I get all my info from Jude Blereaus Whole foods for children and also Sally Falons cookbook and reference "Nourishing Traditions".
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! I ordered it when I ordered the GAPS book actually. I've been making chicken soup stock with organic chicken bones like it's going out of style
(and freezing extra for Ds2 when the time comes to introduce solids)
I would agree about the "white" aspect of Failsafe, that part does throw me off a little.
But I agree w/ what you are saying Eloise, it's done for a specific reason to rule out the chemical sensitivities.
The thing I find contradictory in the GAPS diet to the Failsafe plan, is that the theory in GAPS is that all the "white" stuff (grains, refined sugars ect) feed the bad bacteria which is what's causing the holes in the gut (or leaky gut). And it's those holes that allow food proteins, chemicals ect. to pass freely into the bloodstream causing actual intolerences/sensitivities, kwim?
So we've decided to ditch all the grains and the sugars. (as per the GAPS plan) in the hopes to heal the gut. Replacing the bad stuff with the good I guess you could say. We are all taking good quality probiotics and I have some homemade Sauerkraut fermenting as we speak. I've also started making my own yogurt w/ goats milk for Ds1 and DH. It's a little runnier then "commercial" brands, but oh so healthy, and mixes very well with fruit.
I know it's kinda off topic for this thread, but I'm learning so much through this process, and I agree with what you say Jean, you have to tweak the plans to find what works best for your family. I'm still very thankful I have knowledge of RPAH diet so I can be more aware of the chemical sensitivities incase I find those cropping up along the way.
I'm on the skin database quite a bit!
That's a great link!
I think the stool testing is a great step forward Eloise. I'm going to keep plugging along on GAPS for a bit, but would like to do a stool testing for Ds2 down the road to see if we've "cleansed" his little gut. Its a little pricey here - about $300, but worth it, IMO.
Also Eloise, ikwym about wondering if you gave your babies the "bad" flora.
The ONLY difference between my 2 pregnancies was that with Ds2 I had to go on anti-virals for a short time (against what I wanted to do, but I really had no choice...) I never had to with Ds1. Anyways, knowing what I know now, I wonder if I damaged the good flora and Ds2 got quite a bit of the bad - thus creating the issues we are experiencing now
Well, I can't change it now but either way, I'm glad I'm now becoming educated about all of this so we can take steps forward.
I'm noticing huge strides in Ds2's health (yay!!).
Oh, and I can eat eggs again - another yay!! Passed that challenge!!
ETA: If anyone was interested, here's the basics of what we are following. Again, different from RPAH, so off topic, but it could be helpful to combine theories...