Not sure if this thread is still active, but thought I'd give it a shot! My son is almost exactly 24 months and has major sleep problems, going on for several months. In short, he is waking up about 1.5-2 hrs early in the morning and has been boycotting naps altogether. He is getting his 2 yo molars, has been for months now, and am not sure how/if this is affecting him. Teething pain hasn't been a huge issue for him when his others came in, but honestly it's hard to tell.
His routine:
4:15 am wakes up for the day (goal wake up time is 6, we have an early household). We cannot get him back to sleep. Wakes up screaming and very upset.
12:30 pm try nap (he is exhausted and lays down sleepy and content, and is screaming about 2 minutes later). Recently we've tried snuggling with him to get him sleepy, then lay down success. He is probably OT by this time, but that's bc his is waking up so early.
7pm lights out, always falls asleep immediately and is exhausted, sleeps though the night beautifully until 4:15-30 am, again, screaming.

I know he is not getting enough sleep and can't figure this out! Any tips? Do gro clocks work for this situation? Or is it something else? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!