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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #180 on: March 26, 2011, 00:20:16 am »
So Cadie's mum - you put your DS in the buggy for his nap and go out once he is asleep? My DS won't sleep anywhere but his bed. Sigh! I suppose if he was REALLY tired he would sleep in the car but he would have to be REALLY tired. Both my kids are real routine kids and like their wind downs...

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #181 on: March 26, 2011, 07:54:07 am »
I am APing both naps, I don't care, if I didn't DD's sleep would be even worse

Nic, that's exactly what I used to have to do with Ethan as it was the only way I could ever get out the house!

We're still plodding along mostly on two naps.  It's meaning only 10/10.5 hour nights but he's not ready for one nap so going with it.  Our day looks like this:

630am - Wake up
945/10 - 1130/1145am - Nap
345/4 - 430/5pm - Nap
8pm bed

I have done a couple of days where I've limited the morning nap to 30 mins but on one day he then refused a second nap so he had 30 mins of sleep all day  :o  I figure if he has a long morning nap and then refuses the pm nap at least he's had a long nap and then I do 6pm bedtime and he sleeps at least 12 hours at night that way.  This also works out round 1215 and 315pm school runs.  I do have to do one nap days sometimes due to after school activities but if it's only the odd day then he doesn't seem to get OT. 

Offline lulunut

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #182 on: March 26, 2011, 10:39:47 am »
Thanks to everyone!  It's good to know the support is there and we all just do what works for the best!  Hugs for all!!

Yesterday I did 11:30am nap 1 hour and 1/2 AP, 4:30Ap pm nap for 30 min to push his BT.  Bt was at 8 no problems he was tired.  STTN until 4:30am and AP until 6:30.  It seems 9-10hr is his time until this gets sorted out.  I am hoping it will only take a few days but at least I get them both on 12ish naps so I get some Y time!!!  That makes me happy!

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #183 on: March 26, 2011, 20:55:31 pm »
So Cadie's mum - you put your DS in the buggy for his nap and go out once he is asleep? My DS won't sleep anywhere but his bed. Sigh! I suppose if he was REALLY tired he would sleep in the car but he would have to be REALLY tired. Both my kids are real routine kids and like their wind downs...
Oh no sorry. DS only goes to sleeo in his cot at home and there is no hope of transferring him without waking him. I meant I go out in the buggy and he falls asleep while we are walking around. If I need to do food shopping or such I time it so we are out at a time he needs to sleep. Normally I can get home afterwards and have my Y time with him still sleeping in the buggy in the house. Then I can leave again with him still asleep in the buggy already. Otherwise I would just stay out if his sleep time was closer to when I needed to be out. If he is really OT he normally falls asleep within minutes. If he is UT or bang on his normal A time it can take 20mins or so. 
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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #184 on: March 27, 2011, 16:44:42 pm »
cc- I followed your routine yesterday, he had a 2.15hr nap (1.5) on his own!!!!  I wasn't sure when to do BT, I went for 7:30 and no later CN.  He cried out at 10pm but I didn't have to go in he stopped right away.  Then at 2:45 he screamed.  I did PD about 4 times before the toys started to be handed to me the jumping and chatting started!!!  By 4:15 I was holding him and he fell asleep in my arms so I put him down. He cried and I put my hand on his back and he settled.  I took up a spot on the floor until he was up again at 4:40.  That is when I brought him to bed with me and we slept until 7am. Baby 1 Mommy 0!!!  

So, in trying to stop the 5am, I tried feeding, stopped AP and just doing PD.  This has created huge step back.  He has severe separation anxiety again.  I have to start from scratch again! Off I go to find that thread!!!

So I thought I would extend his BT because he is doing about 8-9hours on his own and when he wakes make that his wake time.  And hope that it all works out for naps.  I am putting him back on two naps.

Today was a struggle for his 1st nap after 5A.  I think he was OS.  We had sports in the am and a visiter before nap.  

Wish me luck! Now 5am doesn't seem so bad!!!!

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #185 on: March 27, 2011, 19:21:42 pm »
Lulu - glad the bringing him to bed got you more sleep. I know you need it! This morning I was sooo tired when DS woke up at 6:15 (I know, not so bad but I was up twice with DD who is sick so I was still in sleep more!) and I nursed him in bed and wanted him to fall back asleep and DS was in NOOOO mood for that - playing, laughing, ticking DH! Funny stuff. Luckily DH took him downstairs so I could sleep a bit more!!!! YOUPI!
Mom of 2!! - DD: Dec 31, 2006 & DS: March 6, 2010

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #186 on: March 28, 2011, 03:57:58 am »
lulu- hugs, sorry it didn't work out for u, but yes, first few days in sleep training can get really ugly. I think mayb yr lo is OT after just one nap and not getting used to the long A and thus the NW?

My dd had a bit of SA 2 months ago, but glad it didn't last long, mayb a week or so, it's a phase and it will pass. I didn't try the WI/WO though, but I stayed by the cot until dd fell asleep, 30mins everynite for a week. Then dd decided she doesn't need me there anymore and I was dismissed.

Yesterday was a 2 naps day for us cos we had a false sense of security that the routine is running smooth and we can get out of the house and dd will stick to her normal nap time. WRONG! dd fell asleep in the car for 30min then woke up, had another pm nap from 2-4, pushed BT close to 10, STTN but woke at 6! only an 8hrs nite.  I told her to go back to sleep as it was too early for milk and she lied in her cot, quiet, babbling a little for 30mins, then she was up again.

