 100% gluten free (found in wheat based products, barley, malt, oats etc - kind of limited in a lot of foods, but it's actually no biggie on a day to day basis, just social events suck big time) for life for it to not continually damage his body (repeatedly exposing him to it can increase the chances of bowel ? cancer), it could also mean stunted growth if the food isn't being absorbed which can start to happen with just a few crumbs of gluten containing food.  Oats:  I don't think there are gf oats, it's controversial as to whether they are a problem or not, but it's assumed not to use them at least at the start of the diet.

Anyone else who's still breastfeeding finding their boobs have shrunk recently?  :x

Offline Jayri

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #473 on: January 11, 2006, 00:23:37 am »
hey girls....I was just wondering about the card thingy, mainly cuz I got myself an Anne Geddes birthday calendar.
I roughly know what is going on with everyone, I try to keep up at work.
At times I feel a little lost on here as it is so long between my posts..some days to be honest i can't keep up.
Thanks for the compliments on the kids is looking like Jay loves to do art work at his daycare, we have the front of the fridge decorated in things he has done there...makes me so proud to see how well he is doing is a lot of cash to hand is $230 a week for the two of them, jay is $130 a week, we ger reciepts for him, but not for Ri, as the lady who has her takes in kids to top up her pension..
Riley is chugging away on her solid foods here, she likes mandarin oranges, peaches and pears all diced up for fruit, I cheat for her meat meals, and get her the 12mth toddler food from heinz, she has eaten veggie burgers, can't get  her to slow down on those, oh and also I foung these fries with the skins on. made by macain....soooo nice, has so much more flavour than the ones without the skins on....
k...I am up for now, I will try to pop in in the morning and see how many pages you fine ladies added on tonight :lol:  :wink:
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline Colesmom

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #474 on: January 11, 2006, 00:24:17 am »
now that you mention it nikki...i think they have :roll:
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<img src="" alt="Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker" border="0"  />

Offline Jayri

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #475 on: January 11, 2006, 00:41:47 am »
me too nikki, I thought it was just me slimming down a little....I am not complaining, man those suckers got HUGE :shock:  :shock:
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01



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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #476 on: January 11, 2006, 00:49:10 am »
Naomi, I've just noticed that you're a "mum" not a "mom" - have you said in the past that you're British?


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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #477 on: January 11, 2006, 00:55:27 am »
I'm here!! :)  I can't believe I've been away from this thread for LESS than 24hrs and you gals have chatted up SIX pages!! Crazy!

Nikki I noticed yesterday afternoon I managed to put on a t-shirt that was previously too tight.  It could be because it was later in the day though not sure.  Gosh I hope the boobs are shrinkig I hate these big things!

I had another thought on the 'thank you' stuff... I've noticed at young children's birthdays and such that when they get a gift they love they are all excited about it - you can see it on their face and then when they are told to say Thank You *some* children just loose all that excitement and it feels awkward for me too.  Just something I've noticed.

Can't remember who mentioned they were giving bites of orange and pcs of cantelope.  Kaia and Hannah LOVE cantelope - it's the only thing they eat so far where they are happy the whole time eating it.  And today at lunch they were making noise at my orange so I gave them some of the fleshy part and they were THRILLEd with it.  Didn't give too much orange though.  But the cantelope is a huge hit - AND Zoe's now on to it too - she used to hate it!! Nice to have a new fruit for her to eat.

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #478 on: January 11, 2006, 01:45:45 am »
Quote (selected)
I think it's due to their Communist government. We really get a bug up our butts about that one. 
Kate, I laughed for about 5 minutes after reading this.  Ain't it the truth?  When Katie takes long morning naps these days, I find that getting her down for her afternoon nap is just about impossible - she always goes down late and doesn't nap for longer than 45 minutes just about ever.  OMG I am SO sore from the stroller class. 

Nikki - Thanks for your answers to my various questions - roughly 5 pages ago, things go so fast around here.  I know who you mean - Rod Stewart's former wife - can't remember the name - will have to listen to her speak the next time I see her on tv or something.  I also think you may be right about Katie's jaw just shifting around right now.  And my boobs are smaller too, though they shrunk a bit when I dropped to feeding twice a day.  Oh and I thought of you today as I was cooking my dinner and one of the packages that I was using said "gluten free".

Hi Naomi - glad to hear the kids are doing well!

Happy 9 months Sophie and Daniel!!  :D

About the cards - I've got a thought - what if we type up something and put some pictures of where we are on it and email it to each other as an attachment.  That way it wouldn't cost anything and those of you who are "keepers" can print it out if you like and save it.  (For me, Katie's lucky she has a baby book, scrapbooking is just not my thing.)  To be honest, I was thinking homemade anyway when we were doing cards, as buying all those cards was way more money than I wanted to be giving the card store!  (Am I explaining myself well, I'm not so sure?)

Oh and whoever pointed out that oranges usually come in syrup, thanks for that.  Just realized that the mandarins that I bought are floating in sugar.  I'm so happy you're all here  :D   I made Katie dinner tonight - no parts of it came out of a jar - to be quite honest, I don't think I ever realized normal people cooked food for their babies instead of feeding jarred.  Apparently I've led some sort of sheltered life. 

OK, I will stop monopolizing now.  DH is away for 2 more days - been gone since Sunday morning *sigh* - hats off to you ladies (Micky, Hayley) who regularly deal with missing DHs.

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March/April '05 Thread #4
« Reply #479 on: January 11, 2006, 02:01:16 am »
one more post before I go to bed, it may be a late night tonight, alexander with colin farrell in it is on...mmmmmmmmm
Nikki, I was born and raised in the uk...
for som reason I wanted to pop on and add that on.....nighty night girls
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01
