I also did an infant first aid course, DS wasn't happy in the creche provided so I missed most of it but the instructor made sure to do the infant choking part whilst I was in the room (with DS 'rescued' from the creche and snuggled in a sling). The only choke incident I had whilst feeding him was when I licked a piece of kiwi off my finger, size of a grain of rice, and then choked on it myself! Lots of coughing, struggling to breath, and DS looking a bit worried...we survived.
The very first foods were a bit of banana and then some garlic bread - not really what I'd planned at all it just turned out like that. Then baked apple and pear wedges, baked potato wedges, and quickly onto a full roast dinner including a piece of beef which he sucked and gnawed at until just a thin string of fat remained. At that age he would try just about anything, becoming a bit more picky around 1yo and more adventurous around 2yr 4months when he suddenly decided he liked lots of new things. I avoided peas, blueberries a similar for the choke hazard reason.
Enjoy it - it was one of the most rewarding aspects of parenting for me, so much fun!