Welcome Andrea
Have you looked at the fingers foods for young babies thread on the main feeding solid food board? Loads of ideas there. There is so much you can try. I would avoid the muffins for a while yet seeing as he's only just starting out.
When we first started, sweet potato "chips" were a hit...just drizzle with olive oil and bake in the oven. Although now I have discovered sweet potato makes him constipated
Probably just had too much! Steamed broccoli is also a good one, as well as blueberries (halved and squished slightly), ripe pear & steamed baby corn. Has he got his pincer grip yet?
I forgot to mention....have tried J with tomatoes now and he was fine
Have ordered some Whiting from the organic company that delivers our fruit/veg etc so will be making some fishcakes this week.
ETA: Have also started giving Shredded Wheat soaked in OJ for breakfast...not avoiding wheat totally now. Adds a bit of variation!
Also, am going to try dropping to 3 bf's today...he's just NOT interested in either the 11am or 4pm feed, regardless of solids amount. Might as well try for one good feed at 12 rather than 2 rubbish ones of mostly foremilk