oh, I hate the eye teeth, Noah had them all cut in 10days!
well, it turns out he had thrown his lovey overboard and wanted it back! he still protested when I left, but he was asleep about 12:55 or so and I woke him 2hrs later, probably a bit late for a 7pm bedtime but hopefully he'll be asleep by 7:30ish, we'll see.
ok so thats what I hate, early wake, very short am nap, too late of a pm nap---and I really would like him up 2:30/2:45, so thats he's asleep by 7:30pm (as he's always awake by 6:30ish).
tommorow I'm offering 10min, 4hrs after waking(so 10:30) and obviously if he hasn't slept by 11am---then he can have his nap at 12, and I'll move bedtime up to 7pm.
good luck with the long stretch til bedtime, at least he's had a lot of sleep in the last 24hrs! Noah can't do those.... (and either can I )