Busy little posters today! :wink:
Ethan eats about 5 to 6 ozs at breakfast, plus puffs; 4 ozs at lunch plus puffs; and 6 ozs at dinner plus puffs. Can you tell he loves puffs? I'm trying to introduce more finger foods, but so far he's not having it.
I tried out a baby food dinner tonight of sweet potatoes and turkey. He ate the whole thing! I didn't know if he would eat it or not. He loves sweet potatoes, but the turkey thing I wasn't sure about.
Julie - I can't believe how much food Asher eats! I know it looks like way more than it is, simply because it's finger food, but still! And you know what, I think Ethan is probably around 22 lbs, so you're not the only one with a chub chub chub on your hands. (that's what I call him - he thinks it's funny).
Debra - I think you could try to top Olivia off with a small df early, maybe around 9 or 9:30 before you go to bed. Perhaps she's just not ready to drop that bit yet. Maybe when she starts eating more and more solids then she'll show you she's ready. Has to be worth a try at this point, eh?
Branwen - I love Eirwen's costume - it's so adorable! Ethan knows his name, but when he's playing, forget it. He will not pay any attention to you. It's usually when he's crawling or pulling up or something that he shouldn't be! And Ethan doesn't really like me to play with him. He's much more content to play with his stuff, crawl around, and pull up on everything in site. I notice that he will try and pull up on me (when I'm sitting on the floor) when he starts getting a bit tired and ready for a nap. For the most part, though, he is a solo player. I think that may be typical for this age. Also, we have the Baby Einstein saucer for Ethan. It took him a bit to understand that he could set both feet down. He had been in his jumperoo before that, so he thought he could bounce! Anyway, he loves it now, although he doesn't spend much time in it anymore. He'd much rather pull up on it from the outside! Ethan's is also on the medium height, although he'll soon be ready for the 3rd.
Heather - I personally love the plaid one with the bow. It's so cute!
Hazel - your story made me laugh! I've actually never been pooped on yet! A few pee incidents when Ethan was little. Nothing lately though!
Us - Ethan is till getting up about 6:30 the past few days. I guess that's better than the odd 5 or 6 am wakeup. Any why is it that when dh is home on the weekend, Ethan takes perfect naps, 1.5 hours or longer both am and pm! And then today, when dh is gone, he takes one 30 minute nap in the am, and 1 hour in the pm? It's so frustrating!
Ethan has not said any "words". Is anyone else's lo not "talking"? He babbles plenty, and says baba, yaya, etc. Just no dada or mama yet. He is just starting to figure out that mmm sound. It's funny cause he'll smack his lips together sometimes without speaking! I'm not worried about it or anything - he is plenty vocal - just no words yet. I read a poll somewhere that asked when your child said their first word, and most moms polled in at 4 or 5 months. I thought, no way! Maybe Ethan is just slow, but 4 months? Maybe those moms are a bit competitive? :wink: