I've still not worked it all out in my head at the moment Kara....as you can maybe tell by this point in time I really like to analyse everything and come up with logical patterns so that I can say x=y and y=z so today do x! KWIM? And this is about the first age/stage I have hit where that is not working.
You ask if anyone is pushing to 6 hours when LO looks shattered....we are pushing to 5.5 here. After too many days in the past 2 weeks of being determined that DS was exhausted and needed a short morning catnap, and having my hair pulled and eyes scratched out only for him to fall asleep easily at 5.5 hours and sleep for 2 hours, then I decided that no matter how tired he looks or how many times he yawns, I am pushing past it. It's not something that I agree with, in fact, I think that it is the absolute
wrong thing to do in a lot of ways - but I hold my hands up and say that it is what has started working so far.
I am trying to settle on that it must be similar to when LOs are younger and you're getting crap naps in your 4 month old who is still only on 1.5 hours A time...and you say, but at 1.5 hours he's TIRED and he goes to sleep instantly, so it MUST have been the right time! But the reality is, it's habit that is causing him to be tired and fall asleep at that time....so perhaps my/your LO just needs to learn to handle that xx amount of A time, consistently every day. Maybe I mucked it all up somewhere on the 2-1 road and didn't extend the A times properly....not sure. But at the moment it is one of my ponderings.
The other thing I am wondering -- you say your LO is rubbing his eyes. I know mine really does the eye rub when he is at the point of SO tired that I have to get him in bed
soon. Since say, mid-December, when things starting getting wonky with his sleep, I was convinced we had to go back to 2 naps because of all of the eye rubbing....and then I realised that it is VERY dry in our home with the heat on. It started making MY eyes dry and itchy and I realised one day that I was rubbing them the same way DS rubs his eyes. And the dryness was making me tired - not so much me, but my eyes. And I rubbed them a LOT. Is there any chance at all that this could be a factor? Just something to think about, that's all.
FWIW we had a 630-630 night last night. I took him for his nap at 1125 despite his head shaking and protesting no no no no, and put him in his cot, sat beside him telling him a random made up story ... as I was saying "and then the little boy slept for two whole hours.." he started shaking his head no no no again

and about 30 seconds later, was asleep. He slept close to 2 hours. I am wondering if some of my problems are too long of a wind-down, and/or taking him in to bed too soon before I suspect he will sleep. Meaning, what I had been doing was about 30 minutes before sleep time, would start stories and what not, and then 10-15 minutes before I wanted/expected him to fall asleep I was taking him to bed. Today I did stories 10 minutes before and took him to bed 5 minutes before....I have heard that spirited LOs need shorter wind downs so perhaps it is a possibility...again, just throwing things out there to you!!