Thomas generally at the moment wakes at 4am. He wakes screaming and yelling for me. I leave him a bit and then go in and put him into bed and say the same words as at bed time, night night sweetdreams love you lots. This goes on for 2 hours as he used to get up between 6-630 so I don't let hime come out of his room until 6. He then goes to childminders in the morning and she doesn't allow him to sleep until about 11 at the earliest and for no more than 1.5hrs but this can vary from 40mins to 1.5. That's him for sleep until bed time. Bath at 6pm then into his room to get ready for bed, straight into bed and I give him his milk while reading a story and leave him to finish his milk. This used to work no problem and straight to sleep when he finished his milk
He now can take up to 1.5hrs to stop crying and fall asleep. He does some nights wake in the night as well. He has always been an amazing baby and always slept through and gone to bed no fuss, just the odd short hic up but this has been going on for far too long. I have tried later bath times, deeper baths, hotter baths, shallower baths, horlicks in his milk. Please I will take any advice and try it all. I am a single Mum and this is slowly wearing me down and am having to take days off work to re-coup it's ridiculous
Thank you for reading xxx