Jean, with the rice noodles, I've found the same problems. To reheat them as leftovers, I actually cover them with water in the bowl and warm them up that way--they come out great, kind of like recooking them, but its faster than starting from scratch.
Sherry lynn, that's funny that we're so close. We have some good friends who just moved to Watkinsville, so we might make it down to your neck of the woods soon, whenever Henry decides to learn to sleep in the car. I think our beef is also frozen quickly after processing, but couldn't find out on their website--I need to call the farm. I just worry that if it is amines he has a problem with (no reason in particular to suspect that, just no idea what is bothering his gut), then I'll never figure it out this way. I can get chicken day after slaughter--it just costs a lot more than I'm used to spending for chicken, even organic chicken. But it could be a treat a couple times a month. I wish money was no issue.
I'm going to hold out for another week or so, but then I think I'll be changing my diet a little to try to target some different things, I just don't quite no which way to go. But I can't keep eating so little variety for much longer. I just am unsure what the likely culprit is--I really thought it would be something like gluten, eggs, corn, chocolate--a whole food, but I think from what I've read, those things clear out sooner than the chemicals, so I should probably be seeing results by now (its been 12 days). I did just start both of us on probiotics (took awhile to get to the health food store), so we'll see if that will maybe help speed the changes along. We had a lot of mucous yesterday. . .