Shiv - thanks hun - I do know he's not technically EW'ing, but rather we are in an early wake, early nap, early BT cycle. I am just so tired of it though. We've now spent 9 months of O's 14month life with really early starts to our day. Sleep deprivation is so exhausting, both mentally & physically & I've really had enough.
I agree I don't think O is a kid who tacks on,
so where does that leave us
As far as I see - and I think from your post you agree - we need to shift his day later. If I keep offering the nap after 5hrs A when he wakes at 5am then he will keep needing EBT & we will carry on getting an early start to the day.
So to my mind, there are 2 ways to deal with this.
1) push the nap later (gradually so as not to risk an OT nap), which should mean BT will also be later OR
2) like you suggest - stretch BT to a set time.
Is there a reason why the 2nd option is a better approach than the first? In the past when I have stretched BT as a means of shifting his day later it has always backfired & he has woken even earlier the next day through OT, so I am a bit hesitant to try it. Do you think its a less risky approach than pushing the nap out, b/c if if I push the nap too far he might short-nap & thus need an even earlier BT
I thought the former might be a more gentle way to do it than say 'ok you napped 10-12 but you've got to stay up til 7pm no matter what' IYSWIM?
TBH if you weren't so concerned about OT I would tell you to set the nap and bedtime and just go with it for 2 weeks but you have me terrified of how he is when he's OT
I am actually beginning to setting the times might be the best route. Its got to be more consistent than what we are doing now. I think I am brave enough to handle his OT. I think the worst bit is probably my guilt at how tired he looks as opposed to how he is in himself.
I think if things are still looking wonky by next week then this is what I may need to do. What time would I set the nap with a 5am WU though??? This is why I wondered whether saying nap is 11am (regardless of WU) & then gradually shifting it 5mins later each day would be the best idea, until its at midday. Thus its still a set nap as such, but we are working it gradually towards where it wants to be (after lunch). What do you think?