How could 30mins day nap take away 2hr nite sleep? I just don't get it!

I am heading to get a trumpet!

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #187 on: March 28, 2011, 12:41:33 pm »
ccaawc - An 8 hr night?! Ahhhhh! A 10pm BT is pretty late - maybe that contributed to the 8hrs...? Maybe she was already a bit low on sleep so the long A time before BT was a bit too much for her?? Maybe she needs a shorter A if her naps have been less??

Last night DS slept 10.5hrs (as usual) but he had a 45 min AM nap (I woke him up) and a 2.5 hr PM nap (I just let him sleep!). So his combined total was almost 14 hrs (he has been doing 12.5 lately) so I was pretty happy about that. May just be a one day thing, But I feel like he caught up a bit on sleep! Hoping for some decent sleep. DD (who is 4) has a bad sore throat and now a cold so she has been waking me up a lot and I am tired. Such is parenthood!!
Mom of 2!! - DD: Dec 31, 2006 & DS: March 6, 2010

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #188 on: March 28, 2011, 19:10:03 pm »
Ladies, I've been gone for a while...what do you all think a 1 hour nap means?  It's after 5 hours A, he wakes happy, and then I try to AP a nap for 30 min. to get a normal BT but this doesn't usually work.  He's sleeping about 11 hrs a night...

Offline ~Karen~

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #189 on: March 28, 2011, 19:41:28 pm »
Kim - Maybe try putting him down a bit earlier and see if that helps you get a longer night.

I've been using the time change to try out one nap days again.  I've basically kept on a one nap day schedule that worked but now it's an hour later it works around the school runs.  So far so good but we're only two days in!  Just over 2 hour naps both days and 12 hour nights.  Will see how long we last for! 

Offline lulunut

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #190 on: March 29, 2011, 01:25:11 am »
Mama2c- I hope everyone gets better soon.  We got over colds a few weeks ago and no one slept much for 2 weeks!  Good thing for DH's when we need more sleep!  I love weekends for that!! Congrats on the 14 hr day!

cc-Thanks!  I am totally having issues fine tuning his A times.  I know he does 5 in the am but after that I am so confused some days!  I think he is now at 4.5 for both in the afternoon.  I think!!  What is SA?  A week!  Wow!  I like how you were dismissed!!  That is funny!  10pm is late.  I have found that since I have pushed his pm nap later he does about 3A time.  Maybe try her earlier if you get such a late nap.  I think someone said that already!  I don't have the answer for you but it sounds like something my LO would do!!

Kimmba-does your LO do this a lot or just one time?  This could just need some time to sort out where your LO needs to put sleep times.  My DD did that for a few weeks before it sorted out and she started doing 2 hour naps and 11 hour nights.

Last night was BT at 8:30, 4am wake.  I held him until he fell asleep and then once I put him down he woke up.  I wasn't in the mood to fight so I brought him into bed with me.  We have a mattress in his room so it's not OUR bed.  He slept until 6am. 5A, nap in car for 30 min and woke once we got to Grannies.  4A with 1.25 at Grannies she fought him for an hour!!  4.5A and 8:30BT no problems.  I am going to guess I get at least 1 NW!!!

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #191 on: March 29, 2011, 03:00:07 am »
Karen, I tried to do BT 30 min. early but he just stared at me until his regular BT :)  Basically, he had a 7 hour A time.

Lulu, he has done this all week.  I'm wondering if he needs more A time???  Is that even possible at his age?  I thought 5A was A LOT.  He does start to hug me a lot around the 5 hour mark, which usually is his sleepy cue.  So I keep putting him down then but then without fail he's up after an hour.  He's basically putting in 13+ hour days with one hour of nap.  I'm waiting for the OT meltdown, but hope to figure something out for him soon.  I try to AP a nap at about 4:30 and he'll get all comfy and sleepy, and as soon as I put him in his crib he wakes up.  If I hold him the entire time, he'll nap though.  So, I've done that twice this week.  Even with the CN he'll go to bed about 7:30ish.

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #192 on: March 29, 2011, 05:29:00 am »
Karen, I tried to do BT 30 min. early but he just stared at me until his regular BT

Lol!  Bless him!

Offline Mama2C

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #193 on: March 29, 2011, 12:54:07 pm »
DS is now on  this routine: WU 6:15, Nap 9:50-10:30 (I wake him), Nap 1:50-4:20 (he wakes up himself), BT 7:45...BUT that was because DD was sick and at home, rather than at school. Now today she is going back to school and so I need to pick her up at the bus and that means getting DS up at he will have 1.5hr of sleep instead of 2.5...WWYD? Should I put him to bed earlier tonight? 7 instead of 7:50??? I want him to get his solid sleep (doing great on almost 14hrs of combined sleep) but really scared he will stick to his 10.5h nights and be up at 5:30!!!
Mom of 2!! - DD: Dec 31, 2006 & DS: March 6, 2010

Offline kimmbba

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 3
« Reply #194 on: March 29, 2011, 15:01:37 pm »
I'd try early BT...but my LO would still sleep his regular time :)  All you can do is try though right??